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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. since when has n oob become nub? jeez i feel old.
  2. all this because of the not deleted school thread?!?! or do i have the wrong person to the wrong thread here?
  3. it's complete bs. it's theoretically possible, but the bandwidth you can modulate onto a single power line is fairly small. the modulation takes place at the transformer substation. consider that you have upwards of a few hundred households hooked into a substation, and therefore hundreds of potentioal users sharing a few megabits the end result is a trickle.not really worth doing. i would be surprised if someone would actually set up a major field test without doing this math and comparing it to dsl and cable.
  4. can those be used to purchase an ?
  5. digesting the fact that google is building a fiber network makes me think of a big steaming pile of shit.
  6. the family guy or homer simpson
  7. fine. but for a catastrophe, which means i need more time under power, i prefer the generator. the ups is fine for critical devices that should/must not go out for short outages, the genset is better if you just need to wait out the repair crews for a few days.
  8. i don't care as long as it stays nextel cup and doesn't turn into sprint nextel cup or some such.
  9. fine, new orleans was under water, some of the other areas were flooded, but a lot of the places just got rain, wind, and the utilities knocked out. then a generator is a good thing. power your water distiller, fridge, ac, fan, satellite tv. if you feel the need, get direcway as a backup to cable internet in an area like that, so once the storm blows over you can watch pr0n while the community collapses around you.
  10. hm, that almost made my sig but it's too long. too bad.
  11. fine, it's in the street. how much you want to pay for install to have them dig to your house and lay fiber inside from the nearest node?
  12. it gets stuck on the sending data to database page. what do you do then? hit back?
  13. a ups? oh please. a genset, yeah, but a ups is only good for a very short time. looking into building a house in the not so distant future and the sucker /will/ have a 20 to 30 kW diesel genset. along with the water filtration using the pool as a cistern etc...
  14. the more popular some tool/program/os is, the more of them are out there (duh) making them a more inviting target to mess with. most secure browser, write one yourself, don't worry about security, just don't spread it around. noone is gonna go out of their way to hack that one in a zillion browser.
  15. :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: but seriously. :violent1: :violent1: :violent1: sure you can have an installer do an install in his free time. and he will charge you double. then he will leave you hooked up with a probably stolen modem. all will be just great and you won't have to pay a monthly fee. until one fine morning another installer comes across the line, or the system red flags the modem noone is paying for and you get the case for fraud filed against you. do i consider 300 bucks for an illegal install cheap? maybe. is it worth the jailtime? (the longer you stay unnoticed the worse the case, lolol) no. but have at it, i hear jails have internet access too, let us know how it went.
  16. but hosting makes winning easier.
  17. 1st i doubt even google would give something like that away for free, 2nd, i doubt that they are going to accumulate anything other than backbone connections for themselves, why should they bother getting into the last mile business.
  18. leavbes the obvious question... if your neighbors have that cable, why not just subscribe yourself?
  19. well, i wasn't going to plagiarize it, but an offer like that i just can't refuse.
  20. looks pretty good for testing from romania.
  21. a t1 isn't just 1.5mbps. you can split it up into 24 voice channels. or half and half or whatever the frag you want with. generally a copper based solution unless fiber is available, the signal is transported on 4 wires instead of the 2 for pots. there is also some pricey equipment needed on both sides (which the telecoms operator will recoup by you monthly fees. so if you think about it the price isn't that high considering you're hooking up 24 phone lines to where you get it.
  22. you would need to register the modem with your cable company, not microsoft. and you can't run cable? you can walk from the place where the modem is to the place where the xbox is, can't you? don't see any reason why you couldn't run a cable...
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