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my topic was removed. i was not notified. what is going on? we had a serious discussion going on. i want some answers

I locked the topic and another mod removed it. Not only do we not allow threads/polls of that subject matter, but we also do not take personal attacks for granted.

I did actually notify you of why it was being closed in my final post, but you didn't get a chance to read it as the topic was removed because of the content.

I'm sending you a pm of my last post. I don't expect to see it reposted on the public boards either.

organ_shifter you sent me a pm just now. saying my tactics were childish? how dare you  i simply posted why he was disrupting the forum. people voted. and they voted for a ban.

im done with this forum. im really sorry to see it happen but i will not be part of a forum where people like that are heralded as some kind of untouchable god.

organ_shifter you sent me a pm just now. saying my tactics were childish? how dare you  i simply posted why he was disrupting the forum. people voted. and they voted for a ban.

You are not the one to decide that, nor the people voting. Thus, such a poll is just wrong.

im done with this forum. im really sorry to see it happen but i will not be part of a forum where people like that are heralded as some kind of untouchable god.

Really? Goodbye then.

rayray909: Freedom of Speech does not exist on fora. The admins decide what's allowed and what's not. If CA3LE for example decides to ban discussions about cheese, then you will be banned if you discuss about cheese, with the topic quickly removed from public view. We're not evil mods and admins, and you're allowed to a lot compared to some fora. But, personal attacks are not allowed. They get messy fast, and I hate having to clean up the mess.

organ_shifter you sent me a pm just now. saying my tactics were childish? i simply posted why he was disrupting the forum. people voted. and they voted for a ban.

im done with this forum. im really sorry to see it happen but i will not be part of a forum where people like that are heralded as some kind of untouchable god.

I sent you a pm today because you didn't see the closing post from yesterday.

Creating a poll/thread that is disruptive in itself was not an adult thing to do. And just because a few users voted doesn't mean that the targeted member's fate will be decided by popular demand because of a poll on the general boards. Again, admins/mods make the final call on what is not good for the forum.

You are not forced to reply to any posts made by any member. If you have an issue with him because of personal attacks, you will still have to pm an admin/mod to resolve the situation.

I hope you can understand that, as moderators, we cannot allow any member(s) to degrade each other's character for any reason.

As far as you being done here, that's your call Elite.Pete.

I know that there is no such thing as freedom of speech on the forums and i also now that if you dont like watching a channel change to the next one ' right'  same as here if anyone is not happy on this site they have the freedom to choose between staying on or leaving but comparing to other forums this is the Brady Bunch od them all and i love it.... Here is a sample of what goes on on other sites and its allowed' i hate that site or the forums paart of it.


please remove this reply if the picture is too offensive..... i mean i know it is but just to show people how bad it is elsewhere...

Picture removed. Some people may find it offensive

I don't like Camembert , Brie ,Limburger  I think they stink.I like most other cheese & I'm not lactose intolerent .

I think Elite.Pete  should just stick around.I think the one that made the trouble has already left or registered under a different name.

I don't like Camembert , Brie ,Limburger I think they stink.I like most other cheese & I'm not lactose intolerent .

I think Elite.Pete should just stick around.I think the one that made the trouble has already left or registered under a different name.

I like most cheeses, but this one kinda makes the old tummy churn.  http://www.findarticles.com/p/articles/mi_m0JAW/is_2002_Summer/ai_89157430  :evil6:

Elite.pete.  Why not stick around awhile?  The mods are good, here.  Thats why it isn't absolute chaos and a flamefest every day.  I didn't see the thread, so I can't comment on it but to say from whats in this thread, I'd say it was not a good idea but now lets move on.   

that would be me i believe...i removed that thread...i thought i did pm you...i see now that pm'd crazy but maybe just didn't hit send message for urs...basically it just said everything that everyone has already said here...we  just can't have lynch mobs in here...or i should say we won't have lynch mobs in here...i can also say that u were edging towards putting urself in a bad position...

nuff said...

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