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Everything posted by ROM-DOS

  1. Cheesy win!! ~ Stealers 12th man in stripes won it for'em!!!
  2. [glow=red,2,300] [/glow]
  3. ROM-DOS


    lol ~ I crashed once ~ un-installing AOHell from my system a few years back ~ but when I re-installed I decided to partition my drive 3 ways and install Windows XP twice and dual-boot ~ no problems since. . . .and now that I got my DSL settings set and running right ~ it's time to up-grade my system. tommie man ~ have you tried any of the XP tweaks in * Performance Tuning and Services * ? [if you feel a little hesitant ~ just PM me and I'll help you with a few that might help speed up your system and maybe your surfing speed, too]. . . .you'll be a tweak freak, yet ~ lol
  4. NO! . . .we're talking in bits, so you should be getting speeds above 2000Kbps to 3300Kbps or 244 kB/s(Kilobytes) = 2 Mbps to 403 kB/s(Kilobytes) = 3 Mbps
  5. ROM-DOS


    lol ~ I think my speeds had alot to do with me being only two blocks away from the switching station. I'm not sure if Modem bonding or Modem teaming still works? . . .you'll have to investigate that. I might have toyed with the thought, but I think you would have to have another dial-up line installed. I just got on board with Qwest's DSL a couple of weeks back ~ and now I'm experiencing some strange DNS server problems ~ I think? or they're doing some downtime updates? ~ lol :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 5713 Kbps about 5.7 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 697 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server2) Test Time:: Sun Feb 5 10:31:00 PST 2006 Bottom Line:: 102X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.47 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 152.23 % faster than the average for host (qwest.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-NLGYFC8KX
  6. Kbps(Kilobits) to Mbps(Megabits) = 2000Kbps = 2Mbps [or KBps(Kilobytes) to MBps(Megabytes) = 244.14KBps = 0.23842MBps] . . .check out the Conversion Table in Misc Tools at the top of this page. In order to get a 1MB Data Rate (per sec) you would need to have around a 9 Mbps or a 1099 kB/s(9000 Kbps) connection. . . .also, check out the Conversion Calculator. . . .so, if we're talkin' bits ~ the answer would be yes. 8 bits = 1 byte ~/~ 1 Kilobyte (KB) = 1,024 Bytes or 8192 bits 1 Megabyte (MB) = 1,024 Kilobytes or 1048576 Bytes or 8388608 Bits Bandwidth is the amount of information that can be transferred over a connection in a given period of time. It's usually measured in bits per second. There are 8 bits in a byte, so you should divide your bandwidth by 8 to get the transfer rate in bytes. However, adding in overhead and other factors that slow down the transmission, it is likely that your actual data transfer rate will be lower. A good rule of thumb is to divide by 10 to get the data transfer rate. Latency is the amount of time it takes for a response to return from a request. Usually this is measured in a simple time value. On the Internet, this is typically in milliseconds. 1000 ms is equal to 1 second. Latency and bandwidth together determine the "speed" of a connection, and the "speed" of a connection can vary as widely as your needs or the time of day.
