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Everything posted by Dark06

  1. I have also ad tons of questions awnser here This site along with my A+ class have thought me a lot I have now moved to the position where i can awnser ?'s YIPPE You guys do rock whos that guy that has an armie thank on his signuture? I think its MS DOS but i might b mistaken Any lots of THx to both of you Along with the FEW *sarcasm*hundreath others that have help me here
  2. Well post it
  3. Big Difrence also try to reset your modem as you are rebouting that sometimes helps
  4. I can take being call a geek cause im very technical but not a nerd cause im not hitting the books 24/7
  5. This lawsuit is happening her in Austin Tx where i live i wonder how good the chances of me getting into the geek squad are now? Heck i wonder if the best buy they are building in front of my house, are they gonna contuniue building that or is that temp paused do to this law suit first
  6. How can the goverment allow this? Some1 needs to step up to the plate(a politician) and say no more credit scams thats all credit is a scam
  7. They need to b A+ certified or b willing to get it in 3 mounths or less or your fired Hey guys i was hoping to get a job with them but i do know what im talking about and i relized im to good for them I would probably do all the work while the rest of them sit on their asses so im gonna persue computer repair by myself Wish me luck
  8. theres about 150 kbs missing if i were u i would upgrade to the pro 3.0 down 512 up
  9. Set mine to min 512 max 1024 i have 256 but i just added a 128 stick in a week ago it made a huge diffrence but when i had 128 if i would limit my virtual to 256 it would b unberable
  10. u guys still at it give it up already
  11. Im so sry i wasnt here last night as many of you know im 16 and self employed yesterday i had an emergancy house call that i had to do anyway im so sry
  12. Not willing to try it i will stick to FF
  13. This was on the side of an old computer that was given to me i had xp running [snip] i wont use it anymore i got linux install on it edit: please do not post keys here
  14. I think i will do the same a small investment might b worth something a 2,000 investment if 500 would get you 4 sell at atlest 650 and your talking a 500 profit after u subtract ebay fees and other stuff im up for an easy $500 But what if no1 wants them? Many ppl might wait considering mS Xbox problem
  15. What r u guys taliking about the illegals? Can some1 sum up what has been said Thx
  16. I can help ill b on Just pm and i will give u more contact info
  17. Give them some credit they did get america online
  18. I really don't care what ppl think about me a good reputation is so overrated it's not even funny our goverment is curropeted but which one isn't Qoute "democracy would work if humans were gods but humans are not gods" Cant fuind source What does owning guns have to do with 9/11? Give a sniper and i will take care of many problems in this country God the strong opinions express here It doesn't matter if kerry said it the fact is the us is borrowing money from other countries Remember: we risk becoming the best informed society that has ever died of ignorance. ~Reuben Blades
  19. Salsa, Hot Cheetos,Jalapenos You can tell im a mexican huh? Myspace computers half life
  20. Wow i never thought i see the day an intel chip would b in a mac computer now this What kind of sick world are we living in????? Im sure this is not my normal world
  21. Easy its cache Which means it was saved to your hard drive to make it seem faster so it doesn't use your connection to dl it it just grabs it off the hard drive Turn off any programs that promise to download faster
  22. I for one will hold on to Xp since vista seems to b nothing but eye candy and im not big on graphics Xp seems to run ok for me for the most part Im actually more willing to try linux than vista right about now My comp can berely do xp it just wont do vista Specs: 1.2 ghz Intel celeron proccesor 256 meg of ram (i upgrade from 128 like 2 weeks ago lol ) 90 gigs on 2 hard drives one 10 one 80 onbord video (it does the job) Onbord sound ( again it does the job) crappy moniter anyway
  23. No theres a video of a ufo circuling the wtc 2 munths before 9/11 Just like there was a video out there of a millatry plane circuling the pentegon moments afterv the attack What to you think im trying to do? I ask for the police report to them Because i even had conformation from a cop that it happen but now those are classified info. I can acces any other Department of Public safety Or austin police department Document except for things on 9/11 Oh by the way the us is borrowing money from china and other countries What to you think was the whole deal with leting another country use the ports? to pay off debt and gain oil Bush admited to borowing money from the chinnese in the presedental debate against Kerry
  24. mINES GOOD AFTER 2 YEARS MAYBE ITS BECAUSE I DONT LEAVE IT ON 24/7 JUST WHEN I NEED IT 10 HOURS A DAY MAX It has a power botton it means its not suppose 2 b on 24/7 does a clock have a power botton ? no its ment to b on all the time
  25. for me i have never gove below 2.0 even in the summer on july 2nd when i knew half the kids in my neighberhood were tuning in to live 8 brodcast But im in austin their secound hometown and the most wired place in america
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