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  1. To find the location of your telephone company switching office; Click here <+> http://www.dslreports.com/coinfo This link is for CO Distance(doesn't work for everyone) http://www.dslreports.com/prequal/distance <img src="http://imagehouze.com/uploader/files/126/USATELCO.png" alt="USATELCO.png" /> [ my 92,121 byte download test ~ lol] Guess what! I live Two blocks away from mine. That might explain the excellent speeds I get. Forum LACYWA01: Post! Telco: QWEST CORPORATION - WA Address: 1311 COLLEGE SE This CO feature set: Note: If you are not a Telco guru or network admin, these codes are of no interest, and do not relate to DSL service WE DS1 Capable Wire Center TH Frame Relay SAP-Frame Switch TA Access concentrator RM Program audio bridging RH Telemetry and alarm bridging-passive RG Telemetry and alarm bridging-summation RF Telemetry and alarm bridging-split band RE Telephoto bridging RD Voice grade data bridging RC Voice bridging PL Swiched access-price zone 3 PC Special access-price zone 3 HD 800 query charge billing GJ Public switch 64KBS clear channel (ISDN) GD 800 or 800 type service GC WATS or WATS type service DA Feature group D with 10XXX dialing BA Feature group B Qwest Network Modification Statement [Word Document] http://www.qwest.com/wholesale/downloads/2004/040706/NetworkModification_07-1-04.doc
  2. AMD prepares to release quad-core CPUs in 2007 http://arstechnica.com/news.ars/post/20051116-5586.html AMD has revealed that they are planning a quad-core-capable processor family for release some time in 2007. In addition, the chip maker says that they will be switching to a new internal architecture for their x86 CPUs in 2008 or 2009. Details of this switch have not yet been announced. AMD shipped the first dual-core versions of their 64-bit Opteron server CPUs in May of this year, beating rival Intel to the punch. The move to multiple CPU cores on one die has been an industry-wide shift, precipitated by the failure of clock frequency scaling to keep up with improvements in process technology. While Moore's Law continues unabated for the time being and more transistors can be packed on the same die at 90nm and 65nm, MHz scaling appears to have hit a wall. Faced with this undeniable fact, the most efficient use of those extra transistors is to add more cores.
  3. OMG
  4. ". . .producing a laptop so cheap that governments could afford to link every child in the world to the Internet." I hope my new $400. dollar fake ID (that let's me re-invent my spoiled youth, again) qualifies me for this new government program . . .or do I have to move to some third world country ~ that doesn't have any internet service (providers), too? Proto-type testing will begin the day after Thanksgiving with Walmart offering an HP laptop for $398. The specs are planned to be as follows; AMD Mobile Sempron 2600+ Processor 256MB DDR SDRAM Memory 40GB Hard Drive DVD/CD-RW Combo Drive 802.11b/g Wireless Networking 15" TFT XGA Display There are no rebates planned for this laptop, that price is the in store price. WalMart will also be selling a Pavilion AMD desktop with the following specs; HP Pavillion 1203w-b Desktop w /15" LCD Monitor AMD Sempron 3000+ Processor 512MB DDR SDRAM Memory 40GB Hard Drive CD-RW Drive 9-in-1 Memory Card Reader 15" LCD Monitor Also for $398 w/no rebates. . . .geez, I should have spent my $400. more wisely!!
  5. A common misunderstanding in communications is that having more bandwidth means a "faster" (lower-latency) connection. But, in many cases, the reverse is true, depending on context and needs. Bandwidth is the amount of information that can be transferred over a connection in a given period of time. It's usually measured in bits per second. There are 8 bits in a byte, so you should divide your bandwidth by 8 to get the transfer rate in bytes. However, adding in overhead and other factors that slow down the transmission, it is likely that your actual data transfer rate will be lower. A good rule of thumb is to divide by 10 to get the data transfer rate. Latency is the amount of time it takes for a response to return from a request. Usually this is measured in a simple time value. On the Internet, this is typically in milliseconds. 1000 ms is equal to 1 second. Latency and bandwidth together determine the "speed" of a connection, and the "speed" of a connection can vary as widely as your needs. To view a web page over a 56 kbit/s modem (56,000 bits per second) from a server 3,000 miles away is done very effectively over the Internet. Latency is fairly low (typically about a quarter of a second) and the size of an average web page (around 30
  6. UN internet showdown imminent http://finance.news.com.au/story/0,10166,17244380-462,00.html THIRD-WORLD despots
  7. . . .let's not forget to wish our fellow member just-
  8. . . .not as dumb as they get ~ lol Hey, just- Happy Birthday, too!! /happy_bday.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':bday:' />:' /> just- checked out your web site http://www.trekearth.com/members/just-/ . . .you have been around the block! Nice pics . . .