  7. . . .Hey ~ your talking 'bout my secret god room ~ lol
  8. Western Washington :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 784 Kbps about 0.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Upload Speed is:: 96 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1) Test Time:: Sun Jan 29 23:25:55 PST 2006 Bottom Line:: 14X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 10.67 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 64.71 % faster than the average for host (qwest.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-VO81YC0X5
  9. Western Washington :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 5522 Kbps about 5.5 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 674 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server2) Test Time:: Sun Jan 29 23:21:14 PST 2006 Bottom Line:: 99X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.52 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 139.05 % faster than the average for host (qwest.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-Y3K8CQX2T
  10. Connected using; ActionTec Qwest DSL Modem Firmware version: QW04- Ethernet Link 10 Mbps HD WAN Mode: PPPoA DSL Status VPI: 0 VCI: 32 DSL Mode Setting: MMODE DSL Negotiated Mode: G.DMT Connection Status: Showtime Speed (down/up): 7168 / 896 ATM QoS class: UBR [so far, acts like a 5 Mbps/768 Kbps connection] ____________________________________________________________ :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 5237 Kbps about 5.2 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 639 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server2) Test Time:: Sat Jan 28 17:12:49 PST 2006 Bottom Line:: 94X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.6 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 125.34 % faster than the average for host (qwest.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-VT8U6NI10 :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 770 Kbps about 0.8 Mbps (tested with 1013 kB) Upload Speed is:: 94 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1) Test Time:: Sat Jan 28 17:14:16 PST 2006 Bottom Line:: 14X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 10.89 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 62.11 % faster than the average for host (qwest.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-SDMG3EX18 ______________________________________________________________ CableNut Adjuster Settings DefaultReceiveWindow = 687104 MaxNormLookupMemory = 1500000 DefaultSendWindow = 96256 SackOpts = 1 DisableAddressSharing = 1 SynAttackProtect = 1 InitialLargeBufferCount = 100 Tcp1323Opts = 0 InitialMediumBufferCount = 240 TcpLogLevel = 1 InitialSmallBufferCount = 320 MaxDupAcks = 2 LargeBufferSize = 81920 TcpMaxHalfOpen = 100 MaxFastTransmit = 64000 TcpMaxHalfOpenRetried = 80 MediumBufferSize = 15040 TcpRecvSegmentSize = 1460 PriorityBoost = 0 TcpSendSegmentSize = 1460 SmallBufferSize = 1280 TcpTimedWaitDelay = 30 TransmitWorker = 32 TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer = 0 FastSendDatagramThreshold = 4096 TcpWindowSize = 64240 EnableFastRouteLookup = 1 MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server = 10 EnablePMTUDiscovery = 1 MaxConnectionsPerServer = 10 IgnorePushBitOnReceives = 0 DefaultTTL = 64 GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize = 64240 DisableUserTOSSetting = 0 MaxFreeTcbs = 8000 TcpMaxDataRetransmissions = 6 MaxHashTableSize = 16384 DefaultTOSValue = 240 . . .what I can't figure out is ~ why the DNS name resolution sux at times? I flushed the DNS cache and it still has problems when starting, but I usually find a back way in linking 'round about. . .I'm gonna have to study up on this DSL stuff ~ lol [edit] . . .had to set DNS Servers manually in Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties. . .everything works fine, now
  11. . . .my dial-up was free ~ so I still have my modem ~ lol yeah, I decided to check out DSL ~ $20 cheaper than Comcast and faster.
  12. Just got Qwest DSL; @ Speed (down/up): 7168 / 896 Kbps :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 5336 Kbps about 5.3 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Download Speed is:: 651 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server2) Test Time:: Thu Jan 26 15:34:45 PST 2006 Bottom Line:: 95X faster than 56K 1MB download in 1.57 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 129.51 % faster than the average for host (qwest.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-YJN2UOQX1 :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 779 Kbps about 0.8 Mbps (tested with 2992 kB) Upload Speed is:: 95 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (server1) Test Time:: Thu Jan 26 15:37:00 PST 2006 Bottom Line:: 14X faster than 56K 1MB upload in 10.78 sec Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 64.35 % faster than the average for host (qwest.net) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-JFTADIU86 . . .any ideas on how to make it faster? . . .to at least what my modem says it's connected at ~ Speed (down/up): 7168 / 896 Kbps
  13. ~ [glow=blue,2,300]SEAHAWKS RULE[/glow] ~
  14. the XP 3200+ is physically the same as a XP 2500+ but just operates at a different speed. The 2500+ has an 11x mulitplier 2500+ runs at 11x166=1826Ghz 3200+ runs at 11x200=2200Ghz richcornucopia ~ . . .so, keep the 11x multitpler and start at, say ~ 170Mhz fsb, then increase by 3 - 5Mhz 'till I max it or get it close to the 200Mhz fsb (400 FSB) ~ raising Vcore to 1.675v and loosen mem timings to 3-4-4-11 & Vdimm to 2.8v ~ 'till fsb is set ~ then tighten timings. . . ~ that sounds like the way to go ~ . . .I just hope my board registers the dual channel DDR config ~ that's what worries me the most . . .
