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Everything posted by Dilatedpeoples28

  1. if u have firewall software than leave it on after u turn on DMZ as it will block the important ports, so u wont be wide open. its secure enough for the time being, when i dl
  2. one thing i have a question about is i saw on ur pic u "force started" your torrent, does that make it go faster or wut exactly does it do?
  3. def not normal for me when i run azurues java only takes up 20,000 not 100,000 and by they way ur a upload nazi, only 15kb's? jk
  4. i have a belkin pre n router and notebook adapter, in tesing i usually get about 6-7mb down, im on comcast 8meg down/768 up, not that bad for have wpa enabled. Belkin pre n is not that great of a "router" if u play games, but i just use it as a access point so its perfect. best wireless router ive had. its on the expensive side but if u want unbeatable range and speed then its the best imo.
  5. Both servers are in texas prolly near him so it shouldnt make that much of a differnece.
  6. wow man dont even listen to ur friend the only way u can get to 5ghz is by overclocking. and those stats u said u need for vista r totally wack. that would cost literally a fortune and by then 16gig of ram prolly wont be possible.
  7. i think he said he didnt need it or was to much money, or somthing, but still 10 to 100 upgrade that would be sweet.
  8. r u testing over ur wireless connection? and also what is the model number of ur router, because i kno with the belkin Pre-n routers, They have a feature within their firewall that is not configurable, and it flags multiple incoming UDP packets as being a "flood", and starts dropping them. I have the Pre- N router and when i would play on xbox live over wireless i would get nothing but lag. So i just put it into access point mode, so its just like a wireless hub. Lag went away.
  9. yea man dl somthin bigger, i really wanna kno wut u dl at. and take a screen at 50% of the dl.
  10. rom-dos just wondering wut speed do u get when u download a file? not on a speed test
  11. im not gonna laugh, i just wanna kno y u prefer aol browser?
  12. i like then other than at night, right now a matter of fact, my ping jumps from an average of 40 to 130 to this site. and my dl speed is about 3 meg on the downloads. other than that yea its pretty good.
  13. just wondering if u decided on a gpu or did u already have one? Dont see a problem with that mobo fitting.
  14. dont think u can do anything about it, i use Azurues and have no problems. If u havent tried it then i recommend it.
  15. I actually get alot better results from the smoothj mirror, probably because its in NewJersey and in in Maryland, and testmy is in Texas. Smooth_J :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 8354 Kbps about 8.4 Mbps (tested with 7458 kB) Download Speed is:: 1020 kB/s Tested From:: http://mirror.technology-zone.net Test Time:: Bottom Line:: 149X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 91.91 % faster than the average for host (comcast.net) pings to this mirror average at 18ms my tests with testmy.net can be from 3mb to 7mb with no other traffic on my part. Plus alot of the times my tests just stop on the 12meg test from testmy.net. and yes im sure my firewall and everything is disbaled.
  16. Dilatedpeoples28


    on the host site all i could see anything number wise was 1.5 meg but nothing about the upload. but from his test looks like 256 maybe 128.
  17. 2GB is the ideal configuration for [glow=red,2,300]64-bit Vista, we're told. Vista 32-bit [/glow] will work ideally at 1GB, and minimum 512. However, since 64-bit is handling data chunks that are double the size, you'll need double the memory, hence the 2GB. Nigel mentions DDR3 - which is a little odd, since the roadmap for DDR3, on Intel gear at least, doesn't really kick in until 2007. def gonna have to different versions, with all of the 32bit cpus still coming out and are gonna continue to come out they wouldnt make 64bit manditory.
  18. 1.6 ghz is def gonna struggle with vista unless u have a top of the line gpu. Vista isnt gonna be 64bit mandatory by the way.
  19. Dilatedpeoples28


    no, wut r the advertised speeds by ur provider? not fast of slower. do u kno any numbers like 3 meg or somthing like that?
  20. is that at work of at school?
  21. Of course there is an advantage with 64 bit now but 64 bit wont be a necessity for Vista. On the other hand a high end gpu u will need to run all of the new visual's that vista will include.
  22. for websuring, photshop stuff and basic programs i would stick with Intel, as really the only advantage of AMD chips are for gaming.
  23. its not that high of a cahed result tho, but after looking at the average speed of his provider it does look suspicous.
  24. Ive heard in some security tests Kerio didnt block some important ports.
  25. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3028 Kbps about 3 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 370 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Mon Oct 03 2005 21:58:38 GMT-0400 (Eastern Standard Time) Bottom Line:: 54X faster than 56K 1MB download in 2.77 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 69.66 % of your hosts average (comcast.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-1YXRHBCK4 def slow tonight. :(
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