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Well welcome to the forum. Unfortunantly for you, although I post here alot, I am basically a dumbass. So if I could answer your question I would. Lucky for you though there are alot of smart people here that I am learning from. I just come here for the company in between sessions of work, eating, golf, dogs, and begging for sex. :lol:

:haha: <----Is it just me or does this guy look like he bent over in the shower of a Super Max Prison.

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:haha: <----Is it just me or does this guy look like he bent over in the shower of a Super Max Prison.

uhhh....that's just you. And stop scaring the new guy! He's gonna get the wrong impression.

Hello there new guy. Welcome. Don't mind us and ignore my avatar, it's not what you think.

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God, my forum is a bunch of goofballs - it's like a friggen circus in here now....


KICK ASS! :twisted:

:haha: My kinda people :tongue:

:lol: Yes CA3LE GUY it is very cool, I have always thought its important to take the work seriously but not ourselves.....and some of these new guys are way off the hook....... The only problem I can see for the future is when breeding time starts :P

8) Microwave

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Ok 1st i im a newbi and i apologise if ive started a new thread and shouldnt have.

To keep it nice and short, the thing is i live in England and i just wanted to know is there anyway of Tweaking the speed settings with a NTL set top box? if so please can u tell me how. thanks Lordzauron

Look at that sticky "Before you post......." in make it faster topic

Btw look at link below, one of NTL customers sending feedback to NTL :lol:


VanBuren :)

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Look at that sticky "Before you post......." in make it faster topic

Btw look at link below, one of NTL customers sending feedback to NTL :lol:


VanBuren :)

WOW --- that guy had his thesaurus handy for that letter ;-)

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What do you mean tweak it through your set top box --- are you talking about the box on your TV ~ I don't know how they do it there, but the cable boxes here have nothing to do with your cable internet connection. Some DSL providers who offer cable I have heard do though ~~~ could you please elaborate on what you are talking about?


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