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Everything posted by Dark06

  1. I deleted 2 big folders along with several others that contain a lot of media so now theres a lot of broken links in my "all music" playlist Im wondering how can I delete it is there a file somewhere that i delete to make it go way???? and start over by having it scan my whole computer for music and only adding what I want now without any broken links btw im in wmp 9 Ii hate 10 and 11 wmp 9 gets the job done just as nicely as 10 or 11 Edit by RTB: Turn that caps-lock key off.
  2. the player is great the accesory i would try to find a fm transmitter that allows u to select what station u want to transmit to instead of just 5 so u could have more options
  3. Try slax thats one of my fav or puppy
  4. realplayer will do it in windows 98 for a shuffle u might try a nano
  5. im very fast to point that one out because as much as i love my minidisc players i hate sonic stage hey i get 50 ++hours from one AA battery when i have my minidisc with me i never turn it off i leave it on 24/7 and i can run about 3 full days with one AA i hate my ipos shuffle because of itnes i hate itunes i love my psp because its click and drag but some ppl actually prefer to have some kind of software do it for them i dont understand those ppl
  6. In my oppinion creative are the best that style of mp3 players are the easiest just click and drag mp3s to it no software required like itunes or windows media or even worse sonic stage
  7. 10 gigs wont last u crap u better off going to a used pc store and try to get a 40 gig there like 20 25 $$$
  8. Linksys or netgear
  9. I think this one might b a fake
  10. go with nothing less than 5 mp 3.2 is fine but u can edit it as much as 5 mp also look at the flash when trying it out if your gonna take some pics in the dark or porly littet areas some cameras u have to b like 2-3 ft and i'll hardly comeout cause the flash aint good see if u can get a bright flash go with a cannon,sony cybershot if u can afford it or if your looking more at 100-200 go with a hp camera there the nicest in the low end cameras for some reason hp sucks at making high end cameras so if your looking for an 8+ dont get an hp another importand thing to look at is the memory card style it uses if u can get one that uses SD the better cause those are the cheapest type of memery cards around and are very universal most sonys uses sony stick duo which i can tell u is quite espensibe type a gig runs at$40 while a gig on an sd card runs at $20-25
  11. If its satalite thats still consifer broadband so u might b able to hook it up to a wireless router and make it work i'll b slow but heck i'll b wireless
  12. Yeah i Saw This one Lady Paid $150 for a windows 2000 key im like arent those all over the internet BTW her computer came with windows xp but the idiot would not put xp because he thought 256 mb of ram was not enught to run it (not That it was gonna b slow but that the installation would not happen under 256 mb ) i seen computers run it with 96 mb of ram so he charge her 150 to get a 2000 key and 75 to install it im like wtf you can probably get a new cheap ass emachine pc with that much money
  13. Yeah You Should also b smart enught to not eat out everyday cause your gonna get fat but the average American does it anyway
  14. Well I forone have never meet someone who kill another person because they were high but i have meet people who have kill others because they had a lil to much to drink
  15. Dark06

    wierd computer behavior

    i probably unloaded your static electricity i would check all your drives to c if there allright
  16. not this again guys let it go and bury this btw ff
  17. Health Risk???? Hey we Eating Macdonald's is a health risk but u don't c any1 complaining The r risk to anything u do just live with it besides if u live in any major city its a mirricle we r alive cause of all the polution in the air They will never stop ppl from smoking just make it legal besides marijuana is not really that bad Alcohol is worse but its legal because we can tax it any1 can grow weed so we could never keep track of it so we would never b able to tax it all
  18. Family always will think that your taking advantage of them for some reason
  19. Hey ny1 know if theres a k3b port to windows????????
  20. Xandros and fancora for me along with Slax I Love Slax Esp the popcorn one Also Beatrix is one to check out if you want something small way better than Damn Small Linux(DSL)
  21. damn that sucks they charge my uncle $90 to put in a gig of ram Thats just to put it in The ram stick was $250 i was like wtf???? u dumbass Im #16 in my are accrding to Skills usa Meitnace division I live 5 miles from you and you go and pay $90 for something that took 2 seconds to do i was like i could have bought and install a ram stck for $150 almost $200 less and i would had made at least a $60 profit cause a one gig stick is only like $75 here i have never charge more than $50 to repair a computer
  22. k3b in linux i love that program Is there a k3b port for windows>??????? and nero in windows
  23. try to get an oem copy from dell or the pc makers website it will usually cost like 10 dollars be advise though most oem recovery disc from pc makers will delete everything in your hard drive so be cautious and read any info on the scrren or that comes with the cds or you could go the open office approach thats what i use or u can go to goodwill or some used computer strore and buy word 97 or something for less than $10 ms word has not had any real work done to it in 10 years power point now thats a different story(but thats the only one that has evelve much in 10 years)
  24. agree also very few places have instand notification of where the item is i order from walmart once and 2 weeks after the item was delivered it still said "proccesing" i cancell the order and got my money back got thing the mailman just left it at my door he didnt take a signature like he should have
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