  15. . . .well, one day ~ RTB ~ I'll have to give RivaTuner at Guru3D.com a try, it's one of the best Tweak Utilities available that gives you access to all the undocumented features for NVIDIA GeForce and ATI Radeon based videocards.
  16. . . .I'm not worried about unlocking the vid card (right away ~ lol) But, This is what I (think) know about overclocking; (ExtremeOverclocking) . . .start out with a low multiplier (such as 8 or 9) first to find the maximum FSB. set multi and then FSB in 3-5mhz increments and then booting and testing overclock stability. "Once you have hit a wall (computer freezes or testing shows your unstable) go back and raise the vcore to your CPU. Once you have found the absolute maximum FSB you can go back and start upping the multiplier in .5 increments. Same idea applies, once you fail, freeze or can't boot raise the vcore until you can. The maximum voltage you want to be running if you have aircooling is 1.95V (in Windows). Also, a common overlook is the locking of the AGP/PCI frequnecy @ 66mhz." "On AMD systems; set the vdimm to 2.8V and loosen the timings to 3-4-4-11 to make sure RAM isn't hindering overclock. Once you have found the highest FSB go back and start lowering your timings, as tighter timings result in faster speeds. The best possible timings are 2-2-2-5 but don't be worried if you can't achieve these. For some reason, the nForce2 chipset likes the final number in the RAM timings to be 11 instead of 7-10. If you hit a wall with your RAM, you can increase the voltage to 2.9V, which is the max most mobo's." . . .sooo, should I set MULTIPLIER to 9x or should I start fsb 170x11, increasing it 5 at a time & bump up the CPU voltage to 1.675 to start . . .and timings to 3-4-4-11 @ 2.8V ? BEFORE I install new RAM?
  17. This is what I'm looking at doing (in a few weeks); I have a MSI K7N2 Delta-L board(MS-6570) w/ the nVidia nForce 2 Ultra 400 chipset and an AMD Athlon XP 2500+ barton core (unlocked). Drivers and Bios are all updated First; I'm getting a new video card, The eVGA Geforce 6800GS CO Edition ($199) 400 MHz GPU AGP(3.0) 8X 256 MB, 256 bit 2ns (8x32) GDDR3 1100 MHz effective 32.0 GB/s Memory Bandwidth Dual 400 MHz RAMDACs 12 Superscaler Pixel Pipelines [can be unlocked to 16 Pixel Pipelines and 6 Vertex Shaders] CineFX 3.0 Engine, UltraShadow II Technology, Intellisample 3.0 Technology, Hardware MPEG-2 Encoder VPE, DVC, DVI-I, S-Video, Full OpenGL ICD 64-phase Video Scaler guru 3D review http://www.guru3d.com/article/Videocards/314/2/ 3DMark 03 Professional Edition 3DMark 05 Business Edition AquaMark 3 Second; I'm going to upgrade my RAM to Dual Channel CORSAIR XMS 1GB (2 x 512MB) 184-Pin DDR SDRAM ($99) Unbuffered DDR 400 (PC 3200) Dual Channel Kit System Memory Cas Latency 2 Timing 2-3-3-6 w/Heat Spreader Latency Settings and their Impact on Memory Performance I put together my present system about three years ago, with the intention to upgrade (vid & memory) and overclock the barton core to 3200+ by simply changing the fsb to 200x11 = 2200Ghz I already replaced the stock heatsink/fan a long time ago w/ Arctic Silver 5 thermal paste & 80mm heatsink/fan I have a (fairly new) 450w power supply & case [i know I might have to manually set memory timings in bios and might have to up the voltage a little for both cpu & ram] . . .so, after I install the new video card and get it running w/ updated drivers and all, I'll then install the new Dual Channel DDR 400 Ram ~ Question is; should I just leave my present settings (166 fbs & 2700 memory timmings) in bios alone? . . .then go back into bios and increase fsb MULTIPLIER (maybe) starting at 8x and working up to 11x ~ I'm not sure what to do first ~ fsb MULTIPLIER or memory timmings? . . .will the system detect the new memory timmings automatically? or will I have to set fsb MULTIPLIER & memory timmings before I install new Ram? Any help and/or comments would be appreciated ~ thanks
