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Everything posted by Dark06
Yeah i can built my own but heck here in austin there hometown by the way There selling Pcs for as low as $275 Kinda of hard to beat Considering the lowest cpu/motherbord combo i can find around is a $99 one With amd Whose rots are also in central Tx Cpu/motherbord 99 power supply 50 ram 100 hard drive 100 Damn i went over the lmit already and no os video card sound card usb ports cd drive How does dell do it because i know their pcs are built at the front of my neighborhood and they pay minimum $9 an hour and they employ thosands How the hell do they do it ans still make a profit??????? I would expect it to b like Gateway In Debt
How asian parents actually act when u get a B+
Dark06 replied to Ankur's topic in General Discussion
Pre Ap Chem Oh my God I got a 95 on my test? Me: Damn i got a 71 1 more than require now im an over achiver Shit How did i get to this? i feel i shame of myself -
Look at This http://www.portforward.com/networking/staticip.htm it worked for my friend did not work 4 me y i don't know?? Btw u might want to install the sbc support thing i case u really mess up the settings and cant surf, they will set everything back to an ok stage y do u need the same ip? hosting a server or something? if you are look into no-ip.com
Send me all your left over parts
That sometimes the way to go sry no awnsrer u
You guys ever get your "Free" thumb drive from M$?
Dark06 replied to amc11890's topic in General Discussion
no i like linux love choice -
right now i think it cheaper to try to find oil in mars or another planet than looking 4 it on earth for most of it is gone/ all ready discovered
My point exactly theres got to be it would be very neive of us to think we were alone has mother nature ever created something useless? or does mother nature only exist in our planet?
naw theres life out there i know it i seen weird crap in the sky Remember Roswell?
thats your tax dollars at work right there
Yeah i would put some glass around it
Please help moi, this will only take like 30 secs..
Dark06 replied to Indestructable's topic in General Discussion
works 4 me -
i Found this page online hat wants to create a world wide free wi-fi network by leetting odarnary ppl share their connection http://en.fon.com/ I thought it was cool Except i live in austin the city with the most wireless hotspots in the contry So it does me no good Its almost impossible not to get wifi in this city if your on a street We do have a few farms and wooded areas but i was able to get on the citywide wifi in a wooded area Anywayt i thought others might like it
iTS HARD LOOK UP MY OTHER POST EVERYTHING I HAVE COME UP WITH THEY SOME ON MY FACE I'LL b on it then all opf a sudden acess deny it sucks But im morpheous and i just got to keep playing cat and mouse games find an exploit and use it try pclinux os 4 a while that allowed us in i was able to take the server off 4 a few minutes using other linux distros but i got scare and put it back up after 5 mins
Skype offers free calling to phones in U.S., Canada
Dark06 replied to richcornucopia's topic in General Discussion
i know one things 4 sure its much harder to tao into a voip service than it is to get into a landline that an b done so easy its amazing any1 with a secound phone can just plug it intio the line and hear the conversation while voip to another voip is a lil harder btw i messed up i read the article they were talking more avout pc to pc calls those are almost impossible to track if u use some precations first -
Skype offers free calling to phones in U.S., Canada
Dark06 replied to richcornucopia's topic in General Discussion
i really doubt it cause they dont folloe fcc regulations there was an article on time magazine last week that said that the goverment was trying to force skype and other to open their networks to taping -
I got some land in Mass and i know they got an old Bombshelter there' Any1 want dirrections to it? I know its all set with nonperishable food,beds,tons of water a smaLL power plan it was made to house 250 ppl on a seconds notice we check it in 05 everything was in ok condition
Since when is open sorce communist??????? Heck open source is more of a demrocratic goverment than Microsoft who puts all the rules in your comp as a defult
Skype offers free calling to phones in U.S., Canada
Dark06 replied to richcornucopia's topic in General Discussion
Yeah Im Thinking Bomb Threat May 25th Last Day Of school We had one last year on the last day of school it was kool I know some1 will call it in and will probably use skype 2 do it cause i know 4 a fact thats what i would use if i needed AN UNTRACABLE NUMBER ofcourse i would run it through a proxy and add some encryption to it then u just turn off your comp and router get a new ip address and your all set -
I know like me at school they cant stop me from getting through ther firewall Heck i even disable some of it
its inproved a bit but not enught Did u do everything on that page and try cable nut?
I thought u guys where talking soccer as in the world cup which is like 20 something days away GO MEXICO Go The USA
Anyway im in tx and i dont think it will hit tx if its in the satlantic and if it does im like 200 miles inland Im in Austin Baby so i'll b ok i'll be chilling at the pool with some friends a lil fire a few margaritas causae thats the day i get out of school
From an open source company??? All i dl is linux distros anymore I have not dl an mp3 in A while But i have just about any distro u want uder the sun And when i do dl mp3s i do it from my friends ftp or other ppls ftps i trust or know if i need something they dont got ALLOFMP3.COM btw HE DOESN'T BRAG i bitch about it because it aint fair i know 4 a fact he up/downs that ammount a day and i dl distros and i get busted