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Everything posted by MICROWAVE

  1. Sorry I didn't mean that going from 1898 to 615 wasn't a large loss,what I was saying is until recently mine and many others speed was less than 256,and now I'm around 500 most of the time yes losing 2/3 of your upload does suck but what you now have is still faster than mine and many others...obtw what upload do you pay for?? I ask because I thought you said in an earlier post that they were giving you much more up speed than you paid for ,and then they decided to cap you.If you pay for 2048 for instance and only get 600 now you should be pissed as I sure would....I also didn't mean you didn't have a valid beef, I only meant that your up is still much faster than the average person.....no DIS intended:) Microwave
  2. scribes111, Welcome to TestMy.Net site I hope you enjoy, The place to start is what speeds are you paying your ISP for?Then you would need to know how close you are coming to those speeds,if you are getting 90% of your advertised speed then your in good shape,if not then you need to determine why.....is your equipment at fault or is you ISP at fault.....hope this helps you to get started.......keep visiting:) Microwave
  3. I just read this and I was a little surprised because I would not have guessed some of these were the most popular for an attacker to scan to try and breach your security......I sure would have thought port 80 was in top 10 but it wasnt...............so here they are......maybe these are the easiest ones to get into? ISC Top 10 Scanned Ports 135 epmap 1434 ms-sql-m 137 netbios-ns 8000 irdmi 554 rtsp 445 microsoft-ds 9898 dabber 5554 sasser-ftp 1433 ms-sql-s 6112 dtspc Microwave
  4. qb4ever, First welcome to the site I hope you enjoy....and tell your friends about us. Yes you do have a good connection,as was said you are getting more speed than you pay for , just as I do.To me the number is not as important as being able to make your connection as good as it can be:)As a general rule we say if you are able to get 90% of the speed you pay for then thats good....Keep coming back and test or talk anytime:) Microwave
  5. I think that party is over....but I do agree with your statement and in my mind thats the major mal-function that was taking place!!If I would have known I was gonna have this much fun I would have gotten up earlier to get it started....hehe Microwave
  6. My upload is 512KB's:) I pay for 3000/256 and was recently capped for 4000/512.......it doesnt piss me off at all ......lol Microwave
  7. Yeah but ya just never know, look at all these poor smucks getting sued for downloading music......who woulda thunk it???and I dont think any of these people were reselling, it was just for them and to share.....I dont know I guess Im an old fart ...because the older I have gotten the more cautious I am....Ive just seen to many people get screwed by the system.Strange things happen I got raped by the I.R.S. over an honest mistake,and it took me 8 years to pay the bastards off,of course I was told by many people they cant do that .....but guess what ....THEY DID....I guess they didn't know they couldn't do that......lol sorry for the ramble...hehe Microwave
  8. Yeah CA3LE RFI is one of the biggest problems that most people don't know about ,and affects all kinds of systems,TV,police radios,cell phones,electronic phone systems,airplanes,etc.etc even your (hard wired)phone lines have RFI, and you are right about phone lines I was a phone tech for many years and 90 volts 60 cycles (very little amps) does get your attention.In the army and when I worked for Ma Bell when we caught a guy sleeping we stuck tip,ring in his ear.....LOL ouch and I cant remember how many times it happened to me,but its usually only a problem during a ring cycle(2 seconds on 4 seconds off) but I still got pissed every time.... I guess its the surprise of it......LOL Microwave
  9. PeePs, Your link shows over 600KB's.......thats a good upload in my book, its just my speeds are never high enough to make me happy I always want more,even though COX just doubled my upload for free.......COX CABLE Rocks:) Microwave
  10. Basik, yes you do have a nice score,although your stats are only from 5 test its still impressive........my connection has been whack for a few days but I'm still happy with my overall scores:) Microwave https://testmy.net/personal_stats_30d.php?comp_id=6257088679396&m=10&d=22&Y=2004
  11. Kinda cool what a little code will do for ya... especially when the author of the code knows his shiz like CA3LE GUY does.....also liked your site:) nice speed test.....lol Microwave
  12. Yeah, This is an idea that has been talked about for a long time , the first time I heard anything about this it was in reference to using it for phone lines which I think has been done(testing stages) there are so many un-explored options out there and its some peoples job to sit around and think this stuff up...... We used to have meetings that were called brainstorming which all kinds of weird ideas were thrown around the room..... there were times that it was very cool and times when ......well it was just plain boring......lol Microwave
