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got a phishing scam supposedly from paypal. the interesting thing is that while it's the regular please confirm, to confirm give us all your cc information scam, they have the normal pseudo paypal url and right under that the page displays an url that looks real.

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i know it's a fake, i just wanted to show others the new feature i hadn't seen before. the address bar looks like it is actually supposed to overlay the original one, which if it did would make it even a worse phishing scam.

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which leads me to the question is the card number sufficient to create an atm usable copy to use with the pin? i would think there is more identifying info on a debit card than simply that which is printed on it. if it's not sufficient, why bother tipping people off by asking for pin?

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That's a good question. They probably use them in a similer way to those "skimmers"( fake card readers fraudsters put on ATM's). I don't know what info is on an ATM/credit card, but it's probably pretty easy to look up and see which bank owns a certain set of numbers.

Now I'm gonna have to go and look up some more info. I'm very curious now.

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if you received that via e-mail. Paypal Will always use your full name that you put on file.

also the paypal address is simple http://www.paypal.com or if you are in doubt of the web site add the "S" on the http part "https"

hope this helps

what does putting an 's' in do???...http vs https???

i've been getting these...up the ying yang and have been reporting them all...and i feel sorry for all the newbies (yes there are people out there that are more computer stupid than me!!...can ya believe it?) ...out there that don't even know about phishing and reporting to paypals (and any other banks...for that matter) fraud alert team...it's very scarey...

resop...everyone knew that u knew this was a scam...they were posting responses to inform others less knowledgable...thank you for sharing this...

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so the 's' means secure???...i love it when i learn something new :)

Yes thats all the "s" means on the "http" portion

the next time you login on a website that you know have to be secured ex. your bank account

look at the address bar a see how it changes to https

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well, to be precise

any e-mail or pm you receive that asks you for personal or financial information should be considered fraudulent. in general banks and online services will not ask these things via email or on their webhsite.

if purchasing something online, some vendors allow you to check out with the order and then call in with the order number to give your cc information on the phone.

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in the past the put my account limited that prevented me from making purchase or if you have money on their system they will hold it. They will e-mail you with son BS saying and quote:

Your account access has been limited for the following reason(s):

Jun. 16, 2005: We have received more than one report of suspicious behavior from your buyers.

and don't even sell anything I just use their system to buy stuff. So watch out from paypal if you can stay away do it.

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also check this site out tells you horror stories that people been through using their system


on the frame on the right side has more situations that happen to people

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ive heard so many bad things about paypal, i would never put my CC information on theyre website  :nono:

I've used Paypal and Ebay for almost five years now. Ebay now owns Paypal. I have never had any problems with it. Maybe it's because I don't use it too much, but Paypal has never failed me. Besides, there aren't many other choices.

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Yea I know all to well I was getting phishing scams from these sites and I put an end to it all I quit E-bay didn't they cry E-bay that is and threaten me and every thing else if I quit E-bay. it was kind of a long story but I was getting it in my E-mail and that was enough for me. in other words if I don't have an account with E-bay pay-pal can't charge me with anything!!!

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