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Verizon FiOs Where do they offer it?

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Where do they offer verizon fio's, there speeds are incredible for there prices...    :)  I pray they offer it where I live.  :whaa:

You can check if you qualify right here http://www22.verizon.com/FiOSforhome/channels/FiOS/root/address_entry.asp?LOBCode=C&PromoTCode=FIOhp&PromoSrcCode=L&POEId=TL1HP

We were unable to find your address in our database. Please re-enter your address making sure to use a street label (St., La., Ave., etc.) or call your local business office to check availability. Verizon representatives are available Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. local time.

guess not at my house :( ... wait i'm sure i knew that...lemme check...nope in in my database...i'll have to check my local office...see if they know anything.:haha:

If it's not in your area, (no clue where u live)

January 3rd, Comcast highspeed cable goes like so:

Standard Teir: 8Meg/sec download 879Kb/s Upload (3/4th Meg/sec) $39.95 per month

Gaming Teir: 10Meg/sec download 1.24Meg/sec upload $49.95 per month

Business Teir: 10Meg/sec download 4Meg/sec upload $99.99 per month

Test Market:  25Meg/sec download 15Meg/sec upload $199.99 per month

Motorola SurfBoard 5120b Modem Rental all Teirs $4.95 per month

taxes ~^$5.95 per month

SO, this isn't in concrete, and isn't public knowledge, I'm relying on SWIM that works for comcast.

Verizon has completed a PORTION of it's fully fiber optic network in knoxville, ALL of the Farragutt area that's a part of its "Rollout market".

Now, I have a family member that lives in this area, He has a Fully FIber Optic Connection, even a SUPPLIED FiberOptic Gigabit Ethernet card..

I uploaded the entirety of Morrowind: ELder Scrolls III in 3 MINUTES, the game package is a gig and a half.. I mean dude. THAT IS INSANE.

He does some kinda work on the Nuetron Spalation Plant, Firing Nuetrons at each other trying to figure out the "Big Bang" theory....... whatever, they send and recieve .mcz's (very large animated renderings of particle bursts and plasma streams on the NUCLEIC level, beyond atom small, as in PARTS of the atom and RESIDUE from the plasma Smaller then the parts of the smallest atoms. Files that are between 5 and 25gigabytes each.

I wanna set up a counter strike and dod SOURCE server on that sh!t. I could probably run ten or twenty servers, it's beyond oceanic cable speeds.

He won't let me install steam and DoD: Source to at LEAST try out a VERY LARGE listen server, MUCH LESS sneaking a HLDS in there!!! that's what i NEED to do, sneak an HLDS install, and get some GOOD remote server software, make sure I have a HIDDEN and encrypted shell account. Make a Hidden/encrypted partition , maybe 5 gigs, for 6 HLDS's,

ASSUMING the hardware could handle it.


thats my fitty cent.

Ya with the "test package" you could. And sooner or later The 5/2 package will be bumped up to the 15/2 (lowest package) and then the users on 15/2 will be bumped up to 30/5 (What a tech said) Makes you wonder what the 3rd tire will be lol  :cool:

Ya with the "test package" you could. And sooner or later The 5/2 package will be bumped up to the 15/2 (lowest package) and then the users on 15/2 will be bumped up to 30/5 (What a tech said) Makes you wonder what the 3rd tire will be lol  :cool:

I wish my ISP did something like that :(

If it's not in your area, (no clue where u live)

January 3rd, Comcast highspeed cable goes like so:

Standard Teir: 8Meg/sec download 879Kb/s Upload (3/4th Meg/sec) $39.95 per month

Gaming Teir: 10Meg/sec download 1.24Meg/sec upload $49.95 per month

Business Teir: 10Meg/sec download 4Meg/sec upload $99.99 per month

Test Market:  25Meg/sec download 15Meg/sec upload $199.99 per month

Where did you hear about those speeds? Comcast's standard speed is 6Mb/768Kb not 8Mb/879Kb.

the 8Mb package wasn't quoted as standard was it? it should be quoted as the "Gaming Tier"

I'll check and edit if so

[move]January 3rd, Comcast highspeed cable goes like so:[/move]


as of now, standard is 6, gaming is 8, on Jan 3rd 06, it bumps to 8 standard, etc.


cable sucks for hosting games i wont ever get cable even if they offer more than fios or dsl cause it has higher pings and speed isnt garrenteed. IMO i wish all cable would die cause

Are you gonna finnish that sentence? lol.

Anyway, read Verizon's tos, they along with all consumer ISP's don't guarentee speeds or even 100% uptime either. If they did, a lot of people would be getting refunds on thier accounts, because they wouldn't be getting what their paying for.

running a HLDS only requires 4Mb/s down, and 1Mb/s up

HL2DS twice that,

DoD, twice that even..

I've successfully been running BobMarley Custom Maps 1.6 up until today,

when i decided to quit hosting a CS server, and moving it to a DoD:Source server,

I've got the 8Mb package, but i get a bit over a Meg upload. Sometimes just UNDER.

My system specs are light years ahead of the HLds req's.

but yeah, MORE UPLOAD DUDES>         

Are you gonna finnish that sentence? lol.

Anyway, read Verizon's tos, they along with all consumer ISP's don't guarentee speeds or even 100% uptime either. If they did, a lot of people would be getting refunds on thier accounts, because they wouldn't be getting what their paying for.

well i did but it said i posted it already and i didnt but my internet sucks really bad lately and i cant even ping anything.  so i guess it got lost

running a HLDS only requires 4Mb/s down, and 1Mb/s up

HL2DS twice that,

DoD, twice that even..

I've successfully been running BobMarley Custom Maps 1.6 up until today,

when i decided to quit hosting a CS server, and moving it to a DoD:Source server,

I've got the 8Mb package, but i get a bit over a Meg upload. Sometimes just UNDER.

My system specs are light years ahead of the HLds req's.

but yeah, MORE UPLOAD DUDES>         

HLDS Really dosen't even need 4meg Download, its all upload, hence wahat the players are downloading from your server.

I never said HLDS's ate up download, and I KNOW<

that's why I always bitch and say not even a 1`Mb/s upload is that great.

I got the new rollout package today,

Im getting 12 down and 2 up.

Uhh...they offer over a 10meg package? And I don't even think they offer over 1.5 meg Upload...(as far as i know)

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