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Everything posted by ROM-DOS

  2. <img src="http://imagehouze.com/uploader/files/126/CA3LEfinetuning.jpg" alt="CA3LEfinetuning.jpg" /> CA3LE messin' (I mean, fine-tuning) with everyones bandwidth. [. . . another RARE (and secret) photo]
  3. I'm not sure if you have a DVD drive, but some CD (games) won't play right if you run them in your DVD drive ~ make sure you put it in your CD drive ~ I had that problem once and all I had to do was put it in the right drive ~ lol
  4. What type of video card do you have? Right click on desktop > Properties > Advanced under Compatibility [check] Apply the new display settings without restarting To switch your display to 256 colors Some games and other software programs require that your monitor be set to 256 colors, or they run better in 256 colors. Many of those programs will switch your monitor to 256 colors automatically when you start the program. For those that don't, follow the steps below if you want to switch the display temporarily while the game or program is running. On your desktop or on the Start menu, right-click the game or other program that you want to run in 256 colors, and then click Properties. Click the Compatibility tab. Select the Run in 256 colors check box. Notes The screen will revert to your default color quality when you close the program. Try switching to 256 colors if your software program shows the wrong color or the graphics redraw slowly. If your software program appears in a small window in the center of your screen, you can increase its size by changing your screen resolution temporarily. Follow the procedure above, but in step 3 select the Run in 640x480 screen resolution check box. Your screen resolution will revert to its previous resolution when you close the program. The Compatibility tab is available only for programs or games located on your computer's hard disk. It is not available if the program is stored on a floppy disk, compact disk, or a network. [try right clicking on CD in drive and see if you can change any settings there] Changing Priority Class Levels You can change the priority class of the program in one of two ways. The first way is through the Task Manager, and is done while the program is already running. If you right-click on the desired program under the Processes tab, you will be presented with the option of switching the program's priority class. You can also change the priority on program startup by using a special batch file to execute the program. The batch file (.BAT) would look like this when it is open in a text editor: [Example:] Echo off Start /high c:(Program folder)(file.exe) If you store the batch file in the same directory as the file you're running, you don't need the path. Echo off Start/high (file.exe) The (file.exe) without the brackets is the name of the executable file that runs your program or game. Name the .bat file start.bat and just put it in the same folder that the (file.exe) is in, that's all ~ next time you start that program it's priority will be high. [i suggest you never set a program's priority to Real-Time, it may really screw with windows!]
  5. Justice Dept. proposes tougher copyright laws http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=technologyNews&storyID=2005-11-11T153241Z_01_FLE082713_RTRUKOC_0_US-MEDIA-COPYRIGHT.xml WASHINGTON (Reuters) - People who attempt to copy music or movies without permission could face jail time under legislation proposed by the U.S. Justice Department on Thursday. The bill, outlined by U.S. Attorney General Alberto Gonzales at an anti-piracy summit, would widen intellectual-property protections to cover those who try but fail to make illicit copies of music, movies, software or other copyrighted material. It would also enable investigators to seize assets purchased with profits from the sale of illicit copies, as well as property such as blank CDs that might be used for future copying. Those found guilty of a copyright violation could be forced to pay restitution to the owner of the material in question, and repeat offenders would face stiffer sentences.
  6. A Wal-Mart manager was given the task of hiring an individual to fill a job opening. After sorting through a stack of resumes he found four people who were equally qualified. He decided to call the four in and ask them only one question. Their answer would determine which of them would get the job. The day came and as the four sat around the conference room table the interviewer asked, "What is the fastest thing you know of?" Acknowledging the first man on his right, the man replied, "A THOUGHT". It just pops into your head. There's no warning that it's on the way; it's just there. A thought is the fastest thing I know of." "That's very good!" replied the interviewer. "And now you sir?" he asked the second man. "Hmm.... let me see. A blink! It comes and goes and you don't know that it ever happened. A BLINK is the fastest thing I know of." "Excellent!" said the interviewer. "The blink of an eye, that's a very popular clich
  7. 3 companies shut down on spyware charges http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=technologyNews&storyID=2005-11-10T204331Z_01_ARM074474_RTRUKOC_0_US-SPYWARE.xml WASHINGTON (Reuters) - A U.S. court shut down three Internet companies for secretly bundling malicious "spyware" with ring tones, music programs and other free high-tech goodies, the U.S. Federal Trade Commission said on Thursday. The malicious software tracked victims' Internet activity, hijacked their home pages and deluged them with unwanted "pop up" ads, the FTC said. The assets of Enternet Media Inc. and Conspy & Co. Inc., based in California, and Iwebtunes, based in Ohio, have been frozen pending further court action, the FTC said. The court also ordered all three firms to halt downloads of the software. According to a complaint filed in district court in Los Angeles, Enternet and Conspy bundled their malicious software with music files, song lyrics and cellular telephone ring tones offered free on a range of Web sites. The software was also disguised as a security upgrade for Microsoft Corp.'s Internet Explorer Web browser. Iwebtines bundled the spyware with a program that plays background music on blogs, the FTC said. Once lodged on a victim's computer, the spyware was difficult to remove, the FTC said. Microsoft, Google Inc. and Webroot Software Inc. helped with the investigation, the FTC said. The U.S. House of Representatives passed a bill in May that would stiffen jail sentences and establish multimillion-dollar fines for spyware purveyors, but the Senate has not yet taken it up.
