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  1. http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?action=mlist;sort=realName;start=19600 testmy.net broadband community | Members List | Viewing Members 19601 to 19653 (of 19653 total members) What about this guy? ~ does he still count? What about all the 0 post noobs? I still think we're back to a 'core' of about 80 Active Members . So, when do you think we'll hit a 'core' of 100 Active Members? ~ lol
  2. Ouch! Oh man, this made me laugh and cry at the same time. I'm sure it was an HP with an i486 DX-33 and 32MB of Ram ~ lol . . .Strange thing is, I don't think it came with that much ~ I must have upgraded! God ~ the prices back them! What was it? ~ I think Windows took something like 3-6MB or was it 12? . . .and the hard drive was 20MB ~ upgraded to 40MB! and I don't think I ever got close to filling it! ~ lol
  3. I'm predicting this will be my 500th post! tdawnaz ~ unless I get a Christmas Eve miracle, it's looking more like Christmas Day.
  4. NoShow ~ what ever ISP you choose ~ definately use CableNut Adjuster.
  5. ROM-DOS


    I've been thinkin' of trying Qwest DSL . . .we don't have Verizon here in Washington.
  6. Virgin Galactic announces New Mexico spaceport 12/16/2005 10:36:58 AM, by Peter Pollack How cool is this? Having grown up watching the original Star Trek every night after my homework was done, I have just enough space-geek in me to get excited about this sort of thing. Virgin Galactic, the pie-in-the-sky (literally) venture owned by billionaire screwball genius Richard Branson, has announced plans to build a spaceport in New Mexico, with sub-orbital flights beginning sometime in 2008 or 2009. The facility, currently known as Southwestern Regional Spaceport, could actually become the sixth licensed non-federal spaceport in the US, according to the FAA's Office of the Associate Administrator for Commercial Space Transportation (AST), but it will be the first one devoted largely to space tourism. Space tourism is touted by some to be the doorway to regular commercial spaceflights
  7. GEE ~ resopalrabotnick ~ you need to use j/k if your trying to pull my leg! Now I have to tortuously re-assemble my silent-UHF nieghborhood cordless interceptor/converter piggyback rider attenuator! ~ Thanks! ~ lol [may the dial-up gods smite thee cable nuts] j/k
  8. It's still going to be Xmas Eve ~ however you define it(in some time zone) ~
  9. resopalrabotnick ~ the FCC does not set nor care how fast data is sent over the PSTN network. From their perspective the faster the better. What the FCC does care about is interference between telephone customers. Due to that concern, the FCC limits signalling power, in effect how loud each side can be. It is a side effect of this limitation, and typical noise and attenuation characteristics of the copper telephone loop that limits maximum V.90/92 speed to about 53.333kbs. The FCC would have no problem if some clever engineer (or tweaker, like myself) figured out how to recover the full PCM data rate of 64 Kbps. On a full expaination on how this may be done, read * 56K Modem bandwidth and noise parameters * http://www.testmy.net/forum/index.php?topic=9597.msg94757#msg94757
  10. Disabling EXE signature-checking in Internet Explorer By default, Internet Explorer checks to see if downloaded executables contain a valid signature. Signatures are often used by large software companies to verify that the downloaded executable is what they say it is. Unfortunately, many organisations offering various flavours of malware (Comet Cursor, CoolWebSearch and the like) also digitally sign their code. Signatures only guarantee that the executable concerned is what the software company say it is - not that once installed, it won't do any harm. Should a downloaded executable not contain a signature or contain a invalid signature, Internet Explorer will display a prompt asking the user if they wish to continue. This tweak prevents Internet Explorer from looking for a valid signature and thus disables that prompt. [note:] always scan executables with your anti-virus program after downloading, i.e. - right click on .exe program and scan. To disable executable signature-checking in Internet Explorer: Use a registry editing tool to navigate to the following key: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerDownload
  11. Remove unneeded components Windows XP comes with various completely useless components such as MSN Explorer. Reclaim some disk space and reduce the number of loaded DLLs by removing them. If you don't use Windows Messenger, now would be a good time to remove it. To remove MSN Explorer: Click Start, Settings and then Control Panel. Switch to Classic view. Double-click on Add / Remove Programs. Click Add / Remove Windows Components. Click on Accessories and Utilities then click Details. Remove any unwanted components by unchecking the tick-box next to the entry. Click OK. Remove MSN Explorer by unchecking the tickbox next to the entry. Click Next. After the un-installation has finished, click Finish. [Reboot your computer if prompted.] To remove other unneeded components: Using notepad or a similar text editor, open: WindowsSYSTEM32sysoc.inf In the Components section, remove the word "HIDE" from all the components you wish to remove. Suggested sections to remove are: msmsgs=msgrocm.dll,OcEntry,msmsgs.inf,hide,7 Pinball=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,pinball.inf,HIDE,7 MSWordPad=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,wordpad.inf,HIDE,7 ZoneGames=zoneoc.dll,ZoneSetupProc,igames.inf,,7 Freestyle=medctroc.dll,MedCtrOCISetupProc,medctroc.inf,HIDE,7 TabletPC=tabletoc.dll,TabletSetupProc,Tabletpc.inf,HIDE,7 [note:] keep the commas, as in ~ Pinball=ocgen.dll,OcEntry,pinball.inf,,7 Save the file, then exit. Now you can remove the components through the Add / Remove Windows Components utility, as described in the process above.
