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Everything posted by Dark06

  1. Hey u got to laught It's in the past yes the past hurts but it'sin the past lets not drag it into to the future let our brothers know that we hold them dear but we choose to live on instead of always tourtoring ourselves by remembering Let The Past Be The Past abd The Future a towering Image Of the Shadow that the past created
  2. i live right in front of dell (literly)so i can just walk in order1 and walk right out i live less than 1/4 of a mile away i'll post a pic of it from google earth
  3. Only 1 tower???????? That Sux we need a biger tower with better engenering something that says hey thx 4 clearing that space that building look to old look at this 1 its more futeristic
  4. yeah they love electrical apliances fdor some reason They can become really denures like it says up there they can create fires i heard of a few fres blame on ants around here Luckily i am imune to them now (and just about every insect out there) I been stung to many times i dont even get a bump anymore just a lil red dot with no bump but it no longers hurts Rember i am a lawn maintance guy i get stung so many times a day and i really dont have time to stop and take them of i just keep going untuil i got imune to them this year but hey i been doing yard work for a while now ants are really amazing creatures i love them
  5. first off wht u gonna b doing with the bandwith ??? 2nd where are u coming from and what was your speed there? was that sufficent????
  6. ook heres the deal Read this Hardware is only as good as its software and software is only as god as its hardware meaning??? It can b a top of the line computer if u dont like the Operating system u wont like it if u like the operating system but berarly got enught power 2 run it u wont like it if u have never tried the mac os experiance i seriously recomend u try it out they might b safer but not every1 likes how it looks/reacts and stuff i know from experiance at my school we built a $1000 system mosty donated parts from amd and Fry's We had an Amd Athalon 64 bit dual core a sata hard drive-Fast 2 gigs of ddr2 ram 256 mg of video card a nice ass case with the neon lights and everything anyway we quad boot it we put Windows Xp pro PCLinuxOS Linspire & Xandros we put a lot of ppl to test it out c what operating system they like best on the same system no1 like linspire cause it was slow -- and u saw the specs every1 like the look of PCLinuxOS but not every1 agree on its fetures Windows xp got mix reviews because of pop ups and ppl needed to make canges before they can use it-- we gave the a clean install of every os every time Xandros acutually took the price everything was pre configured almost every1 agree it was faster and it look "OK" it ope lot of minds up to linux and most of these ppl were hesitating at first also we did not help at all they figureeverythingout themselves So consider the OS you will put into it
  7. take them to a local computer shop they will put that antistatic wrap on it sometimes for $5
  8. Yeh i think my local radio station has to b careful then sometimes tey do 1 sole hour to a certain artist likea week ago they did panic at the disco and he played the ame song i write sins not tradagies like 15 imes back to back and we had a micheal jackson night to when he was getting sue which ended up costing us ike 2 weekswithout the radio station
  9. i do this all the time would b funny if the law turn on them
  10. your modem is still cap to the ols speeds ask to go to a level 2 represntitive and explain the problem to them they should have u follow a few steps and resetting the modem then it should b just fine
  11. Equator did that on purpose though in one of their interviews before the game they said they wanted to lose so that they went 2nd because they believe sweeden would go 1st and england 2nd so they would play swedeen and not england they are scare of england but think they can stand a chsance with sweeden 4 some reason
  12. Gotta Hate MS Gotta Love Bill Gates Weird isnt it?
  13. if your an sbc custumer go to that should tell u your download speed most probably 3.0
  14. What couldhad been running for 2 weeks????
  15. rini tu was playing a good game i been surprise with these african teams there good Serbia and montenegro Suck Go Mexico Right After The USA
  16. Do u feel where u walk when u walk no this guys searching for the glass if not he would walk normally
  17. Yeah this is the ugliest car ever right p there with the vuswagon The arostar is preatty bad i got a safary there pipmping I can carry every1 in that shit i got a max of 21 ppl in there one time
  18. i will go more for puppy or beatrix because f the ram issue theres very lil of it There live cds so u will always need 2 have that in the cd drive u could also try slax popcn edition worked better 4 meon a 500 mhz k6 http://www.watsky.net/ Beatrix very basic http://www.puppylinux.org/user/viewpage.php?page_id=1 almost the same as beatrix http://www.slax.org/ Slax i would recomend popcorn edition Pclinux Os would b a good choice if u had 256 mb of ram u def need more ram in that What kind is it? Probably pc 100/133 bu the speed of the processor Try to go out to a local computer shop and buy more
  19. is Russia even in????? i know a few of their republics are but is russia as a whole in?????
  20. Provide a spped result
  21. glad your doing a whole lot better but u still got quite a bit to go keep mexing with it
  22. Def not germany,france,or england they all showed poor 1st games brazil looked like crap today croazia did way better the final score did not do the team justice
  23. hey who edit my post and y??
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