wingzero2309 Posted November 20, 2004 CID Share Posted November 20, 2004 have found what seems to be a pretty good guitar to start with, and from the reviews it seemed pretty good for most people, but i still wanted to get the opinion of others Please check that out if you know a lot about guitars, and tell me if you think it is good or bad (keep in mind that this will be the first guitar i ever touch probably) i saw the thing on TV for this guitar too and it sounded pretty good, and i like how its acoustic and then wen u plug it in the amp it puts out the electric kind sound so, if u know a lot of guitars, please take a look and give me your opinion on wat you think Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
CA3LE Posted November 20, 2004 CID Share Posted November 20, 2004 I will forward this post to my friend, he know about guitars.... Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ecliptic Posted November 20, 2004 CID Share Posted November 20, 2004 Well I think the main thing you should look at is, what kind of music will you be playing? Acoustics are nice and all, but dont sound right/play right with certain types of music. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
unstable Posted November 20, 2004 CID Share Posted November 20, 2004 I disagree with ecliptic. I haven't played seriously in years but I started playing when I was about father taught me much. Acoustics are PERFECT for a beginner, because the strings are much heavier than that of an electric guitar, the frets are more pronounced and the action is set higher. Action is the distance the strings sit off of the frets... what does this all mean? It is VERY difficult to fret chords and builds tremendous hand and finger strength. Keep this in mind because in the end it will pay off, but for a beginner it's going to be discouraging. Now as far as the actual guitar you have pictured...I'd be a little weary of something like that...the reason is, I've never heard of Estaban and something I have noticed with El' Cheapo guitars is the keys are really loose and have a tendency of slipping...what this means is the damn thing will never stay in tune and it will piss you off to no end. I think that you would be best off...if you were serious about learning guitar, investing in a good well known name in guitars. Gibson and their Cheap version Epiphone, Yamaha, Martin, Guild, Takamine, etc. Although these can get real pricey real quick. It might be worthwhile buying an instrument off of Ebay...used. Some of the greatest sounding instruments were built by the masters hundreds of years ago.. -Also, if you scour ebay and the classifieds of your newspaper...even some local music and pawn shops, you are bound to find something that a STARVING MUSICIAN had to get rid of to pay the bills...happens all of the time. I hope this helps you. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ecliptic Posted November 20, 2004 CID Share Posted November 20, 2004 Dont get me wrong here unstable, I never said acoustics were not good for beginners. I just stated that for the type of music you play, acoustics dont play all types of music well. I personaly have nothing against acoustics, I would love to get an acoustic bass, so I dont have to plug in my monster of an amp(ampeg 8X10's) As far as never hearing of Estaban, hmm, he is quite a renowned classical guitarist. Peavey also makes a nice starter's, and Ive noticed that ernie ball has started their own line ( I want a sterling, but its $1300 ) Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
NoShow Posted November 20, 2004 CID Share Posted November 20, 2004 Estaban has some great guitars. He is a renowned guitarist and I can't believe that you have never heard of him. I play acoustic and lead and I would play one of Estaban's guitars. In my opinon they are great for beginners. They have a great sound to them. One of my friends has one and that's what he practices with all the time and he loves it. I think it's just up to the individual myself. Enjoy! Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gregorama Posted November 21, 2004 CID Share Posted November 21, 2004 I disagree with ecliptic. I haven't played seriously in years but I started playing when I was about father taught me much. Acoustics are PERFECT for a beginner, because the strings are much heavier than that of an electric guitar, the frets are more pronounced and the action is set higher. Action is the distance the strings sit off of the frets... what does this all mean? It is VERY difficult to fret chords and builds tremendous hand and finger strength. Keep this in mind because in the end it will pay off, but for a beginner it's going to be discouraging. Now as far as the actual guitar you have pictured...I'd be a little weary of something like that...the reason is, I've never heard of Estaban and something I have noticed with El' Cheapo guitars is the keys are really loose and have a tendency of slipping...what this means is the damn thing will never stay in tune and it will piss you off to no end. I think that you would be best off...if you were serious about learning guitar, investing in a good well known name in guitars. Gibson and their Cheap version Epiphone, Yamaha, Martin, Guild, Takamine, etc. Although these can get real pricey real quick. It might be worthwhile buying an instrument off of Ebay...used. Some of the greatest sounding instruments were built by the masters hundreds of years ago.. -Also, if you scour ebay and the classifieds of your newspaper...even some local music and pawn shops, you are bound to find something that a STARVING MUSICIAN had to get rid of to pay the bills...happens all of the time. I hope this helps you. Exactly. When I started playing, which was around 12, I knew starting off with an acoustic would help me in the long run. Though I do have electric guitars and amps, I play my Martin DM acoustic daily. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
ice Posted November 21, 2004 CID Share Posted November 21, 2004 I live around Martin Guitar, in Nazareth. I started out with a Standard Strat, and still have it. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
