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Its the same thing as listening to the radio

Not unless your paying licensing fees. Listening to the radio is completely different than creating or being a radio station.

Im not using it to distribute lol,its going to be on my site and people can listen to it

It's illegal to publicly distribute copyrighted music

Nope,theyre not going to download them at all,every time they view my page,the music will play without downloading,kinda like streaming

Not unless you pay the artist to allow you to stream the piece of music

Blurr you are incorrect, Music DRM's and movie DRM's differ, You are allowed to broadcast/stream music which you do own, you cannot do this with movie's.

You cannot do this with music either, not legally, not unless you pay Soundexchange (the RIAA), BMI, ASCAP and an agency called SESAC.

The inherant problem in all these debates is that you are providing music, which if it is sold in stores to be distributed is now being played publicly without the artist being compensated.

RADIO STATIONS pay fees to play the music they play to the songwriters and performers, that's why they buy the licensing they buy.

People who stream this freely WITHOUT paying licensing fees are illegally distributing copywrited music. It doesn't matter if you are hosting it or playing it on your myspace accounts.

You are breaking the law, quit trying to find a way around it.

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You are breaking the law, quit trying to find a way around it.

Someone needs to try 2 foind ways around it

i found this out in both life and computers there are always loopholes and ways to exploid them

just look at allofmp3.com

legal because of an exploit

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Not unless your paying licensing fees. Listening to the radio is completely different than creating or being a radio station.

It's illegal to publicly distribute copyrighted music

Not unless you pay the artist to allow you to stream the piece of music

You cannot do this with music either, not legally, not unless you pay Soundexchange (the RIAA), BMI, ASCAP and an agency called SESAC.

The inherant problem in all these debates is that you are providing music, which if it is sold in stores to be distributed is now being played publicly without the artist being compensated.

RADIO STATIONS pay fees to play the music they play to the songwriters and performers, that's why they buy the licensing they buy.

People who stream this freely WITHOUT paying licensing fees are illegally distributing copywrited music. It doesn't matter if you are hosting it or playing it on your myspace accounts.

You are breaking the law, quit trying to find a way around it.

Even if I legally own the music..which I paid $30 for

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People wouldnt be breaking the law if there wasn't any ;) heheheh - i disagree with everything man - music should be free - i understand that artists must get their share from selling records, but i totally support music sharing - everyone should get a chance to enjoy the new hit song without buying a complete album with 9 songs that blow a$$

....too many god damn laws in this country - people are getting fed up with it, you cant do this, cant do that - thats why people will be always finding loopholes and ways around the law

its a never ending game ;) - and i am one of the players ;)

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People wouldnt be breaking the law if there wasn't any ;) heheheh - i disagree with everything man - music should be free - i understand that artists must get their share from selling records, but i totally support music sharing - everyone should get a chance to enjoy the new hit song without buying a complete album with 9 songs that blow a$$

....too many god damn laws in this country - people are getting fed up with it, you cant do this, cant do that - thats why people will be always finding loopholes and ways around the law

its a never ending game ;) - and i am one of the players ;)

Same here lol..once you start the game,theres no going back :haha:

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Even if I legally own the music..which I paid $30 for

Yes, because you aren't paying the artist who is entitled to royalties, which they don't get when you illegally distribute music.

That's their job, and you are taking away their paychecks.

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People wouldnt be breaking the law if there wasn't any ;) heheheh - i disagree with everything man - music should be free - i understand that artists must get their share from selling records, but i totally support music sharing - everyone should get a chance to enjoy the new hit song without buying a complete album with 9 songs that blow a$$

....too many god damn laws in this country - people are getting fed up with it, you cant do this, cant do that - thats why people will be always finding loopholes and ways around the law

its a never ending game ;) - and i am one of the players ;)

That may be how you feel, but it doesn't make it any less illegal, and the repercussions will get back to you.

If you choose to break the law, don't go whining about how you got caught.

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