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Everything posted by ROM-DOS

  1. . . .I remember back in the good ol' Art Bell days when someone use to transcribe the shows, now you have to subscribe to Streamlink ~ I wish someone would transcribe again ~ I can read faster than listening ~ lol
  2. . . .of course (10+ years) . . .but I fall asleep to it ~ too often. (actually, I think I use it to fall asleep ~ lol)
  3. Thanks gang!
  4. BitLord <+> http://www.bitlord.com/ NO SPYWARE in the program. Built in Torrent search, find anything without having to visit bad websites.
  5. Insurgents Using Chem Weapons - On Themselves? This has to be the most bizarre twist in the WMD saga yet. Insurgents in Iraq could very well have chemical weapons. And they may be using them - on themselves. The story starts over a year ago with a Marine blogger in Iraq. On June 2nd 2004 "The Green Side" - describes suicidal attacks by insurgents in Fallujah:
  6. New virus chats with you on AOL IM The Internet security company IMlogic is reporting on a new virus, titled IM.Myspace04.AIM. The virus, once it infects its host, disables anti-virus software and software firewalls, then sends out instant messages to everyone on the host computer's buddy list. The user of the host computer is unaware that this is happening, and does not see any of the outgoing messages. However, people on that user's buddy list will start seeing instant messages from the host's computer. For all intents and purposes, these IMs seem to be coming from someone the user knows and trusts already. The messages are simple, consisting of phrases such as "lol thats cool" and urging the "buddy" to click on a "cool" link, which is a download address for the virus. If the user queries the bot about the link, the virus will respond: "lol its not a virus." While IM.Myspace04.AIM is not currently widespread, it does represent a new method of "social engineering," the technique hackers have long used to convince human operators to give out passwords, turn off security measures, or download and execute viruses or trojans. In this case, the entity doing the social engineering isn't human, and can work tirelessly without end. Copyright
  7. Microsoft To Launch Windows Live Local MICROSOFT IS EXPECTED TO GO live later today with a local version of its Windows Live service, according to an analyst briefed on the initiative. Microsoft Windows Live Local, powered by Virtual Earth, will allow users to open a satellite-based map image of a city and a bird's-eye view of specific buildings--all in a single screen. Rather than relying on satellites to capture images from the sky a la Google Earth, Microsoft's new service is using low-flying airplanes to capture its images. "The local service is combining maps and local, and bringing it all to the next level," the analyst said. A month ago, Microsoft announced the upcoming release of two Web-based software services--Windows Live and Office Live--to support Microsoft Office. Windows Live includes a new e-mail service, Windows Live Mail; a new instant messenger, Windows Live Messenger; and a virus removal and security service. Office Live includes services to help owners of business owners with fewer than 10 employees manage their businesses with Microsoft Office. The services will include a Web site building utility, as well as a set of subscription business management applications. Microsoft's new Web-based tools are seen by many as a means of defense against Google and Sun Microsystem's OpenOffice.
  8. . . .don't make me bust a cap on you ~ SrcuF Fy
  9. . . .is anyone else able to download test with compression on? <img src="http://imagehouze.com/uploader/files/126/bush_monkey.gif" alt="bush_monkey.gif" />
  10. boywonder ~ right click My Computer > Properties > under Hardware Tab open Device Manager > click on View and Resourses by type click on Interrupt request (IRQ) find which IRQ## is assigned to your modem goto Start > Run type regedit and goto the PriorityControl branch of local_machine and what ever IRQ## is given to your modem ~ create a new value name dword Irq##Priority and modify the value data = 1 hexadecimal base It should end up looking like this with the ## being the number of your modems IRQ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl PriorityControl Irq##Priority REG_DWORD 0x00000001 (1) you mize well create and add; Win32PrioritySeparation REG_DWORD 26 (hexadecimal) (38) while your there, too. ~ close registry and re-boot
  11. Price
  12. Fred, because Redhand is sold commercially, most anti-virus and anti-spyware programs may not detect it. The latest permutations include the use of routines to mail out user activity via e-mail and/or posting information to the web where the spy can view it at their leisure. Also many spyware vendors are useing "stealth routines" and "polymorphic" (meaning to change) techniques to avoid detection and removal by popular anti-spy software. In some cases Spyware vendors have went as far as to counter-attack anti-spy programs by attempting to break their use. In addition they may use routines to re-install the spyware application after it has been detected. Ironically you can monitor for spy software by installing spy software on your system first! Since spy software can record all keystrokes it can monitor and record the installation of another spy software. Again this turns into a virtual arms race, but keep in mind that many spy programs are vulnerable to anti-spy attacks. There's only a couple of thousand Spy programs out to get you. Here's a list of free programs you can try, but I'm seriously not sure how well they can detect some of the stealth rountines some these spyware/key-loggers use to avoid detection. Spybot - Search & Destroy - free - spyware killer/remover - (trys to) catches what Ad-aware misses http://www.safer-networking.org/index.php?page=download Ad-aware - free - spyware killer/remover - (trys to) catches what spybot misses http://www.lavasoftusa.com/software/adaware/ SpywareBlaster - doesn't scan for and clean spyware - it (trys to) prevents it from being installed in the first place. http://www.javacoolsoftware.com/spywareblaster.html HijackThis - scans for pesky malware, spyware and adware that manage to avoid being detected by other scanners it is very detailed about what is installed and running with loads of tools and log analyzer. Read everything on this one before using. http://www.download.com/HijackThis/3000-8022-10379544.html?tag=list You may want to check out Spyware Doctor, it will do a free scan, but it won't fix any problems, 'till you purchase it ~ http://www.pctools.com/spyware-doctor/ . . .a few things you might want to keep in mind before you click on something ~ try to avoid "drive-by downloads". Drive-by downloads are accomplished by providing a misleading dialogue box and/or other methods of stealth installation (like hitting the [X] to exit a pop-up). Many times users have no idea they have installed the application. Often Adware/Spyware makers make their applications very difficult to uninstall. A "EULA" or End User License Agreement is the agreement you accept when you click "OK" or "Continue" when you are installing software. Many users never bother to read the EULA. It is imperative to actually read this agreement before you install any software. No matter how tedious the EULA, you should be able to find out the intent BEFORE you install the software. If you have questions about the EULA- e-mail the company and ask them for clarification. . . .Happy Hunting.
