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Everything posted by Dark06

  1. Dark06


    the regent ones from waltmart arent to bad and there only like $35 5 spekers and a sub they will do the job for the most part
  2. if it is off a p2p program like limewire most of them have a built in bathwith limiter
  3. do a dl test see if its just p2p programs or f your internet connection is just slow
  4. i know here in texas school bus drivers are allowed to take licence plates if a car is going way to fast in a school zone a car passes them while there letting kids off and btw way a ticket for passing a school bus while at a stop here is $546 so yeah you dont want to b caught
  5. depends on the state
  6. his up is better than my down
  7. well make us proud cable
  8. Dark06


    and u only want to stream movies?? if so go with a host because u dont have the bathwith if your doing mp3s u should b ok slow but ok
  9. Ppl just need to back up more often Myself included LOL
  10. Dark06


    What do u want to stream it to??/ pdas psp computers ect
  11. wqould love to have that to make a graph indicating which one was worse
  12. wow so true especially because dell factory is like less than 1/2 half of a mile away from me most of the parts will b dell because i know a lot of ppl that work there
  13. :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :headbang: :booty:
  14. if they do let us know i wopuld like the same thing
  15. most ppl in my area (austin Tx) get about 95% of their advertise speed once tweek this is my result :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 2584 Kbps about 2.58 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 315 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Server 2) Test Time:: 2006/09/29 - 5:27am Bottom Line:: 45X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 3.25 sec Tested from a 2992 kB file and took 9.485 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: May need help : running at only 72.85 % of your hosts average (swbell.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-8245F1NZP User Agent:: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; en-US; rv: Gecko/20060909 Firefox/ [!] it says im running at 75% but thats because there a new 6 mb package im on the 3.0 down 512 up so im getting like 90% of my speed and i have not tweek it in ages then again there a central offices all over the place here in austin so every1 is preatty close 2 advertised speed my advice go and c if some1 around u has it grab a psp or laptop and look for wifi most sbc ppl will b noobs to networking and will say damn i cant rember the name i'll think about it during the day any1 find some1 who has it an ask if u can c how fast it is
  16. thas actually what i was thinking im just worry about the heat problem by the way i look up pc box pc and i know u guys been calling some servers pc boxes but i cant find any1 that has ever put a whole pc in a pizza box
  17. i rember that day every1 was freking out oh no 9999
  18. External power supply Ram I think can cleer it it doesnt have to close perfectly
  19. Ok after thinking on what we wanted to put a pc into me and a couple of friends have decided we want to put a pc in a pizza box Any1 Ever seen 1 in a pizza box????? An advice?? What Form factor should i use? A pizza box is oly about 1-2 inches deep is it safe to try it???? the only problem we can think of is that a pizza box is enginer to keep heat in so how can i cool it down??? should i still try it or desing my own box to look ike a pizza box but still eliminate heat????? im just so excited to get started but i im nervous and i have a lot of questions before i begain any help will b apreciated
  20. damn dude u look just like him its like they animated u
  21. yeah it probably will i did not even know we had such a feture
  22. i live in a mobile home park and they wont show in which lot the guy lives in kinda of scary because im a lawnscscapper among other things and i got to go knock on ppls door
  23. Wow Post Pics Later On
  24. Get Er Done Boy! Make Us Proud!
  25. i dont think even vista will require that much maybe a server would but i still doubt it unless u have a very high demend
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