  13. Man MICROWAVE is almost as accurate as my server monitor... hahaha... he's on top of shit! Thats because Im a trained professional.......dont try this at home kids!! lol sure....haha Microwave
  14. yep some good Ole java,one of the issues I often hear is the vulnerable IE browser from Microsoft.I have a Friend that says Mac is so good because it never gets a virus(not true....just very few)my answer is thats only because only 914 people use it....hehe. IE is here to stay no mater if we like or not,I have tried most all others at one time or another and I always go back to IE because I go to do something and I cant do it on one of the other browsers. Most all questions concerning browsers are about IE, I think mostly because people using other browsers are computer geeks(thats a good thing) The other problem I have is if I don't use IE when family or friends ask a question I cant remember because I'm not using it......so good bad or indifferent I made a decision some time ago that I would just stick with IE until there was a browser that could do everything IE does and a little bit more.....so thats my choice....hmmm or is it really.....lol or am I just along for the ride?? Microwave
  15. Yeah I have done this a couple of times before but I have never seen it as a tech tip or anything like that so I was just interested where he got the suggestion........cool good idea:) Microwave
  16. Yeah do it the way swimmer said, you have to catch it before it starts to load everything and then you got safe mode:) but why do you want to scan for scum-ware in safe mode? Where did you get that suggestion?? Microwave
  17. UNSTABLE, Thanks for this information,its very concise and helpful without having to go through volumes of text. I think this will help a lot of people(me included) understand what is going on with this.Keep on sharing your concepts.......I love this stuff:) hehe Microwave
  18. 9:30am oct 21....50% packet loss on pings to TestMy.net same as 7:30am................... 100% loss to this is where trouble starts for me times go from the teens (ms) to 312ms Microwave
  19. CA3LE GUY, You have made this a site that is fun to visit....yes from the very beginning of my time here I noticed your enthusiasm and skill that you devoted to your site.In fact it has been really cool to watch your site flourish and grow.It sure is different as you said from the start when the traffic was lighter, but by your encouragement to me and others to engage in the free flow of ideas, me along with many others find "testmy" a place we like to visit often.You are so right about the people we have on the site,one of the things I always enjoy is that you and everyone else was happy to be helpful, and to pass on the knowledge that they have freely, to anyone that has an interest in learning how to make their INTERNET experience a better one.Something that has made this site attractive to us is people are not treated badly because of their level of knowledge,nobody was born knowing how this thing works. So I think you should be proud of your accomplishment with this site and it has been an honor and a privilege to play a small part in it. Your the GUY that does the hard work, I just get to answer the easy questions sometimes...........Thanks Again Microwave
  20. 7:30am oct.21, I am getting packet loss of 25 to 50% and cant run speed test, forum pages load slow.It appears problem is only to testmy.net Microwave
  21. welcome to the site,not sure what your O S is but if I remember right win 98 did this because it changed the name of your files......if your running Windows XP it has a repair option when you reinstall that should clear your problem,let us know what happens:):)I'm guessing its XP because it has some other problems in the add/remove window like blank areas.....there is a neat program that I have used for many years that will also remove them from the window (its not uninstalling) this software must be used with caution because you can really nuke your system and create a much bigger problem, and there is a novice console you can use...so here it is ....AGAIN USE CAUTION, have copy of your registry.....you can edit the name of pgm if you want or delete it,which is a better choice because I think the files are gone because there is no size next to the programs.. http://www.xteq.com x-setup is what you want no spyware and it free Microwave
  22. RTB, I hope you get your new speeds I dont know if I like being on a "hit" list.....lol....and like the new sig:) Microwave
  23. shanee, WTF try again, hello McFly!!! shanee I don't mean to be disrespectful but you continue to add insult to injury. I'm thinking maybe you should spend some time on manners and reading comprehension, this is just rude and lame as several people have said already....... think,think, think before you act and you may be able to not piss on your shoes so often. CA3LE GUY has been a gentleman and a stand up guy throughout this whole ordeal, do you even understand what is being said??It is not very nice on any level to do what you have done and continue to do.......PLEASE give it a rest............ Microwave
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