  18. Here's mine. . .if you want to compare TCP/Web100 Network Diagnostic Tool v5.2.0f click START to begin Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Done running 10s outbound test (client to server) . . . . . 416.14Kb/s running 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . 1.71Mb/s Your PC is connected to a Cable/DSL modem WEB100 Kernel Variables: Client: localhost/ AckPktsIn: 756 AckPktsOut: 0 BytesRetrans: 0 CongestionSignals: 0 CountRTT: 756 CurrentCwnd: 65700 CurrentMSS: 1460 CurrentRTO: 500 CurrentRwinRcvd: 64240 CurrentRwinSent: 5840 CurrentSsthresh: 2147483647 DSACKDups: 0 DataBytesIn: 0 DataBytesOut: 2173940 DataPktsIn: 0 DataPktsOut: 1489 DupAcksIn: 0 ECNEnabled: 0 FastRetran: 0 MaxCwnd: 65700 MaxMSS: 1460 MaxRTO: 870 MaxRTT: 510 MaxRwinRcvd: 64240 MaxRwinSent: 5840 MaxSsthresh: 0 MinMSS: 1460 MinRTO: 480 MinRTT: 230 MinRwinRcvd: 64240 MinRwinSent: 5840 NagleEnabled: 1 PktsIn: 757 PktsOut: 1491 PktsRetrans: 0 Rcvbuf: 128000 SACKEnabled: 3 SACKsRcvd: 0 SmoothedRTT: 270 Sndbuf: 128000 SndLimTimeRwin: 8072325 SndLimTimeCwnd: 2058089 SndLimTimeSender: 4480 SndLimTransRwin: 1 SndLimTransCwnd: 1 SndLimTransSender: 1 SndLimBytesRwin: 2000200 SndLimBytesCwnd: 176660 SndLimBytesSender: 0 SumRTT: 199310 Timeouts: 0 TimestampsEnabled: 0 WinScaleRcvd: 2147483647 WinScaleSent: 2147483647 DupAcksOut: 0 StartTime: 2147483647 CurrTime: 10136632 c2sData: 2 c2sAck: 2 s2cData: 6 s2cAck: 3 Checking for mismatch condition (cwndtime > .3) [0.20>.3], (MaxSsthresh > 0) [0>0], (PktsRetrans/sec > 2) [0>2], (estimate > 2) [42.25>2] Checking for mismatch on uplink (speed > 50 [1.71>50], (xmitspeed < 5) [0.41<5] (rwintime > .9) [0.79>.9], (loss < .01) [1.0E<.01] Checking for excessive errors condition (loss/sec > .15) [1.0E>.15], (cwndtime > .6) [0.20>.6], (loss < .01) [1.0E<.01], (MaxSsthresh > 0) [0>0] Checking for 10 Mbps link (speed < 9.5) [1.71<9.5], (speed > 3.0) [1.71>3.0] (xmitspeed < 9.5) [0.41<9.5] (loss < .01) [1.0E<.01], (link > 0) [100>0] Checking for Wireless link (sendtime = 0) [4.42=0], (speed < 5) [1.71<5] (Estimate > 50 [42.25>50], (Rwintime > 90) [0.79>.90] (RwinTrans/CwndTrans = 1) [1/1=1], (link > 0) [100>0] Checking for DSL/Cable Modem link (speed < 2) [1.71<2], (SndLimTransSender = 0) [1=0] (SendTime = 0) [4.4203718361533924E-4=0], (link > 0) [100>0] Checking for half-duplex condition (rwintime > .95) [0.79>.95], (RwinTrans/sec > 30) [0.10>30], (SenderTrans/sec > 30) [0.10>30], OR (link <= 10) [100<=10] Checking for congestion (cwndtime > .02) [0.20>.02], (mismatch = 0) [0=0] (MaxSsthresh > 0) [0>0] bw = 42.25 based on packet size = 11Kbits, RTT = 263.63msec, and loss = 1.0E-6 The theoretical network limit is 42.25 Mbps The transmit buffer (125.0 KByte) limits the application to 3.70 Mbps Your receive buffer (62.0 KByte) limits the application to 1.85 Mbps The network based flow control limits the application to 1.90 Mbps Client Data reports link is 'T1', Client Acks report link is 'T1' Server Data reports link is 'OC-12', Server Acks report link is 'Ethernet' WEB100 Enabled Statistics: Checking for Middleboxes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Done running 10s outbound test (client to server) . . . . . 