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Everything posted by MICROWAVE

  1. Larry, If you go into your profile there is an avatar control panel which allows you to insert a picture(avatar) and have a signature at the end of your post. There are some really cool pics to choose from, CA3LE GUY gave us a library of something like 500 to choose from. Just one more really kick ass feature that CA3LE GUY has given us in his tireless efforts to make this the best test site on the net:) OBTW thats really a pic of me when I was younger....hehe............ Microwave
  2. The computer that is configured for DMZ(de-militarized zone=battlefield!!!danger) will be completely vulnerable on the Internet,and as you know as was said this can be a big problem if not dealt with correctly, so I wouldsuggest that you try opening ports from the Virtual Server or Firewall settings before using DMZ if Im understanding what it is your trying to do,(gamer) I think I would try this first although you may still have to take another route!!!! Microwave
  3. COX rules in Arizona I pay for 3000/256 less than 50bucks a month,and life great........but I want more speed Microwave
  4. Welcome to the site sloower:) and a lot of how fast your speed will be depends on transponder and gateway assignment from your provider, and of course your tweaks, but I do think you can probably improve some.the site that luwigie linked for you is very good for sat values.Hope you enjoy the site and keep testing so you can attain "your" best speeds:) Microwave
  5. Larry, If your happy thats what is important:):)as you will see there can be many different ideas on whats good and whats bad. Me thinks it goes back to the old adage ........... is the glass half full or half empty??? I also think you attitude makes you a happy camper, which is where we all want to be:) Keep enjoying and visiting Microwave
  6. KableKid, Sorry I had you confused with another person when I went back and saw your download speed I realized my mistake......I would say you don't have a problem!!!there is nothing slowing you down on your end, your ISP is either limiting your upload or its possible there is a lot of traffic. Or a bandwidth robber in your area.....lol.....when my friend had a similar issue someone was over amping and got caught,(so the tech said) although I wouldnt be surprised if their position is that everything is within specs...(but I dont think getting half of what I pay for as within specs)My approach would be to put the problem back on your ISP and see what they say....lets us know what happens please:) Microwave
  7. KableKid, Have you also checked and rechecked for spyware???? its a very common problem with slowing down your connection,and Im not sure if you said you had a higher speed before??? Im not sure how much you know about computers,but there is more to a faster speed than just the connection.......for instance how many things are running at start up???Look in msconfig to see!! Microwvae
  8. Shug, Very kool:) some funny computer geek moments.......and of course since my speed has just increased I think the first one must be true lmao Microwave
  9. i was using a dial-up connection 2day and it is really terrible, so this connection is 14 times faster than that was which would seem real fast after fighting that slow dial conn.which was A.O.L which I hate!! Microwave :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 4655 Kbps about 4.7 Mbps (tested with 2992 KB) Download Speed is:: 568 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line:: 83 times faster than 56K you can download 1MB in 1.8 second(s) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=RDTXX6US9 :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is: 504 Kbps about 0.5 Mbps (tested with 386 KB) Upload Speed is: 61 KB/s Tested From:: http://www.testmy.net/ Bottom Line: 9 times faster than 56K you can upload 1MB in 16.79 second(s) Validation Link :: https://testmy.net/cgi-bin/get.cgi?Test_ID=NUB3M4RYH
  10. rob, Yes thats very possible its not uncommon for the problem to be fixed without even coming to your home.It can be as simple as a lose connection at some point in the system or anyone of dozens of other things. Something that always suxs about a service call is the problem doesn't usually take that long to fix,its getting time for the guy thats going to fix it.....hang in there whatever it is it typically will be fixed ,we just cant say when, but as a customer its up to you to stay in contact with them until the problem is corrected:) Microwave
  11. VanBuren, Yeah this is very cool and easy to understand and use,I'm sure this will be helpful to many people. Thanks for your work:) Microwave
  12. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ KableKid12, Welcome to the site:) hope you enjoy..........as luwigie said try using Van Burens tweak guide "Make it faster", even though you have very good speeds if it can be improved I also would want this......good luck and let us know:) Microwave
