Here you go,probably more countries than you thought,and alot of them very poor,but still helping.,0,2209962.story?coll=nyc-topheadlines-queens&track=rss
Thx guys,yea its true,not too close to the server,but I think I have a pretty clean route,and that helps with my speeds.Above cap is always a good thing
:::.. Download Stats ..:::
Connection is:: 5026 Kbps about 5 Mbps (tested with 12160 kB)
Download Speed is:: 614 kB/s
Tested From:: (server2)
Test Time:: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 11:55:34 GMT-0400
Bottom Line:: 90X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.67 sec
Diagnosis: Looks Great : 17.46 % faster than the average for host (
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This is with me trying out the Opera browser