416.14Kb/s running 10s inbound test (server to client) . . . . . . 1.71Mb/s ------ Client System Details ------ OS data: Name = Windows XP, Architecture = x86, Version = 5.1 Java data: Vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc., Version = 1.5.0_06 ------ Web100 Detailed Analysis ------ Cable modem/DSL/T1 link found. Link set to Full Duplex mode No network congestion discovered. Good network cable(s) found Normal duplex operation found. Web100 reports the Round trip time = 263.63 msec; the Packet size = 1460 Bytes; and No packet loss was observed. This connection is receiver limited 79.64% of the time. Increasing the current receive buffer (62.0 KB) will improve performance This connection is network limited 20.30% of the time. Contact your local network administrator to report a network problem Web100 reports TCP negotiated the optional Performance Settings to: RFC 2018 Selective Acknowledgment: ON RFC 896 Nagle Algorithm: ON RFC 3168 Explicit Congestion Notification: OFF RFC 1323 Time Stamping: OFF RFC 1323 Window Scaling: OFF Packet size is preserved End-to-End Server IP addresses are preserved End-to-End Client IP addresses are preserved End-to-End
  19. . . .or the company's long-term plans for world domination. In a resent interview with EETimes, Phil Hester, chief technology officer at Advanced Micro Devices Inc, has outlined some hint's as to where AMD's processor architectures are moving to; Phil Hester: We are evolving to what I'd say are a minimum of two brand-new core design points, new microarchitectures from the ground up. One is aimed at mobile computers and the very low-power space. Another is optimized for the high-end server space. Our belief is that we have to do an outstanding job on power management across the board. Techniques that applied mainly in the mobile side of things will now apply in the server and desktop space...So we will make these designs modular so that we can adjust the cache and the number of cores, based on what we know about the workloads. The mobile microarchitecture could be pushed up to the desktop and down to what I believe in the next three to four years is going to be something that lives between your notebook and your PDA. That would be something that also works well in a set-top box or a digital TV. We'll have quad-core architectures in the 2007 time frame. The challenge on the client side is the software, to see how fast that client software parallelizes. Outside of visualization, gaming and scientific apps, not a whole lot of programmers spend a lot of time worrying about parallel code. ...think about things like powering off the cores that were not being used, and raising the voltages and clock rates of the one or two cores that were effectively being used by those threads. Shutting down a core is not hard, but you want to be able to do it fairly quickly, with instant on. You need to go from extremely low power, come out of that quickly and preserve the execution environment. That has to happen within a second, so it is on when the user pushes the button. That is under active research right now. Read Phil Hester's full interview w/EETimes. . . .and In the News ~ AMD's long-term microprocessor strategy
  20. cholla ~ this is all I have in my system.ini file for XP; ; for 16-bit app support [drivers] wave=mmdrv.dll timer=timer.drv [mci] [driver32] [boot] [386enh] woafont=dosapp.FON EGA80WOA.FON=EGA80WOA.FON EGA40WOA.FON=EGA40WOA.FON CGA80WOA.FON=CGA80WOA.FON CGA40WOA.FON=CGA40WOA.FON I think it is only used for start-up and/or backward support.
