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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. well, first question, why the update? if it is just to have the latest version, that's a fairly high risk enterprise with low payoff. if it's to be able to do something the old one couldn't then it's a possibility. the 70 bucks prolly means they send you a flashed chip to install. safer than flashing yourself, since a hickup won't render your board useless. one tip if you do flash yourself using the util disk generally created: make at least 2 disks. so if the disk turns out to be bad in the middle of the process, you can swap. good luck.
  2. well, coming from you, that's a comliment.
  3. too bad that after your spam-posting i don't feel like getting into a serious discussion with you.
  4. while i too would prefer that hacker was a term assocoated with the noun hack: a very efficient and well written piece of code, making the hacker the creator of such, sadlt the common usage, and the one i have adapted to (being sick and tired of explaining the aforementioned in the face of media use of the now common one) is the now common one that hacker is a noun referring to the bottom feeding scum on the net. the common criminal, the script kiddie and the like. anyone idolizing hackers as the great robin hoods of our time needs to loose the pink fluffy shades. they aren't robin hoods. they are simply hoods.
  5. laser gaming mouse? so now i get to zap my opponents for real?
  6. wish we could say the same for you.
  7. well, go somewhere else then. just because mercedes rolls out a new s-class their c-class isn't getting any cheaper. it's two totally unrelated technologies, and the people that get dsl in most cases can't get fios. so they still have to pay the 14.95.
  8. well, all hackers are bad. even those that profess to be doing it to alert the world to security gaps. if i'm lying in my bed and some guy that just broke into my house wakes me up to tell me i didn't secure the window with a steel plate, hiss sorry ass is grass, and the court is gonna rule self defense. when are people going to realize that cybercrime is /not/ victimless. even those people not directly affected by it end up being victims by having to pay for and waste time on protective measures. all because some idiot out there thinks he is some kind of robin hood (who btw is also a common thief) that needs to harm people so he can get it up for his inflatable party doll. and if firewall programmers would take his approach and allow only known stuff to execute, it /would/ be a lot safer.
  9. and you can be sure that if they do start looting, there's gonna be reporters standing in front of wally world saying i'm here at 2nd and glen and there are no cops around. what better invitation to go looting. lol.
  10. exactly. all the ms loopholes are the 2 million monkeys on typewriters syndrome. put enough effort into it and you can find a flaw in anthing.
  11. i think he's trying to badmouth isps. but it sounds more like he's talking about himself.
  12. i just scanned over it and saw the entry popcaploader.
  13. a vpn router is a pair or more of routers that interconnect to each other over the web, letting you set up a secure network over long distances.
  14. you should /definitely/ rewire your connection. also make sure the splitter is installed correctly.
  15. changing the channel used may also help.
  16. it could also be interference from another wireless device, a microwave, cordless phone or any number of things. from solar flares (rare) to neon lights(common) check around and or post more info.
  17. the cc problem is easy. just have your parents or a friend order it.
  18. depending on how large your company is, rigging i for wireless will mean multiple access points. these should be properly planned with possibly directional antennae, definitely seperate channels for each access point to minimize interference (think cell phone network) and of course a preinstall mapping of the building(s) to detect any shadow areas from structural features like rebar, girders and the like to optimize placement of access points. but like i said, if the office people don't need to move around much, then they don't need it. maybe keep it confined to the factory floor (if there is one and people need to be able to move around with a laptop a lot) but working on a laptop while moving is kinda hard, even with a tablet pc, so you might be better off having a few fixed terminals instead of a mobile solution. (cheaper again, too, as you can set up 3 or 4 stations for the price of 1 tablet pc.)
  19. i like ie because because it's the most widespread one. I can turn on pretty much any wintel box all over the world and find it, no matter if it's set up for suaheli or suomi or english, i can still find all the important menu items. as for security, hardware firewall in the router pretty much takes care of that.
  20. is it maybe because there are a lot more people looking for holes in ms products than anything else? what's the point in finding a hole in macos for example. dumbass kid 1: look, i found a way to haxxor 3 of the worlds 200 bazillion computers by exploiting this macos bug. dumbass kid 2 :you are so 1337. that just ain't gonna happen.
  21. doesn't mean they are slow to catch on. using only wired equip in building has the advantage that you're not broadcasting vcompany info to anyone that cares to go through the trouble of listening in. so if there is no real need for wireless, meaning all work is done sitrting at a desk where there is a port, why bother with it.
  22. well, if you have a bad internet i can send you my copy.
  23. well, i wouldn't buy from officedepot. at least not components. the only way to pay more for stuff is to bid on overpriced junk on ebay. officedepot does not sell much in the way of components and therefore their prices are skyhigh.
  24. come into the chat and tell me if it worked, didn't work. is faster than here.
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