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This topic is funny....... its like a small community where people gossip and take every thing so serious as if it was the end of the world.....  2007 is still far from now'  lol'  i didn't know people actually still use VCR's? 

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they still make VCR's? Wow, what do they cost now? like $1.50? I can't even begin to fathom the sheer stupidity of some people in this world of ours.......they read or hear a little bit of something then they hear some computer illeiterate dumbass say "just like the Y2K scare!!" and all hell breaks loose and here we have the first of many <snip> to come and start this thread......thank you

ajb62787 for being an <snip> if not you, then some other <snip> out there, going nuts looking for the patch on every metasearch engine known to man, at this very minute would just do it instead of you.......go figure.

take care of the language, and no personal attacks allowed here

computer illeiterate dumbass say "just like the Y2K scare!!" and all hell breaks loose and here we have the first of many <snip> to come and start this thread......thank you

ajb62787 for being an <snip> if not you, then some other <snip> out there, going nuts looking for the patch on every metasearch engine known to man, at this very minute would just do it instead of you

First of all i am the one with the patch comment.  I am still certain that MS will release a patch at some point it should be a fairly easy fix and take care of the problem.  I am sure that every news website will carry the story when and if a patch is released.

However, my second post in this thread does have some thought behind it.  Companies do have legacy systems running still..  For either custom software or because they can not afford to get new equipment.  So replacing the software code was expensive and difficult to find people who knew the programming languages for the y2k fix.. and that was 6 years ago.  In the end of the day everything will be fixed or a work around will be instated..

ajb62787 did have a point.. this new bill does have some effect on everyone.. will it cause y2k^2 i doubt it

Swimmer is right, these crap legacy systems will bunk up ordering/shipping/datestamping.

I'm just used to doing IT for business's that have money, and use newerish equipment. Not every business/company is a startup using crap equip. BUT for those using legacy systems, i see that being a main point of problem. Otherwise, just bump your date/time back to normal.

OMFG my Xbox is going to be an our off, and "won't someone please think of the tv listings!" er I mean children .


:haha: :haha:

:haha: :haha: :haha:

:haha: :haha: :haha: :haha:

Seriously though, we got a year and a half, don't worry.

But then again.... :computer::confused2:

honestly, the 'critical legacy systems' borking stuff up sounds like not much of a problem. if the buy order goes out realtime, the timestamp won't much matter. if it does, it will be in utc, or should be, so noone will give a rats ass about daylight savings time anyhow. as for microsoft issuing a patch for my vcr, i would hope not, i don't need drm on my old taped sitcoms, thank you very much.

Oh my GOD I only have 1 year and 7 months to figure how to set my computer time forward an hour... and last but not least just another clock to have to screw with before I go to bed that night...isn't that just the US government for ya...always trying to make it harder on the working man :haha:

This topic is funny....... its like a small community where people gossip and take every thing so serious as if it was the end of the world.....  2007 is still far from now'  lol'  i didn't know people actually still use VCR's? 

lol...your crazy foo! you don't tape the simpsons???  :lol:

swimmer...what doesn't say micrrosoft on it? :D

considering, time is JUST a measurement, and NOT anything tangible.

whats the problem.

The world needed more people thinking like you during Y2K.

The problem with this change is so many things we use everyday rely on accurate time. It's kind of like a Y2K7, except only about a 10th the size/problem.

water, shelter, food, basic necesseties of life,

if you die coz you're ebay delivery shows up later then it supposed to, you suck,

if you die coz there is no electricity for 4 days, you suck,

if you die coz you can't drink bottled water, you suck.

as far as shelter, if u don't already have a home, underpasses work great.

yeah, y2k was a problem because it had the potential to affect the processing of information due to the reasons we all know, but this thing, some clocks maybe being off by about an hour, and that only until a herd of nerds runs through the datacenter resetting clocks ( i know it would be done from central control, couldn't resist the herd of nerds).

see yas!


holy sh*t man!!!! 3 PAGES??? THIS IS STILL GOING ON???? GIVE IT UP DUDES!!  :cool:


oops, damn CAPS LOCK...I HAte when THAT HAPpens.

what do you mean, give it up. THIS GUY SAYS MY TiVo MIGHT BLOW UP OR SOMETHING.

Like that's end of the world. It'd be worse if your monitor blew up and you wouldn't have any replacements.

I keep on clicking on Modify when I want to quote someone. :whaa:

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