  9. 56K Modem speed is not only dependant on bandwidth, but also on the noise parameters of telephone circuits. 56K Modems can exploit the makeup of the public switched telephone network (PSTN), because they
  10. ANCIENT CHINESE PROVERB: Dumbass standing on glass looking for trouble
  11. For years thousands of people have campaigned to draw the public's attention to the harm globalisation has done to the developing world and to expose the unjust policies of the unholy trinity
  12. Asking the questions, giving the answers By Kieren McCarthy in Tunis Published Monday 14th November 2005 11:06 GMT WSIS Tunis The most controversial aspect of this whole world summit hasn't been the ensuing fight of who should run the internet but where it is being hosted: Tunisia. Stories about the clampdown on freedom of speech by the government in Tunisia have been the main focus of most stories up to now. It is nowhere near as bad as, say, China but many countries have questioned why a summit about the Information Society (essentially, the Internet) should be based somewhere that denies the most inspiring and revolutionary aspect of this new medium - ready access to enormous, global amounts of information. The criticism has been heavy and sustained. It even led to a formal question at the end of the Geneva PrepCom3 conference by Western countries over whether Tunisia would guarantee freedom of speech during the conference. The Tunisian ambassador was embarassed and incensed. He testily told the gathered governments, organisations and media that Tunisia had stated time and again that usual UN rules would apply at the conference - which meant complete freedom of representation. But despite these words, no heads of governments from Western "liberal" countries are attending. And the UN has had problems getting big names to take part because they don't want to provide the Tunisian government with legitimacy. If this wasn't indication enough, the United Nations has actually produced an FAQ document covering "the privileges and immunities granted to participants" of the Summit. There are 13 questions and the first is: "Is there any category of Summit participants who do not enjoy privileges and immunities?" I have to confess that the very fact that the UN felt the need to produce such a document caused me to print out the French version which I keep close to hand in case I end up on the wrong side of one of the thousands of security services men or policeman patrolling night and day. The Tunisian government does not like the idea of a free press. There were three young women keeping an eye out for journalists at the airport when I arrived. I decided to avoid the Media desk and get through the police/passport check. But I had asked and noted down the address of where I needed to pick up my official badge, and one of them spotted my reporter's notepad. I was immediately pulled aside, and while she was charming and helpful, she also managed to take down my name, passport number and even my NUJ number. There is also a bizarre tendency for my hotel to try to keep hold of my passport whenever possible. First, it was just to make a copy of it. But that copy would for some reason take five hours. I went back and got it. But today, another reason was found to take it off me. What about the copy, I asked. "Oh, the copy didn't work, we need another one." Continued here > http://www.theregister.co.uk/2005/11/14/wsis_blog_two/page2.html
  13. This and the G8 summit are symptoms of the coming paradigm shift. I think we can all look-forward to all of our freedoms coming under fire. It may be apocolyptic but we have only seven months untill 6/6/6.
  14. A tense dispute over US control of the Internet in the run-up to the World Summit on the Information Society (WSIS) could eventually lead to the break-up of the global network and hamper seamless browsing, officials warned Monday. The warning came as the United States told EU participants at negotiations on Internet governance that it was determined to maintain its oversight over the technical and administrative infrastructure at the root of the network. In a letter seen by AFP, US Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice and Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez called on the British presidency of the European Union to drop its proposal for an international alternative. "We ask the EU to reconsider its new position on Internet governance and work together with us to bring the benefits of the information society to all," the United States wrote. A European diplomat, who declined to be named, said the letter was tantamount to "an attempt at intimidation". Robert Shaw of the UN's International Telecommunication Union, said: "Since the positions are so polarised we may end up with a fractured Internet." Either the search for a "democratic" international solution prevails, or the Internet could fragment into a multitude of networks before an eventual international coordination mechanism sticks them back together, he added. Late Monday, the chairman of the negotiations, Janis Karklins of Finland, asked government negotiators to examine a new draft compromise to try to resolve their three-year deadlock before the summit, which begins on Wednesday. The outcome could determine who eventually controls the Internet's technical and administrative infrastructure, which allows the computer network to function worldwide... Read the rest of the article here: http://www.physorg.com/news8159.html
  15. . . .can you play any other games besides the sims and the incredibles without poping back to your desktop? If not, it might be time to get a new drive. Try cleaning it and maybe disconnecting the drive - turn off computer -unplug it from the IDE Channel (and power) and restart your computer without it plugged in ~ turn off computer and reconnect it back to the IDE cable (and power) and restart. I'm also wondering if it still might have to do with your video settings ~ if you think it's loading, but not displaying? Check all your video card settings, again. Is your monitor in-synch with your refresh rate? Sometimes kids like pressing buttons on the monitor and may have change some settings?
