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Everything posted by DJVageli

  1. Yup and the best place to stay is at home,but I cant help it Anyway lets not get carries away here,this is about video games Its my fault haha Yup XBox live,PS2 online,PC lol. Im on mostly at nights or evening,sometimes in the morning,but usually I play tennis then
  2. :haha: Ohh that island,not too far from where I live.Im at Astoria,NY in Queens.So were in the same state,same island and we have the same crappy weather
  3. No problem And btw,you live in an island??
  4. Probably the heat lol.It was 97 degrees outside today with humidity
  5. Ohh makes sense now Damn I felt slow there :haha:
  6. Wow,alot of you guys have so many processes running
  7. Yup it is safe,but before you do tweak it,make sure you back it up,just in case you dont like the results BTW Welcome
  8. Very similar,but with a much higher usage :haha:
  9. This is it right now,is it good or bad?
  10. No need to apologize,you did nothing wrong Were all helping and thats what counts
  11. Nice!! Beats mine :haha:
  12. Then wow Those are great speeds.How about the upload?
  13. After you changed it to 1500, did you try powercycling everything again?This way your modem and everything recognizes the changes
  14. Yea great speeds and welcome. BTW what are your advertised speeds?
  15. Yup, Optimum Online is advertised as 10000/1000, so your download is supposed to be at 10 Mbps
  16. I think its free now if you have a Roadrunner account,so most people make use with it lol.If it was me I would never install that crap on my computer ever again,even if it was offered free.
  17. Had so many more systems lol,but consoles and little kids dont go
  18. Currently have PS1,PS2,XBox
  19. Is it true,that if you encrypt your router and also shut off its wireless capabilities,no one else can use it wirelessly?
  20. You here are one of the members that makes this site better for users,and thx for sticking up for me
  21. And it tells me I dont have a cable connection :haha:
  22. Who agrees that this was one of those pointless threads again? Or maybe those threads,where the topic starter makes a complete fool of himself
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