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Hello all,

I'm looking into building another computer because some of my components are getting outdated. Right now I have a Pentium 4 3ghz, 1 gig ram, 2 Samsung 160gb, Kingwin Watercooling Kit. After broswing newegg for awhile I found the following processors that I liked, the x2 3800 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819103562, and mobile athlon 64 http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819103490. I understand that the dual core seems a lot more powerful, but I really like the fact that the mobile athlon has an unlocked multiplier. As I see it, this certainly has more potential for overclocking. Because I'm looking into doing some overclocking I'm going to get some ram thats good for overclocking and possibly a new water cooling system. Just wanted some feedback on the CPUs I found and if anyone has suggestions for anything else, like an Intel that would perform like the 2 I selected for a similar price. Thanks a lot.

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That AMD X2 3800+ is a good deal, but if your only looking for great gaming performance, stick to a single core and update later on when games does support it fully, it might take a long time.

check this chart http://www.tomshardware.com/cpu/200508011/athlon_64_x2_3800-07.html

I have a Pentium D dual core 3.2 Ghz and are very happy with it, its not the fastest for games but multitasking rocks  :D

I was downloading from a friends FTP in 1 MB/s and played BF2 at highest details 1280x1024 and game still runned smooth, i dont belive any single core CPU could have done the same.

If i would buy a CPU just for gaming, then i would go for the single AMD 64 3800+


VanBuren :)

If you wana stick with duel core go with pentium D. its the fastest duel core processor for the money right now. If you wana stay with singel core check out the athlon 64 3700+ its just a little slower then the 4000+ but for about $100 less.

i have researched the lowest offered core x2 processor that AMD offers, and for now, i truly do not think it is worth it - the 3800 x2 is the cheapest one and comparing with the regular, single core, 3800 i could not see a lot of benefits from switching to a dual core - the 3800 single core simply wins about 70% of the benchmarking tests - and the other 30%, well....it seems to be that the x2 is geared more towards business type application multitasking

...if you ask me...the 3800 single core is LOOOOT better buy

I see, so If I'm running bf2 with a plain 64 vs a dual core 64 there wont be to much difference in performance, but if I'm running more applications or 2 games, then dual core would do better?

yes, for instance with a dual core you can both download/defrag partitions/virus scan etc.. in background without notice it much in games.

If you dont have a need for background tasks during gameplay, then choose a single core

VanBuren :)

i would also go with intel on the dual core, if you can make use of the dual core's advantages. but i would not go with the pentium d, i would go with the hyperthreading enabled dual core extreme edition. (which under ideal circumstances will run like a 4 processor system, even better for multitasking. but, if you just want raw power on a single thread for gaming or somesuch, then one of the cheaper amds is probably a good choice. it's not dependant on the brand, it's really dependant on what you wanna do with it.

think cars. if you need something to cart the kids around, go suv or minivan, if you just want to go fast go sportscar. you'll end up spending more or less the same but get totally different capabilities.

fuck an intel.......amd all the way here ya go:

DFI Lanpart NF4Ultra Motherbaord

AMD Opteron 148

2gig G.Skill Extreme Series

Tagan Powersupply

THats an overclocking monster, and will own for a long time. You can also go to the 200 series of Opterons for x2

once again, fuck intel.

but i would not go with the pentium d, i would go with the hyperthreading enabled dual core extreme edition. (which under ideal circumstances will run like a 4 processor system, even better for multitasking.

the extreme edition is in another pricerange, and its not worth the money


VanBuren :)

f*** an intel.......amd all the way here ya go:

DFI Lanpart NF4Ultra Motherbaord

AMD Opteron 148

2gig G.Skill Extreme Series

Tagan Powersupply

THats an overclocking monster, and will own for a long time. You can also go to the 200 series of Opterons for x2

once again, f*** intel.

...that set up just doesnt make sense

ok here we go

as we all know, DFI motherboards are the best when it comes to BIOS options and the best overclocking features out right now.....you can go research if you want, i dotn ahve time as im at work

the opteron is made for servers, althought if you get a 939 pin one, they are VERY good with overclocking, especially the CABNE version. They have alot of leeway as they are made for servers like i said and can be tweaked and overclocked very easy even on AIR cooling.

G.Skill ram  specifically PC3200 DDR400 has been proven time and time again to run at ddr600 @2.5-3-3-8 timings....u show me something bestter

power supply is awesome, you can pick what you want, but you have to have good solid power to overclock and run an SLI system. preferrable on an AMD machine, you need ATLEAST 20A@12V RAIL

anything else you have a question abotu?

all im basically asking is why is this an overclockers dream comparing to other processor/memory setups of the same value - what pulls this setup aside from others ? .....from what i've heard that motherboard will be the bottleneck of the whole system - simply because it is very picky about the brand of memory it is compatible with and the fact that it doesn not allow you to fine tune the timings of your memory

...the processor itself overclocks good - especially because i think those have an unlocked multiplier of 10x - but the motherboard !? - id reconsider that....

also...i think better choice for the memory would be the OCZ and maybe even the kingston HyperX series (ECC)

i second you on the ocz memory, but hyperx is way too pricey for what it can get to

have you read enoguh about the DFI? The reason you say that is becuase you have never experimented with one (im taking that) and yes, it CAN be picky with ram, thats why I suggested G.Skill its a KNOWN fact taht it works with their motherboards

Sounds like you guys know a bit more about overclocking then I do so I'd like to ask a question. How are the mobile athlon 64's for overlocking, they are laptop processors but if you have a socket 939 I hear you can use them in a desktop. What do you think about this http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.asp?Item=N82E16819103490 the amd mobile athlon 64 3700 (2.4ghz) after doing some research I've found that the multiplier is unlocked, would that be good for overlocking? Thanks in advance if anyone knows this.

M64's are OK for overclocking, like you said, the multi is unlocked, although you cant go higher (i dont think) only lower multilier.

If you want a good overclocker on the cheap, look into a Socket 754 Sempron.

I have a 1.6ghz sempron stock, running at 2.4 and limited by my damn BIOS (only goes up to 300 fsb) sooo

Instead of the x2 I am in favor of going with the Opteron 165 (twice the L2 cache).  If you choose the 165  (if you can find one) you will need a motherboard that will get over 300 fsb, in order to reach your max oc potential since the multiplier is locked at 9 down.  Which again brings us to DFI, as they are known for great over clocks (I have two and they have been great).  Just got my Opty 175 dual core (11x multiplier) and absolutely love the performace over my old 3700+.  Even if you can only get 2.2 to 2.4ghz out of it you wont be disappointed.

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