  13. FallowEarth ~ Stop foolin' around ~ This Place is the Only Real Place
  14. Warez servers in Germany confiscated German police have confiscated five warez servers with 6 terabytes of illegal copies of movies and games in the German town of Coburg on the fringes of northern Bavaria. The servers, with names as Temptation and Paradise Island, were accessible to over 1,200 people for
  15. Don't worry, everything is under control. [we are just fine tuning are newtindo controler] Weather Modification Research and Technology Transfer Authorization Act of 2005 Here are only a few of its simple, but quite extraordinary provisions .... SEC. 2. PURPOSE. It is the purpose of this Act to develop and implement a comprehensive and coordinated national weather modification policy and a national cooperative Federal and State program of weather modification research and development .... SEC. 7. COOPERATION WITH THE WEATHER MODIFICATION OPERATIONS AND RESEARCH BOARD. The heads of the departments and agencies of the United States and the heads of any other public or private agencies and institutions that receive research funds from the United States shall, to the extent possible, give full support and cooperation to the Board and to initiate independent research and development programs that address weather modifications. SEC. 8. FUNDING. (a) IN GENERAL - There is established within the Treasury of the United States the Weather Modification Research and Development Fund, which shall consist of amounts appropriated pursuant to subsection ( or received by the Board under subsection ©. (AUTHORIZATION OF APPROPRIATIONS- There is authorized to be appropriated to the Board for the purposes of carrying out the provisions of this Act $10,000,000 for each of fiscal years 2005 through 2014. Any sums appropriated under this subsection shall remain available, without fiscal year limitation, until expended. © GIFTS - The Board may accept, use, and dispose of gifts or donations of services or property. SEC. 9. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Act took effect on October 1, 2005
  16. Welcome to testmy.net boywonder, How far away are you from your telco? To find the location of your telephone company switching office; Click here <+> http://www.dslreports.com/coinfo . . .what is your initial connect status? (just click on your connection icon in your system tray. (if I don't like my connect status, I just dis-connected and connect again ~ 'till I get at least a 49.2Kbps speed, sometimes I get a 53Kbps speed going.) Next, dis-able your Hardware(modem) compression in your Internet Connection > Properties > Gerneral > (Connect using ~ your Modem) > Configure set Maximum speed(bps) to 921600 [check] Enable hardware flow control [check] Enable modem error control [un-check] Enable moden compression hit OK goto Networking (still in Properties) and click Settings under "Type of dial-up server I am calling" and [check] Enable LCP extensions [check] Enable software compression [check] Negotiate multi-link for single link connections hit OK try those first and remember to always re-start your computer for any changes to take effect.
  17. . . . Spython found this on my computer after I did a 2MB update. RedHand Category: Keystroke Logger RedHand is a hidden keystroke recorder that records all keyboard key strokes and other computing activity into a log file, so that you (or someone else) can view and use this data later. Also allows total remote control by hackers and malicious users. Contains functionality to block certain programs from running. Also has the ability to lockdown, log on or off users, even shutdown the PC completely. This spyware application exhibits the following characteristics: Logs Internet browsing habits Tracks your web browsing and shopping habits, sending this information to a centralized server for analysis. This information is normally used to provide targeted advertising. Logs keystrokes Tracks all the keys pressed on the keyboard, saving this information to a text file or sending the information to an e-mail recipient. Keystroke loggers are very dangerous because they can log passwords, account numbers, credit card numbers, and all other personal information entered on your computer, including email correspondence. Remains memory resident Remains memory resident in an attempt to detect and deter removal. Such behavior makes applications difficult to remove without anti-spy software such as Spython. Stealthy Typically hides associated files from the computer process manager, creates no visible icons in the system tray or taskbar, and provides no method for uninstall. . . .this is the second keylogger I've found on my computer this year.
  18. surfing the web ~ riding high ~
  19. That's OK Indestructable ~ I've added a Tweaking Precautions: to show tweaks like you how to use the Windows XP system restore feature. [for those who might miss a step accidentally, make a typo . . .or do too many things at once]
  20. Intel taps intelligent toilet expert as new CTO Intel may well be looking to put a difficult two years behind it with an executive reshuffle that includes the appointment of a new CTO. Justin Rattner, an Intel senior fellow, has been tapped as the new CTO. Current SVP Pat Gelsinger was Intel's first CTO. Intel's most recent spate of roadmap tweaks and processor delays started at the end of his CTO tenure. Gelsinger, however, seems to have escaped charges of bad decision making. Rattner will need to help guide Intel's server processor business back on course. Intel has fallen behind rival AMD on x86 chip performance and still struggles with its Itanium demons. Intel may well have picked the right man for this difficult task. Rattner is well versed in multicore processor technology, having earlier this year proposed a 100-core chip that could power an intelligent, stool-sampling toilet. . . .LOL ~ I just thought this was funnier than sh!t
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