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Everything posted by resopalrabotnick

  1. yeah, who made this pos. i'd like to look for a faq of known issues, bugs and death threats by frustrated users.
  2. H2O-h2=O ok, i will grant the part that it's a zero. but the O in H2O is also a zero. so it's hydrogen minus hydrogen is nothing, so it's still not dehydrating water. nyar nyar.
  3. :angry5: :angry5:
  4. hm. an empty collapsed bag i would say. since a bottle would in fact have to contain a perfect vacuum, again a very cool thing. (not to mention insanely expensive, more so even than the oxygen...)
  5. edit. argh. actually, he specifically claims that dehydrated water would be oxygen, as the formula above shows. dehydrated water would be H2O - H2O = nada look up the science before correcting other people's corrections. besides which a can of pure oxygen would be pretty cool, whereas the advertised product, an empty can, is just stupid.
  6. actually dehydrated water would be an empty package. dehydrating something refers to removing the water from it, such as dehydrated emergency rations or peaches. hydrating something being of course the opposite, adding water to something. for a real joke, start a petition to ban dihydrogen monoxide, a chemical that can lead to excessive urination and sweating and is used as a solvent in many chemical processes. it has even been found in baby foods. yadda yadda yadda. edit:spelling
  7. when you're at your desk it's also nice to have an extra cat 5 to jack into the laptop, to get max speed, and you should MAKE SURE YOU TURN ON THE WIRELESS ENCRYPTION!!!
  8. 1st: router to desktop, modem, and the wired connect to the laptop when at sdesk: network cable. anything else is bs, will just slow you down. choice of router: depends on your budget, just make sure it's got g wireless. if you need extra good range etc, then some people here will dig up comparsons and offer suggestions. good luck
  9. :angry5: :angry5: i can view as many rooms as i want, i just don't have a window to type in, set options etc. :cussing: :cussing:
  10. so you're doing an install to a hd, then burning the whole thing, assigning a hd as the virtual mem location? (all the while hoping that windows only modifies the vm location and none of the files of the install when running) interested in how you accomplish windows not screwing with itself) i seem to recall windows modding it's system files regularly. good luck.
  11. ie 6 macromedia flashj plugin 7.0 xp pro om a dell latitude d600 laptop, adelphia powerlink M$ mn-700 Router
  12. hm. still not working. confound it.
  13. going to bed. gonna try again tomorrow.
  14. still nothing. all i see is welcome resopalrabotnick, room (nonfunctional) the lounge( let's me select the rooms) and add (nonfunctional) and the session window.
  15. and then the applet shut down my browser. hm, win xp pro firewall killing it? or does it need a certain port the hw firewall is killing? :angry5:
  16. yes, i even fullscreened it. and there is no scrollbar either, i shrunk the sessionm window down as far as possible, nada. don't see options either.
  17. i figured that, lol. that's why i'm asking. all i see is the session.
  18. meh. am i the only one with this problem? i see the chat but don't have a field to talk in?
  19. well, taking into the account the max range of wireless lans, they are close to you physically. so as close to neighbors as necessary.
  20. looks like vb needs to do some tweaking. seems well short of his 100mb cap. :haha:
  21. do your neighbors a favor and go door to door, telling them that you had a bunch of open connections visible, tell them for a case of brew you'll fix theirs up.
  22. IT could be so nice if it werent for the users. scenario: me and buddy working parttime in IT of medium-sized company. Head of IT is happy to have us around to send after stupid users. he also realizes we are paid merely a pittance so he doesn't mind us goofing off. learned invaluable things like being able to beat summer heat by taking an old hd and gutting it, attaching a few pc-case slot covers to the platter stack and presto, a fan. we were supposed to clean printers, among other tasks. purchasing even got around to ordering that toner vacuum we said we'd need to do it. the thing arrives, and we are kinda bummed out, seeing days of opening old oki pos lasers and giving them another lease on an already too long existence. oh well. so i open the box, look at the 500 dollar fine particle vacuum (BS) grin at the head of IT and say 'hey, this hose has a hole in it. we need to return it for a replacement'. The head of it takes one look at it, chuckles, and reaches for the phone, calling purchasing. another 8 weeks before we have to find another excuse not to clean printers... the head of the company has by now realized that we are far too valuable, besides having a perfect record of other things cropping up, to clean printers, so he sends his secretary to IT to fetch printer cleaning equipment for his hp business inkjet. she wanders off with a collection of cotton swabs, wipes and assorted cleaning solutions we scrounged up. 2 hours later we receive a call from the Head office, complaining of a dead inkjet, and if we could see about if it's under warranty. Well, sorry buddy, but i don't think the warranty covers a thorough cleaning... edit: 6 weeks later, an external company was hired, sending 2 techs at 75 bucks each to sanitize printers. we still had to show them which ones to clean, duh, all of them? but such is life.
  23. if you feel that the discharge is too bad to keep using it, and you want to take the risk, find a site that has instructions on phone modding (led's and shit) to find out exactly how to open the case. take the whole thing apart, and, maybe using some distilled water as a solvent, check the circuits for any visible residue etx, try to remove any stains or what not. this might also finish your phone off, either way, good luck.
  24. honestly, the 'critical legacy systems' borking stuff up sounds like not much of a problem. if the buy order goes out realtime, the timestamp won't much matter. if it does, it will be in utc, or should be, so noone will give a rats ass about daylight savings time anyhow. as for microsoft issuing a patch for my vcr, i would hope not, i don't need drm on my old taped sitcoms, thank you very much.
  25. And I'll lead off. Scenario: Helpdesk for small company that provides movie theatres with complete networks for reservations, box office, office etc. Time: shortly before the rush fopr the evening show sets in. Caller: I can't get the program to do xxx. (The company in it's infinite wisdom had decided to program the entire system based on MS-Access, running on win98se boxes, 400MHz at the time. The program more or less hanging itself being a known issue.) Me: No problem, Hit Start, shut down. the screen should turn off, let me know when. C: When. Me: OK turn it back on. C: Nothings happening. Me: WTF? Describe to me what you are doing. C: I'm pressing the button, and the little light turns off and on, but nothing happens. Me: OK, press it so the light turns on and wait a short while. C: Nothing. Me: (getting puzzled) /where/ are you pressing the button? (WTF is she turning off and on?) C: The one on the box marked SM75. Me: (uh-oh, that's the monitor.) There should be a largish type beige box under your desk. try turning that on. C: There's nothing there. Me: um. Look behind the first box. there are 2 vcables connected to it? C: Yes. Me: Follow one, making a note of which one it is. C: OK, it goes to the outlet. Me: Very good, follow the other one. C: This goes to some box under the desk. Me: very good try turning that box on with the button on the front. C: It's working now...
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