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Everything posted by Dark06

  1. Ok I Have tried Icall but heres a big lag Voipstunt works Perfect i Might stick 2 it
  2. Dark06


    Ftp The Whole Hard drive ??? thats what i have done
  3. Sees to much like VOIPSTUNT Have you tried it is it real? What happens after the 120 days?
  4. I Have a lot of non local friends now that i am attending college so i was wondering if theres anything that allows you to make free phone calls on my laptop to any phone number in the US like Skype did last year If not Anything cheap like skype im thinking im gonna try their skype in program for 3 months for only $20 and c if i like it and if i get enught use for it before i buy a full year for it so any1 else know of an other great companies/services out there?
  5. Dark06

    Help ASAP

    Im An AMD person but Intel on this one cause theres very lil support for 64 bit processing as of right now and two cores is starting to become more of a norm so you will probably c more apps to take advantage of 2 cores than 64 bits in the upcoming years like it was mention before 1 core can run all the system procces (xp and vista take a lot of computing power to run efficiently ) so the other core can be set up to just run the programs you want and no system processes so your apps will be a lot faster trust me on this 1 go with 2 cores over 64 bit proccesing now if u can find dual core from AMD go with that especially if its a dual core 64 bit processor
  6. Its called piate photoshop
  7. Now dont quote me on this but i think the google pic app has this function and its free worth a try
  8. We mend to get around to it The story of my back up history :haha: :grin: :headbang: :confused2:
  9. If I remember correctly the internet did crash one time but thats cause all of the AOL servers went offline for no apperent reason :haha:
  10. I Love Checks its the only way i accept money and paypal yeah it was about time this section was added i think most users need a place to ask "hey is this site safe/legit" which is often awnser by a no
  11. So True This story also remind me of "The Terminal"
  12. Porn And Everything U Guys Get A Life Losers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :knuppel2: :knuppel2: :knuppel2: Glad They Are Ban
  13. +1 come on dude and i dont do it all the time actually i only done it twice Usually i just ask the band if its ok if i bring a couple of friends and for the most part they always say yeah or if they get in to the back its ok with us but we wont go out of our way to let them in I tell the secuarity we are with the band and all is ok I barerly turn 18 and i can get in to 18+ and 21+ clubs since i was 16 and drink too people c u with the band or u tell them your with the band and u got access to free drinks no ids require i dont need no stinking badges either i get in anywhere i want by talking my way in badge or no badge ticket or no ticket wristband or no wristband But i try to buy as much MERCH as i can i got an impressive collection of suveniers from concerts sing posters ,cds ,shirts, stickers flyers demos guitar picks, drumsticks autograph photos its crazy some i dont even remember at which show i got it at but i love it
  14. Anyway Im big On The Music scene Here and a lot of the local bands and a few bigger indie bands owe me for shit i done for them besides it just helps spread the word which is what counts
  15. I Make Them but mech or i sell my stub for a few $$ and buy merch with it
  16. Hey Hey Hey!!!! They Buy Merch Thats Where they make most of their $$$ Anyway
  17. :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :haha: :2funny: :2funny: :2funny: :uglystupid2: :uglystupid2: OMG U Dumb I Always Give My Stub to PPL Outside So the Can get in for Free Im surprise MSN already broke the show up into pieces of the songs played took Aol 3 days to do that with Live 8 But Live 8 was better
  18. I guess No1 cares about the enviroment well nether do i i just care about the concerts
  19. A Gig or 2 of ram would be a start so would faster internet if possible
  20. Watch It On MSN Now WTF is MSN broadcasting it they cant BROADCAST SHIT Aol should have done it they did a great job with LIVE 8 Anyway Support the cause and watch it
  21. Ok please Post New Speed Test what were advertized speed?
  22. Naw Most Of Them Are really Lazy An Only use One Leg They Change Legs periodically though its normal but i think its the female that does that the males really dont do that too often so u might have lesbians i did we had to females and they were always in top of each other we got them a log thing and they made a nest in it and were both always in there we took them to a vet and he confirmed they were both females you can tell by the color of their nose but i dont remember which color mean what im used to calling them parakeets not budgie they can be really nice pets if you train them take them in to a small room turn of the celing fans first and play with them hand feeding them is a great way to get them used to you may take a week or 2 before they stop biting but eventually u can put them in your shoulder and they will stay there all day or leave them in a room with the cage open and they will come in and out as they please there really nice animals and can b easily train i used to love my parakeet we would go on long trips and we would bring him alongall the time i would buckle in the cage and let him out in the car they would sit in the steering wheel for hours without causing any problems just looking out the window and when i stooped to get gas i would just grab him and put him in the cage for 5 minutes and then take jim outside and put him on the steering wheel my parakeet was a part of the family
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AuSzSLbVr_E
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