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Hey Van,

I used Fedora Core 2 for a while on my ex's computer, and liked it.

I learned a lot from it, I ran it alone on that machine, though, so I can't help with the dual boot.

BTW, the Linux PC is now gone (so is the ex) and I have been thinking of doing the same thing as you want to with the latest Fedora Core 4.

Both my HD's are formatted NTFS on my current PC, so I would have to reformat #2 as FAT32 in order to run Linux.

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Guest helloimtim

You could always try a live cd first to see if you like it before installing to your computer.  There are tons of diffrent ones out there and they are free. I hear allot of good things about mepis. It is supposed to be about the easiest for begginers. Just my 2 cents. Oh the live cd will let you run lynix without installing it to your harddrive. Kinda of a test drive type of thing. Try a few diffrent ones and see what works best for you. As fast as your connection is it would not take alot to download a few then burn to disk.

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I have used Red Hat Linux and the only drawback was, that I had to boot into Red Hat with a floppy, fortunately there are dist. releases wherein you can boot right into Linux from the selective screen when you power-up your PC. Also The Fedora Project is the free descendant of Red Hat Linux. As most computer enthusiast know, you can have a lotta fun using Linux ( I personally use SuSE now). Here is a link to Linux you may want to take a look at: http://www.linuxiso.org/


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Suse Linux Live CD ran with no problems on my first try.

This has a pretty nice GUI.

Not sure if I would use this version so much, I used the Fedora Core 2 a while back to run an FTP server.

The server side helped me learn the command line interface, permissions, etc.

If I am only going to browse, etc., I will stick with Windows.

But, something different to experiment with.

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Hey Van, I'm running a version of linux right now its called Gentoo its a bit more advanced than other most linux distributions but I suggest if you are ready to install a linux OS on your system i would recommend that you install Fedora Core 4 it walks you through the installation and it also partitions the drive for you so it is a pretty simple distribution of linux but at the same time you get to know linux a little bit. By the way I do dual boot with Windows XP home edition the bootloader is called GRUB there is also another one which is called LILO but I think when you install FC 4 that should all be taken 

care of, Im running Gentoo linux with the Gnome Desktop manager but there are also other Desktop manager's in linux

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Suse Linux Live CD ran with no problems on my first try.

This has a pretty nice GUI.

Not sure if I would use this version so much, I used the Fedora Core 2 a while back to run an FTP server.

The server side helped me learn the command line interface, permissions, etc.

If I am only going to browse, etc., I will stick with Windows.

But, something different to experiment with.

SuSe is VERY good Fedora Core is a Slow Distro because of how things are puled together in it i personally like Gentoo but SuSe is VERY good too

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