  16. Google gives away analytic tools http://today.reuters.com/news/newsArticle.aspx?type=technologyNews&storyID=2005-11-14T180017Z_01_RID430837_RTRUKOC_0_US-MEDIA-GOOGLE-ANALYTICS.xml&archived=False SAN FRANCISCO (Reuters) - Google Inc. plans to give away a set of analytic tools allowing Web developers, administrators and advertisers to fine-tune their sites including advertising, the Web search leader said on Sunday. Google, which derived virtually all of its $1.58 billion in revenue from advertising sales during the last quarter, is betting that by giving away sophisticated Web measurement tools it can also drive increased use of its search marketing services. Google Analytics (http://www.google.com/analytics/) are already used by many top Web sites, including dozens of Fortune 500 companies. By making the service free, Google is seeking to draw a wider range of users to Web analytics, including individuals looking to more actively promote their topical Web logs, or blogs.
  17. The Big Picture: VPN flaw threatens Internet traffic http://news.com.com/2104-1002_3-5951916.html?tag=st.bp Problem in key Internet security protocol used by Cisco, Juniper and other companies could shut down devices or slow movement of data. http://news.com.com/VPN+flaw+threatens+Internet+traffic/2100-1002_3-5951916.html?tag=mainstry Microsoft eyes making desktop apps free http://news.com.com/Microsoft+eyes+shift+to+ad-supported+software/2100-1014_3-5951569.html?tag=nl.caro Even as Microsoft readies a host of new ad-supported online services to battle rivals, the software maker has been mulling a plan to offer free, ad-supported versions of some of its desktop products, CNET News.com has learned. Although no specific plans have been made, executives within Microsoft are examining whether it makes sense to release ad-supported versions of products such as Works, Money, or even the Windows operating system itself, according to internal documents seen by CNET News.com.
  18. DON'T OPEN until your Birthday! from my friends;
  19. 14 November 2005 Trend backs down on MS Trojan claim http://www.techworld.com/opsys/news/index.cfm?NewsID=4781 Trend Micro has retracted last week
  20. flag ~ I'm sorry ~ most of these tweaks are intended for Windows XP users, but you might want to PM Cholla and ask him what he thinks before you try anything here ~ Cholla is running Windows ME and he might be able to help with earlier versons of Windows tweaks. [it's been so long since I used an earlier version of Windows ~ I can't really remember if you could set up Hardware Profiles?] . . .but, you do have to do certain things in order (and re-boot) for Windows to understand what your doing. *** Advanced Tweaks [not for Gamers only] *** are things anyone can do (or try), it's that most gamers like to have the least amount of programs running in the background. What I did was partition my hard drive into three seperate drives. One for the family - C:, one for backup stuff - D:, and one for me and my on-line gaming - E:. I'm able to dual-boot either to C: drive or E: drive ~ I've installed Windows XP twice ~ one on each drive. Which I'll explain to folks at some future time and why. {. . .it's kinda ironic ~ I have copies of Windows 98 and Windows Me stored on my D: drive -uninstalled ~ for friends that need earlier versions.} Thanks for the heads up, though ~ I'll add a note: For Windows XP users. ~ sorry
  21. Microsoft Windows 2000 TCP/IP Implementation Details White Paper (Word Document) [download and save] http://download.microsoft.com/download/7/7/1/7716a332-d3af-4ad5-b249-38ca97db023e/tcpip2000.doc This white paper describes and examines the Microsoft TCP/IP implementation (settings) from the bottom up and is intended for network engineers and support professionals who are familiar with TCP/IP. [it may help you understand CableNut Adjuster settings better, also.]
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