  8. . . .with AMD processors ~ am I right?
  9. Recommended CableNut settings for 98 & ME: BcastNameQueryCount - 1 BcastQueryTimeout - 100 BSDUrgent - 1 CacheTimeout - 600000 DefaultRecvWindow - 8760 DefaultTTL - 128 EnableDNS - 0 GlobalMaxTcpWindoSize - 8760 KeepAliveInterval - 500 KeepAliveTime - 14400000 Lanabase - 0 LocalCopyMade - 1 MaxConnections - 100 MaxConnectRetries - 5 MaxDataRetries - 64 NameTableSize - 255 NameSrvQueryTimeout - 100 PMTUBlackHoleDetect - 0 PMTUDiscovery - 1 RoutinGBufSize - 146432 RoutingPackets - 100 SackOpts - 1 SessionKeepAlive - 7200 SessionTableSize - 255 Size/Small/Medium/Large - 3 Tcp1323Opts - 0 TcpTimedWaitDelay - 30 MaxDupAcks - 2 DefaultTOS - 240 IGMPLevel - 2 MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server - 8 MaxConnectionsPerServer - 4 Recommended CableNut settings for 2K & XP: DefaultReceiveWindow = 8192 DefaultSendWindow = 4096 DisableAddressSharing = 1 InitialLargeBufferCount = 20 InitialMediumBufferCount = 48 InitialSmallBufferCount = 64 LargeBufferSize = 40960 MaxFastTransmit = 6400 MediumBufferSize = 15040 PriorityBoost = 0 SmallBufferSize = 1280 TransmitWorker = 32 FastSendDatagramThreshold = 1024 EnableFastRouteLookup = 1 EnablePMTUDiscovery = 1 IgnorePushBitOnReceives = 0 GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize = 8760 MaxFreeTcbs = 4000 MaxHashTableSize = 8192 MaxNormLookupMemory = 1500000 SackOpts = 1 SynAttackProtect = 1 Tcp1323Opts = 0 TcpLogLevel = 1 MaxDupAcks = 2 TcpMaxHalfOpen = 100 TcpMaxHalfOpenRetried = 80 TcpRecvSegmentSize = 1460 TcpSendSegmentSize = 1460 TcpTimedWaitDelay = 30 TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer = 0 TcpWindowSize = 8760 MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server = 8 MaxConnectionsPerServer = 4 DefaultTTL = 128 DisableUserTOSSetting = 0 TcpMaxDataRetransmissions = 6 DefaultTOSValue = 240 My (Recommended) CableNut settings for XP: DefaultReceiveWindow = 64240 DefaultSendWindow = 64240 DisableAddressSharing = 1 InitialLargeBufferCount = 100 InitialMediumBufferCount = 240 InitialSmallBufferCount = 320 LargeBufferSize = 81920 MaxFastTransmit = 64000 MediumBufferSize = 15040 PriorityBoost = 1 SmallBufferSize = 1280 TransmitWorker = 32 FastSendDatagramThreshold = 1024 EnableFastRouteLookup = 1 EnablePMTUDiscovery = 1 IgnorePushBitOnReceives = 0 GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize = 17520 MaxFreeTcbs = 8000 MaxHashTableSize = 16384 MaxNormLookupMemory = 5000000 SackOpts = 1 SynAttackProtect = 1 Tcp1323Opts = 0 TcpLogLevel = 1 MaxDupAcks = 2 TcpMaxHalfOpen = 100 TcpMaxHalfOpenRetried = 80 TcpRecvSegmentSize = 1460 TcpSendSegmentSize = 1460 TcpTimedWaitDelay = 30 TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer = 0 TcpWindowSize = 17520 MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server = 10 MaxConnectionsPerServer = 8 DefaultTTL = 64 DisableUserTOSSetting = 0 TcpMaxDataRetransmissions = 6 DefaultTOSValue = 92 My (Recommended) CableNut settings for XP: [for on-line gaming ~ a work-in-progress] DefaultReceiveWindow = 12288 DefaultSendWindow = 8192 DisableAddressSharing = 1 InitialLargeBufferCount = 100 InitialMediumBufferCount = 240 InitialSmallBufferCount = 320 LargeBufferSize = 12288 MaxFastTransmit = 6400 MediumBufferSize = 8192 PriorityBoost = 1 SmallBufferSize = 4096 TransmitWorker = 20 FastSendDatagramThreshold = 1024 EnableFastRouteLookup = 0 EnablePMTUDiscovery = 0 IgnorePushBitOnReceives = 0 GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize = 6432 MaxFreeTcbs = 8000 MaxHashTableSize = 16384 MaxNormLookupMemory = 5000000 SackOpts = 1 SynAttackProtect = 0 Tcp1323Opts = 0 TcpLogLevel = 1 MaxDupAcks = 2 TcpMaxHalfOpen = 100 TcpMaxHalfOpenRetried = 80 TcpRecvSegmentSize = 536 TcpSendSegmentSize = 536 TcpTimedWaitDelay = 30 TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer = 0 TcpWindowSize = 6432 MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server = 20 MaxConnectionsPerServer = 20 DefaultTTL = 64 DisableUserTOSSetting = 1 TcpMaxDataRetransmissions = 6 DefaultTOSValue = 96
