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I was wondering who is actually elgible for verizon fios. I live in a small town but im movin to norfolk viginia and i thought i would be able to get it there, but norfolk still isnt elgible and its in the to 75 largest cities in the US. Maybe it just wasnt in the area of the city i tested? So i was just wondering what lucky people out there are elgible.

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being in a large city probably means that you wont see FiOS for a while due verizon having to wire Apartment Buildings and such, your best bet is a suburb. Just as a side note, a Chinese restaurant, that is about 10 or 12 minutes away(great sesame chicken) is now giving out Verizon FiOS boxes, so I am assuming my area should get it soon. I'll have to call and ask sometime.

The problem with FiOS right now is it's a needle in a haystack, especially in a town you don't live in now. Hunting for it by town, city, or zipcode won't do much for you, since it's built out 1 CO at a time.

Pittsburgh has FiOS. But Allegheny County has over 50 COs. Over 30 are considered city and near suburbs. It's lit in 4 COs with 4-7 more in various stages of build out. Beyond those COs, calling yields no information.

I'd suggest looking here: http://www.dslreports.com/forum/vzfiber Put Norfolk in the search box at the top right, and scan the threads it pulls up. Where the starting points (CO) are, and the direction they go in to the next one (CO) make sense only to Verizon.

If and when Verizon FiOS comes to your area, it won't be sneaking up on you. Verizon does a very good job of lighting up the newspapers with full page ads, TV commercials, and even go as far as hiring those mattress delivery trucks to carry their banner up and down the strteets. Thel'll park those banner trucks at street coners in the mnorning during rush hour. You'll see Verizon trucks and trucks marked 'Verizon Contractor' eveywhere for months. Once they start an install in a town or area, they go out of their way to let eveyone know. They do want to sign up as many subscribers as possible. You'll KNOW when it is in your town. Until then, you'd just be wasting your time.

  • 2 weeks later...

^lol blunted...i live in NYC too, and i live in Queens and its available for me...but what really makes me mad is the fact that.......Optimum Online cable isnt available for me, its only $50 a month for a 10mbps connection...and its available in all bourough except queens and manhattan...this is so gay, its also available in long island...a town really close to me...

If and when Verizon FiOS comes to your area, it won't be sneaking up on you. Verizon does a very good job of lighting up the newspapers with full page ads, TV commercials, and even go as far as hiring those mattress delivery trucks to carry their banner up and down the strteets. Thel'll park those banner trucks at street coners in the mnorning during rush hour. You'll see Verizon trucks and trucks marked 'Verizon Contractor' eveywhere for months.

I have seen a rash of Verizon trucks around here lately but I dont see no way(in a very hot place) that we would be getting anything like FIOS as we are a rural area that just managed to get DSL available for most.. But on the other hand I dont know whats up here especially since Sprint is our local phone carrier...


  • 1 month later...

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