  13. Microsoft: Ad ware Disrupts SP2 Installations Microsoft (Quote, Chart) has released a critical update to fix a Windows XP Service Pack 2 (SP2) installation problem caused by a third-party adware program called T.V. Media. (among others) The software maker said T.V. Media, which styles itself as a permission-based contextual marketing network, disrupts the successful installation of SP2 and other critical updates. Microsoft said PCs with T.V Media installed with the adware prevent the security-centric (oh I like that hmmm centric)SP2 from loading and serve the following error messages: "Stop: c0000135" and "winsrv was not found." (guess what there is a lot more)The computer then tries to restart itself repeatedly and forces the user to manually disable the automatic restart function And it looks like there may be more trouble coming to paradise.......stay tuned:( Microwave


  15. rob, I think Van Buren is correct, one thing to keep in mind is, before you accept from your ISP that the problem is with your equipment make them prove it to you. The Tech that comes to your home will have a laptop with him ,so if it comes to that I would ask him to hook up his computer to prove he will get better scores and let you see a marked increase......When I was in the field it was a common tool we used to prove to ourselves where the problem really was......godd luck and let us know how it turns out please:) Also if I remember correctly you were having very high pings to this site and elsewhere, if thats the case where is the slowdown...... its not written anywhere but I've been told by more than one tech that they want as low a ping time as is possible,.....but anything under 100ms is acceptable(to them anyway) I'm sure you are aware of these things ...so just a reminder,and I always write down my concerns so I can ask tech point by point.....and yes I did this even when I wasn't an old fart.....lol.....good luck:) Microwave
  16. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The information that Van Buren has given is pretty cool and is easy to follow,thanks for taking your time to give this to people......now if they would just follow directions, and not pick and choose which ones they think they should use it would be a lot better......LOL..... Microwave
  17. Thanks Van Buren that makes sense:) Microwave
  18. ~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ VanBuren, First its nice of you to help and that you have the knowledge about this, but I'm interested why only 50% is that recommended by the maker of the games or is it something you found on your own? Im just wondering why the other 50% is not used! or a portion of it...... Thanks Microwave
  19. Ummm ,or,a a.........queen maybe Vera.....or Im sorry Ms. DiMilo:)lol Microwave
  20. Yeah rob, It sometimes doesn't really take long for this to happen:) and it can be a speed killer but often its a combination of several little things......go figure...one more reason why I really enjoy this stuff,and often when I cant see the problem someone points out the most obvious thing,that I didn't see or think of,several minds are most often better than one ....especially if its my one......lol Microwave
  21. rob, Both of those are good,have you run them recently (scan) and do you have all the updates with them? Also have you followed the links that Van Buren has on his post , if you test using those links and follow the recommendations and don't notice any difference you may have other issues............ I'm talking about basic things like defrag,and error checking from the "C:" drive, and of course a good old fashioned reset of system and modem.....try these things and post some scores from various times so we can see exactly whats happening.....let us know:) Microwave
  22. mitchell_s, Welcome to the site and keep coming back and testing:) Thats a real nice connection at your school......thats the way its suppose to work.....lol....now if I had that at home.....oh well someday if I live long enough!!..lol Microwave
  23. Hey Larry, Welcome to the site hope you enjoy,your speed is good it looks as if your ISP is giving you what you pay for and thats sometimes as good as it gets:):) so keep visiting and have fun:) Microwave
  24. luwigie, I am in agreement with your statements and I posted the same to shanee, I also don't wish to be offensive but there are some pretty common sense things that should be observed when anyone is posting in any forum. While I admire shanee's enthusiasm I think his approach may have been a little mis-guided. shanee this is not meant to pick on you specifically, but I think there is a general consensus that it has been pointed out to you by the owner of the site, about what is or is not except able on this site and that while we are all sometimes guilty of straying from the topic it is important that we all play by the same rules as luwigie said. There is a proper netiquette that should be followed by all. I think if you were to familiarize yourself with this aspect that further discourse can be avoided.As I still sometimes do I go back and read the directions and when in doubt I would not do something until I was sure that its acceptable behavior. Thats the Kool thing about this medium, if I dont like the "rules" I am able to go do my own thing and start my own site as you have done. So be assured if I was on your site I would be willing to follow your format and if I wasnt I would take my toys somewhere else and play. Please dont mis-understand my words....... you are welcome here ,we just want you and everyone to follow the guidelines already set in place....Thank you for your future cooperation:) Microwave
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