  12. Removing Windows Messenger from Windows XP As an embedded component of Windows, Messenger can be difficult to remove. There is no entry in the Add / Remove Programs applet for it. If you simply wish to prevent users from gaining access to it, there is a registry key to do this. To prevent Windows Messenger from being run: Use a registry editing tool to navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREPoliciesMicrosoftMessengerClient Insert or change a value with the following details: PreventAutoRun REG_DWORD 0x00000001 [Restart the computer for the changes to take effect.] Non-standard versions of Windows or MSN Messenger (version 5.0 or above) can usually be removed via the Add / Remove Programs applet within Control Panel. Once the non-standard version is removed, the Windows XP-native version (version 4.x) can be completely removed (i.e. uninstalled) using the method outlined below. To remove Windows Messenger from Windows XP: Copy and paste the following to a text file,
  13. Configuring the network bandwidth used by BITS
  14. * More XP Tweaks *
  15. Memory Management: Kernel Paging and Cache Tuning The "DisablePagingExecutive" entry in the registry prevents the kernel (the core of the XP OS) from being rolled out to the page file. The effect of this part of the tweak is to cause the OS to cache the OS Kernel and its entourage to RAM instead of to disk, which makes XP far more responsive. The "LargeSystemCache" registry entry forces XP to allocate all but 4MB of system memory, that is system memory, not avaliable RAM, to the file system cache. The remaining 4MB of system memory is used for disk caching, though XP will allocate more memory if it is needed. A modern hard disk will transfer sequential data to and from disk at up to 40MB per second, or even faster on some drives, but the LargeSystemCache tweak means that effective transfer speeds of 1GB per second or more can be obtained, depending on the amount of RAM in your system and its operating speed. This is achieved because the LargeSystemCache modification causes the OS to store data read from disk in RAM. It means that the OS is always using the optimum amount of RAM instead of leaving it untouched for future use that may or may not occur. Without this part of the tweak, 200MB or more of RAM in a typical 512MB machine goes completely unused. Some I/O intensive applications may take a hit in performance from changing the LargeSystemCache, so this particular component of the tweak should not be applied to a system that is running either SQL Server or Internet Information Server (IIS) because both of those applications perform their own caching. Start regedit and navigate to the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlSession ManagerMemory Management Add these two lines, save the changes and reboot; DisablePagingExecutive = dword:00000001 LargeSystemCache = dword:00000001 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ The Win32PrioritySeparation has to do with processor scheduling. This part of the tweak is impossible to explain without getting into the technical ins and outs of binary values, bit pairs and bit masks. Suffice it to say, this part of the tweak forces short, variable length processor timeslices to be allocated to foreground processes three times more often than those timeslices given to background processes. There are 2 settings you can choose: Adjust for best performance of Programs or Adjust for best performance of Background Services. All this does is change the DWORD value of Win32PrioritySeparation under this registry hive: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControlPriorityControl Set Win32PrioritySeparation to 0x26 (decimal 38) for Programs. Set Win32PrioritySeparation to 0x18 (decimal 24) for Background Services. set the base value to hexadecimal.
