Currently the multithread option only works on download tests.
The new beta multithreads upload, Hasn't been released yet but I'm getting it ready.
I suspect you may get faster speed in the multithread upload test. Other speed tests multithread by default.
So you may be able to get > 300 Mbps upload but that's when combining multiple uploads together. You'll probably only be able to upload a single file at the speed TMN is showing you.
It's all in how you look at it, I'd personally call that 52 Mbps not 300 Mbps. My new test will help you see the difference. Most people just want to see the big number but depending on the circumstance the same device can have a faster result either way. I see the linear test blow away multithread on my 4G connections sometimes, other times it's the other way around or it's even. Sometimes the extra connections help and sometimes they can hurt. So I think it's always best to test both ways.
52 or 300 Mbps, actually both awesome results in that test in my opinion. You'll definitely score much higher with the new test. Vote on that topic and I'll send you an invite when it's ready.
I believe your ISP should deliver 300 Mbps in a single upload. If you're showing 52 Mbps then it's safer to say that you have 52 Mbps. You can stream up to that level, not 300 Mbps. If you see this across all computers on your network it may be a limitation of your ISP. Can also point to local network issues, we've even seen modem swaps fix issues like this. People will get like 10 Mbps upload on TMN but normal speed on all other tests.... they swap out the cable modem and TMN reports normal speed again, back in line with the other tests.
Cases like those prove that other speed tests are a waste of your time. They've proven over and over that you really can't trust them to help you.
My goal is to help you.