unstable Posted November 21, 2004 CID Share Posted November 21, 2004 I just stated that for the type of music you play' date=' acoustics dont play all types of music well. [/quote'] I do understand the point you are trying to make least I think I do. Obviously if you're trying to play some "Slayer", it's not going to sound quite right on an accoustic. But, many big name bands have been known to play accoustic sets. There's nothing saying that you can't sit down with an accoustic and crank out some Ozzy...I do it, my dad does lacks the distortion and sustain and all that other stuff that you get with an electric but within reason you can accurately recreate any song done on electric on an accoustic guitar. Plus for a beginner, he's going to spend a substantial amount of time learning to play basic cross buns and green day-type It's not like he's buying a guitar to get up on stage in a few days. And for this brand of guitar I have never heard of this guy. I have been involved with music since I was a wee-lad and I've dealt with everything from classical to hiphop and just about everything in-between. Although most of the guitarists I did idolize were rock musicians.. I still think the best bet is one of the brands I recommended. Again, I don't know about this Musician or the quality of his stuff but the first thing that comes to mind is...he's not making enough money as a musician so he's venturing into making musical instruments. I'll check into this further. if home shopping network is selling know it's got to be good. no offense to anyone, but this is a computer related site...and I'm wondering if anyone here would buy a computer from HSN? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wingzero2309 Posted November 21, 2004 Author CID Share Posted November 21, 2004 thx for all the responses guys. as for the kind of music i want to play, i want something like what ryan cabera, michelle branch, blink182, yellowcard, greenday, good charlotte etc. play also, i am not into like heavy metalish stuff at all, and i usually see those people using electric looking guitars, and...i'd rather play something other than what sounds like crazy killer music lol but after reseraching more into the guitar...i dont even know if its my thing does anyone know if music stores (Strait Music to be exact) lets you like 'try out' instruments just to see how it feels to play? i used to play cello, and i wanted to get one of those but i looked at the prices...and they were like 3000 yea... Anyways, is music on the cello similar to reading music for guitars (i dont remember it but i figure i could maybe catch on faster since i knew how to read music before(in 6th grade) wen i was in a schoool that actually offered orchestra) as for the computers on hsn, i have seen some Dell computers (i know dells not exactly the best, but they arent horrible either...i have that are pretty good for like a lot cheaper then it would be @ Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
unstable Posted November 21, 2004 CID Share Posted November 21, 2004 any quality music store will let you try an instrument before you buy it. In fact I would say, if you're ever in a position to purchase an instrument and they WON'T let you try it, it's probably not a very reputable business and/or it's not an instrument that you want to buy. I used to play Cello too, before that; violin, but I never learned to read music for a guitar, I just used tablature---and started playing by ear, which I'm definitely a proponent of. I don't think that notes on paper really conveys what is being played as well as if you listened and messed around and figured it out yourself...that puts you INTO the music rather than just reading it. Anyhow, if it makes you feel any better I think you're making a good decision by passing on this guitar--like I mentioned before, check pawn shops, classifieds etc. Some music shops even have used guitars on consignment. And Home Shopping Network does have some decent deals, don't get me wrong...but when you're buying something like a guitar, you're best off buying from a music store. check this place out: Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
kano51 Posted November 21, 2004 CID Share Posted November 21, 2004 wing zero i'm playin since i was 11 (36 years ago). started off learnin chords on an old acoustic, and now play in a 2 piece. all depends on what u wannna do. just go for it and enjoy yourself!! I grew up on jimi hendrix and deep purple but i think u should stick to playin easy listenin stuff. not up to scratch with some of your idols but joe satriani is good for practice. the acoustic is okay but it might be too high - the action i mean. reply if u need any more info about guitar stuff. Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
grim Posted November 29, 2004 CID Share Posted November 29, 2004 have found what seems to be a pretty good guitar to start with, and from the reviews it seemed pretty good for most people, but i still wanted to get the opinion of others Please check that out if you know a lot about guitars, and tell me if you think it is good or bad (keep in mind that this will be the first guitar i ever touch probably) i saw the thing on TV for this guitar too and it sounded pretty good, and i like how its acoustic and then wen u plug it in the amp it puts out the electric kind sound so, if u know a lot of guitars, please take a look and give me your opinion on wat you think Yes this is a good buy for about $150 ~~ I actually want that shit Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
wingzero2309 Posted November 29, 2004 Author CID Share Posted November 29, 2004 wait...its ~$250...still think its a good buy? Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Reverend Posted November 29, 2004 CID Share Posted November 29, 2004 Fender makes some very nice Acoustic-Electric Guitars that have half-decent 'action' and will actually stay in tune once you learn how to properly tune a guitar (and how to wind the strings to prevent slippage). Fender guitar necks have (usually) 'close action', and if you use a lighter guage string set than what comes with the guitar, you won't end up with bloody fingers while you build up callouses. (Try using a set with a .009 for a 'high' string). Electric guitar strings work splendidly on electric acoustics too ...and they are better for students (or at least that has been my experience with all of my students). It also doesn't hurt to buy a can of "Fast Fret" too keeps the strings "fresher" longer, and reduces friction and wear and tear on your fingers AND 'axe')! You really DO NOT want a 10watt amplifier! That isn't powerful enough to do squat. You'll have to save your bucks to get into something that is "serious" ...but it is well worth the time. A Peavey Session 500 or smaller) makes for a good "starter" amplifer these days, and they are damn near bullet proof. (Check the pawn shops, there is always good merchandise to be found "for a song" left behind by a starving musician). I've been told that Peavey has some decent guitars for excellent prices too, but I've never as much as picked one up to test it. I would not wipe my ass with anything musical costing that little from HNS'd be tossing your money out the window. Remember, they are retailing FOR A PROFIT the damn guitar is most likely worth (in reality) about $75 bucks ...and once you use it it becomes a "used" guitar ...and the value falls through the floor matter what it sounds like. Go to a music store and just "press" the strings down on the fretboard of a Fender Stratocaster (my weapon of choice). Then find the cheapest 'axe' they have and try pressing the strings down on THAT fretboard. You'll see the difference in action "first hand" then and realise that it's worth waiting to buy a quality rig rather than junk ...although you COULD learn to play on junk - - why waste your money? "Chicken Picker" Quote Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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