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Everything posted by Dark06

  1. just buy a webhosting space and use it as a storage medium as long as your willing to use ftp your good I use startlogic http://www.startlogic.com/startlogic/index.bml wow i just check they got unlimeted for 5 a month i wish i would have done that
  2. Im going to see if i can try this solution and see if i can copy it for my future projects Thank you Im also looking into Smart objects i just read on that and that seems like it could work
  3. Yeah but work is more plentiful and here in Austin tx they paid good they will fight for u hardcore cause they need more web developers
  4. Ok i need some help I really am a noob at Photoshop cs3. SO this is what i'm trying to do i know i will be working crating posters and other colleges for my advertising buissness. The thing is that most of the jobs i get will follow the same pattern so im wondering if i can built a templete in Photoshop with several 2x3 boxes and 2x6 boxes where i can quickly put scan an image in and put it inside those boxes ?? Does that make sense with u guys I use templetes for web desing so im wondering if they can be used in PS CS3 if so how would i go about doing it?
  5. Open the damn system up and then will talk i hate a close system until then I will look at windows and linux
  6. Same here i think web developer programing is what pays not software programing also Look into red hat and learn how to use it in and out that is what most hardcore servers run
  7. :iamwithstupid: :iamwithstupid: :iamwithstupid:
  8. Like for instance i went to a cool concert last Nov I got backstage talk to the band and got one pick with the whole band and she was in it But Thx to photoshop i can take her out and remember the good part of the concert instead of her and how much she bitch
  9. im in the same boat as u but my school doesn't offer any "web developer languages" only software so im learning CSS Java and PHP on my own which suck cause i am paying 21k a year oh well or course guide includes one semester of Mysql and acces but i already know a bit of that probably the equbilant of what they will teach us CSS Is very important
  10. Linux use has gone up in the last few months mostly due to windows vista being to much to handle for most computers pre windows vista Yeah most new pc can support it but hey i have a 1.8 ghz pc with a gig of ram it ran horrible in vista im back to xp dual boot with fandora I got a vista notebook and it runs horrible the battery runs down in about an hour plus it was a 1k notebook and i cant run aero effects on it only thing i like in vista is the wireless built in program other than that in really sucks
  11. The ftp in coffee shop only uses about half my bandwidth
  12. By the time ppl look at the winmin they will realize that some linux distros are that small and have lots of apps i hope more linux support comes out of this
  13. Wow That was A funny story :haha: Anyway yeah Photoshop would be a top favarite makes it easy to hide your ex gf from events you went to Makinh that nasty breakup a lil easier Xara is nice too i have used that Coffeeshop also has a few tools that make life as a webmaster a little easier i just wish there built in Ftp client work good it drop my speed by half
  14. :haha: Yeah I Love Photoshop I got Cs3 it is really powerful i just wish i knew more about it I found some of the filters from gimp very kool and useful too Food for thought u might want to check out gimpshop I could see text mate beeing very useful I am right now a noob coding in HTML C++ Basic PHP
  15. Or made life incredibly easy or a little less tedious ? So what software do you guys think has complete change the way you think or do certain stuff? Just wanted to start an interesting conversation here . So what software could you possibly not live without and why. It could be work related or personal. Free , Open Source or $$$$ As for me two pieces of software I could not live wiithout is Onenote from Microsoft as a college student Onenote has change the way i organize myself and take notes I simply cannot live without this program. It is hard to say that about a microsoft product I know but trust me I can not go back to college on pen and paper anymore. And if you know me well from this forum you know that I love open source software I think that this will be the way in the future not just in software but possibly in other digital works such as movies and music. Anyway another one would be Firefox (see the open source) I will never surf the web again if it is without FF. I just love how fast it is and how it does everything i need no hassles . I love it I will never go back to IE no matter what So any1 any others?
  16. Ok Please xplain to me Why on earth I would Pay a whole lot more money to Run WMP and " Everything else" and only use a mac for Surfing cause its "Secure" For that shit I will stick with a dual boot linux and windows also with windows you get options Free ones and paid for but if u can imagine it or a have problem Chances are someone wrote a program 4 it Mostly for windows And Itunes Sucks
  17. Could be spyware looks more like it to me than a virus
  18. I like having control over my things so no i like hey i need so and so part going to the store and having several options something that Mac doesnt offer since it is so close up in its licensing anyway I will stick to Pcs running linux and windows if u know how to operat them u wont run into troubles a lil common sense goes a long way in the internet and computing
  19. Well I guess maybe the Hurricane did provide a new oppertinity to redo their infrastructures since some of it had to rebuilt Man I had a weird dream last night that I was in New orlans when the Hurricane Hit it was an amazing dream Im a adrenaline Junkie I would give anything if i could have been there and yes i been in 3 hurricanes including Andrew as an Infant My one regret in life is spending a lot of money in concerts That August and not being able to drive out to it when the Hurricane Hit It
  20. wireless or wired?"
  21. That could be a good idea swipe a 500 gb hard drive then get a cable thing to back up everything $10 or so not bad
  22. depends on what your upload is i think u got a nice upload speed they ussually limit upload a lot every1 is in a dl war nobody notices upload
  23. your right on it i would hate to surf at those speeds damn 8 mb connection is slow for me i cant imagine that
  24. im I am returning the laptop to get it fix or hopefully replace I wonder how i will explain that Got a lil to close to the fireplace? when it is 103* today in my town?
  25. I got to say that does look very cheap But it does have a very bad review in several sites mostly due to rebate which i dont have to deal with cause it is at a rebate price already Also will I be able to use this later as a network drive? if so will that really be wise? How many times can u write to it? Will it be slow to acces off a network or internet if i set up a vpn?
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