  16. When I went to look at my Download Stats window ~ it posted my previous stats ~ plus my resent stats ~ Double Stats ~ Has anyone else ever have this happen to them? :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 137 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 97 kB) Download Speed is:: 17 kB/s Tested From:: http://tes:::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 69 Kbps about 0.1 Mbps (tested with 386 kB) Download Speed is:: 8 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Fri Dec 9 22:47:51 PST 2005 Bottom Line:: 1X faster than 56K 1MB download in 128 sec Diagnosis: May need help : running at only 88.46 % of your hosts average (nocharge.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-25AHBSQ79 tmy.net/ (server2) Test Time:: Fri Dec 9 22:51:03 PST 2005 Bottom Line:: 2X faster than 56K 1MB download in 60.24 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 75.64 % faster than the average for host (nocharge.com) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-O64V9TP03
  17. Intel working on rugged PC: Craig Barrett Tuesday, 06 December , 2005, 08:24 New Delhi: The Intel design team in India is working on a computing platform for the Indian market, according to the Intel Chairman, Craig Barrett. "It will be dust-resistant, would have the ability to work on car or truck battery and will be aimed at the rural market," he said. "In the past few years, PC prices have been dropping from $2,500 to less than $500. But the key issue is beyond the absolute cost... things like financing, connectivity and content on local languages," said Barrett. On when Intel would make available the design for the proposed `Community PC', an official said the company was already doing pilots with the IT Ministry. ___________________________________________________________________ Is Intel afraid that people will come to realise that you dont need a $500+ processor to surf the web, and you can get by just fine with 4 year old technology? Or would Intel just love to sell a $500 ' Community PC' to a poor man? ____________________________________________________________________ MIT Media Lab works towards helping kids, though toys and other material that are aimed at learning, primarily constructionist in nature. It has been well proven that constructionist learning goes a long way towards building analytical and engineering related skills - while it may not be the only thing towards that end, it definitely helps. Now, for a constructionist learning environment, you need tools that they can experiment with. What better way to do this than computers? However, a $2000 computer for a kid is quite obviously not a good idea, so MIT went ahead and developed a cheaper alternative. Do you know why they can be networked? Because one of the fundamental needs behind education is to have some means of collaboration and team work. Do you know why they have all those USB ports? So that they can be extended upon - a lot of MIT's toys (such as Flow Blocks) are toys that interface with the computers. It's important for folks to be able to add on to these computers, and build new things - whether it's for a farmer in a developing nation using it for weather prediction or whether it's a kid who's adding stuff for class. This is not a gadget ~ this is a tool. If anything, it's a nice way to help bring technology to the needy, and give them a chance to explore what we've come to take for granted.
  18. Is Chairman of Intel a jerk! Peter Apps reporting for Reuters on a press conference in Sri Lanka by Craig Barrett, chairman of the world's largest chip maker, has quoted Barrett as saying; "Mr. Negroponte has called it a $100 laptop -- I think a more realistic title should be 'the $100 gadget'" "The problem is that gadgets have not been successful." "It turns out what people are looking for is something is something that has the full functionality of a PC, Reprogrammable to run all the applications of a grown up PC... not dependent on servers in the sky to deliver content and capability to them, not dependent for hand cranks for power." Schoolchildren in Brazil, Thailand, Egypt and Nigeria will begin receiving the first few million textbook style computers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) media lab run by Nicholas Negroponte from early 2006. United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan has welcomed the development of the small, hand-cranked lime-green devices, which can set up their own wireless networks and are intended to bring computer access to areas that lack reliable electricity. Is Barrett a jerk or just jealous there is no Intel inside! How the heck does Barrett know World's poorest don't want a '$100 laptop'? Full story here; World's poorest don't want '$100 laptop': Intel
  19. . . .damn ~ almost forgot ~ it's Sam Kinison's birthday, too. (it's still their birthday ~ even if they're not among us anymore, isn't it?) . . .and I'm not starting to see only black and white (hope I never do) ~ it's part of my sardonic pre-dementia take on old age ~ . . .actually, knowing this is my last incarnation ~ I'll probably live ~ way too long! ~ lol
  20. . . .I think your thinkin' Hell's Hole in Russia ~ that was/is scary! Strange thing about Mel's Hole is you can't get any sat images of that area ~ they're blocked out!
  21. . . .It would have been Jim Morrison's birthday, too. (. . .is he really dead?) The only sad thing about this day for me is. . . ~ this is the day John Lennon was assassinated. . . .but, it's also Immaculate Conception Day! and both my grandparents were born on this day ~ strange!
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