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Everything posted by Dark06

  1. Any1 Remember The Boston Scare? These guys are My heroes They Fucked The Media in the Ass "Im very Disappointed" Any1 Know What Happen to these guys?
  4. this would have been helpful a week ago
  5. Ok Thanks that makes sence but i still like my interpretation of it cause they do more to harm your computer sometimes than to help and when u do use the f keys you are usually Screwed
  6. does this create a proxy where u can acces forbidden stuff on other computer by using your connection?
  7. yeah i have gotten a kb over too but mostly in uploading it say 512 i ussually get 612 somme1 committed a typo???
  8. for Real Been There Done That Yeah any1 have any idea why there "f" Keys Whu Not Fuck1 Fuck2 Fuck 3 or any other letter why f any1 know? im interested in it y r they call 'f' keys?
  9. more reasonable problem to me a faulty or crack Ethernet cable try replacing it
  10. i though we ruled this out along time ago water should know i think it was her idea
  11. A+ is accepted at many coleges for college course sometimes as much as 8 credits So if u can take it in high school!!!!!!!!! Im taking it this summer before I enter collge at the college im going 2 its 4.5 credits
  12. sHE eVEN bAKED tHEM cOOKIES AND THIS IS HOW THEY REPAY HER LOL :haha: :haha: :2funny: :headbang:
  13. Only $75 thousand??? I would had sued for no less than a quarter of a million Hey they fucked up in my house now there paying for my house lol
  14. The thing with me is dell is in my neighborhood Literly I cant open my door or walk outside with out Seeing their company So dont like them very much cause they cause mayhem in my neighborhood at 6:00 or whenever their shifts changes But the good thing is i can get their parts fast i have a lot of friends that work at dell and would give me the five finger discount if you know what im talking about BTW i got another friend who is security so he knows the loopholes in Dell And likewise so do i And i have never worked there
  15. nice Conversation lol :haha: :haha:
  16. Yeah i can watch a dvd im gonna mess with it later this week i really havent had time BTW i think im gonna b page 9
  17. Thank you unfortunately my video card doesnt support it
  18. Satlite is over rated and expensive i dont have all the channels i need or want so plz sent invite as a pm or to Huanes at sbcglobal dot net
  19. Unconfirmed: but i heard from some 1 that is deep in samsung that 3/5 of the blackjacks phone have at least one service call on them (note that doesnt always mean there defecting it could just b some1 that forgott how to do something) Thats still a lot he told me the return/exchange rate for that one phone is very high extremely high i wont put a number out there cause its unconfirmed
  20. I also hate when they put 20 difrent plugs when you only use like 3 moles and the atx one
  21. Seems like a faulty cable 2 me try to get a nice high quality cable not one some random person put together in 10 seconds
  22. Nice Pics Shrug your from Texas?
  23. More trouble than it was worth in my opinion
  24. in time linux will take over for windows hasnt been making much progress
  25. idk beets me but im converting slowly to linux
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