  10. No, just your standard PCI Soft V92 Modem.
  11. Thanks. For those interested ~ check out my performance tips and tweaks at; http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9452.0 . . .even when I had Comcast HS ~ I over capped my speeds, so maybe some of the tweaks I've done can help others over cap, too.
  12. <img src="http://imagehouze.com/uploader/files/126/hamster.jpg" alt="hamster.jpg" /> Intel-a-hamster cpu wheel fan
  13. Same thing here CableTech01. What I found that helps with that though, is replacing the stock heat sink with a much bigger one and my case has an exhaust fan on top, right above my AMD.
  14. NoCharge.com (Free) :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 65 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 386 kB) Download Speed is:: 8 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Sat Nov 12 18:13:38 PST 2005 Bottom Line:: 1X faster than 56K 1MB download in 128 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 84.42 % of your hosts average (nocharge.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-KY9OWIBCS :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 187 Kbps about 0.2 Mbps (tested with 97 kB) Download Speed is:: 23 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Sat Nov 12 18:16:26 PST 2005 Bottom Line:: 3X faster than 56K 1MB download in 44.52 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 142.86 % faster than the average for host (nocharge.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-RJ98N0OSK [i know I don't compete with you guys, but I do think I have the fastest Dial-Up speed]
  15. . . .not sure I understand your question ~ but if you don't have any Anti-Virus programs installed on your computer ~ try running some of the FREE on-line Virus scanners I mentioned in "FREE Tools". I've found Avast to be a great FREE Anti-Virus program.
  16. AMD in hot pursuit of bullet-proof servers "Imagine knowing that if you bought an Opteron II (or whatever) server, of any brand, you
  17. Some of you may also find some useful, as well as user friendly, information in;
  18. HEY VanBuren (or anyone else); As some of you may know ~ I'm using Dial-Up to connect and trying to 'optimize' my CableNut settings for on-line gaming. I've recently discovered I can play in large servers(with 64 players) and still stay connected(WOO HOO). So, the question is ~ "can someone help me understand these settings;" MaxFastTransmit: Default: 64 KB Valid Range: 0
  19. I just saw the secret blueprints . . . I think it's gonna work!
  20. . . .because they are? has anyone seen the commercial for Disneys Ice Capades "Finding Nemo" . . .don't the girlie fish with the eyes in front look hot ~ lol <img src="http://imagehouze.com/uploader/files/126/FindC.jpg" alt="FindC.jpg" />
  21. Well said resopalrabotnick
  22. . . .I keep my cable connection ~ just in case my dial-up goes down!
  23. Man buys virtual space station for $100,000 http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20051110-5551.html Jon Jacobs, a director of independent films who hails from Miami, FL, has purchased a virtual space station from the Swedish software company that owns and operates the Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game (MMORPG) Project Entropia. This is believed to be the largest single purchase of virtual real estate by an individual. Jacobs, who earned a third of the $100,000 fee by selling in-game items, plans to call the station "Club Neverdie" and operate it like a cross between a nightclub and a virtual Jurassic Park, where visitors can hunt giant dinosaurs and collect their hides. Because he owns the virtual property where the hunts are taking place, Jacobs will be able to collect a cut of the proceeds from the sale of the virtual hides. He expects to make up to $20,000 a month from these tariffs and other income, such as tickets to club events hosted by real-life DJs. . . .I have some rare virtual dino hides, any offers!!
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