  21. . . .all you have to do at the boot screen is hit F8 to get all the boot options in XP. ~ lol
  22. DMN ~ have you looked in your game folder for the game.cfg file? . . .you might be able to lower the packet size there. Do you recieve Errors in your Connection Status? In your Modem Protocal ~ Enable Modem Error Control and try setting the Modem IRQ Priority tweak. right click My Computer > Properties > under Hardware Tab open Device Manager > click on View and Resourses by type click on Interrupt request (IRQ) find which IRQ## is assigned to your modem goto Start > Run type regedit and goto the PriorityControl branch of local_machine and what ever IRQ## is given to your modem ~ create a new value name dword Irq##Priority and modify the value data = 1 hexadecimal base It should end up looking like this with the ## being the number of your modems IRQ HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESYSTEMCurrentControlSetControl PriorityControl Irq##Priority REG_DWORD 0x00000001 (1) create and add; (while your there) Win32PrioritySeparation REG_DWORD 0x00000026 (38) [use hexadecimal base] this will give more priority to what is in the forefront ~ what you see on the screen.
  23. XP has a hidden system file ~ boot.ini ~ which can be edited. There are two sections in the boot.ini file; [boot loader] ~ controls how the boot process works; it specifies the default operating system and how long a user has to make a selection from a boot menu, if a boot menu has been enabled. [boot loader] timeout=15 default=multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWS [operating system] ~ specifies which operating systems are present on the computer, and detailed options for each one. [operating system] multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)WINDOWS="Microsoft Windows XP Home Edition" /fastdetect The words within the quotes can be custumized to whatever you wish. The /fastdetect switch disables the detection of serial and paralle devices, which allows for faster booting. The detection of these devices isn't normally required in XP because the functions are performed by Plug and Play drivers. The /fastdetect switch is only one of many switches that can be used in the boot.ini file. Using the /noguiboot does not allow the XP splash screen to load during boot. The /sos switch displays the name of each driver as it loads and gives desriptions of what is occuring during the boot process. It also offers other information, including the XP build number, the service pack number, the number of processors on the system, and the amount of installed memory. You can type msconfig at a command prompt or in the Run box and click the BOOT.INI tab to edit.
  24. New startups promote high-speed neighborhood networks 1/17/2006 11:53:14 AM, by Nate Anderson Two new startups hope to increase the speed of both DSL and cable broadband connections by enabling users to share their connections with each other. Mushroom Networks (San Diego) and WiBoost Inc. (Seattle) have developed technology that they claim can boost download speeds up to a factor of 10. How does it work? Well, consider two neighbors, both of whom have broadband and Wi-Fi routers. One of them purchases and installs a special router from either Mushroom or WiBoost that connect to the access points in both homes. Both neighbors use the new router as their primary access point, and when they access the Internet, the router uses the full bandwidth of both connections. Sound good? Sure it does
  25. DMN ~ I just changed my settings, again ~ lol . . .but I stayed connected during peak hours new cablenut settings; [online gaming] DefaultReceiveWindow = 8192 DefaultSendWindow = 4096 DisableAddressSharing = 1 InitialLargeBufferCount = 1 InitialMediumBufferCount = 24 InitialSmallBufferCount = 32 LargeBufferSize = 4096 MaxFastTransmit = 640 MediumBufferSize = 1504 PriorityBoost = 0 SmallBufferSize = 128 TransmitWorker = 32 FastSendDatagramThreshold = 1024 EnableFastRouteLookup = 1 EnablePMTUDiscovery = 1 IgnorePushBitOnReceives = 0 GlobalMaxTcpWindowSize = 8760 MaxFreeTcbs = 8000 MaxHashTableSize = 16384 MaxNormLookupMemory = 5000000 SackOpts = 1 SynAttackProtect = 1 Tcp1323Opts = 0 TcpLogLevel = 1 MaxDupAcks = 2 TcpMaxHalfOpen = 100 TcpMaxHalfOpenRetried = 80 TcpRecvSegmentSize = 1460 TcpSendSegmentSize = 1460 TcpTimedWaitDelay = 30 TcpUseRFC1122UrgentPointer = 0 TcpWindowSize = 8760 MaxConnectionsPer1_0Server = 8 MaxConnectionsPerServer = 4 DefaultTTL = 128 DisableUserTOSSetting = 0 TcpMaxDataRetransmissions = 6 DefaultTOSValue = 96 In my game.cfg file I set my mpmaxpacketsize = "800"
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