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Everything posted by Elite.Pete

  1. actually, linksys showed me how to set it up not using the internet port on the router, both pcs have different ip's now
  2. comcast uses dhcp, i have a router so i donot know what ip's to enter into the lan settings on each pc, i want each pc to use a seperate external ip addres..
  3. sure it would, but some people arent very smart
  4. team id2 corp, crazi vamos, evil night hawk. transedge the list continues! notice, there is a transedge 1 and 3
  5. 128/128 for 90$ i really dont care if its the most stable line ever created. that's retarded end of story PS the retards called and they said they are offended by those speeds.
  6. yea. it's the chinese food delivery, brb gonna go get my general tso's
  7. lol crazy vamos@!
  8. haha.... i'm using a PHP script now for hosting people... thats just the main page anyoen need free hosting? let me know
  9. http://www.visualtour.com/downloads/xp_fix.exe ive used that in the past works perfectly
  10. my website http://demonlegion.net works fine except the icons for the types of file donot show up in directory listings? i put the icons in the /icon folder and still nothing? anyone have any ideas
  11. im a young guy, only 17 but if i know women at all, she will come home with a box full of modems
  12. they say they wont replace it? that's bullsh!t i'd call in and say im exchanging this modem or im getting another isp, trust me they will let you return it, and as far as i know if you show up at a service center with a copy of a bill and the hardware + power cord they will give you a new modem on the spot, i've been threw about 5 modems with comcast they never gave me a problem about returning any if you're paying the 3.00 a month rental charge they have to exchange it
  13. well i don't have a "legal" link for it.. and i didn't want to link copywrite programs on testmy.net's forum if you have googletalk or msn i can help ya
  14. i recently downloaded XP smoker pro and i must say 100% of programs i had tried that claim to optimize windows xp do nothing, but this program was great windows is so much faster now i think everyone should give it a try, just my two cents. PS. i don't work for the company
  15. mmm, really makes me wonder where could you possibly be from
  16. pennsylvania, we also have a california university of pennsylvania or is it miami? i forget *shrug*
  17. am i missing something... or does it look fine
  18. huahahuhauhaua piracy! argggg matey
  19. lmfao *falls out of chair* now thats a funny comment
  20. ban from forum immmidiatly.
  21. is it the return of team id2 corp? **DUN DUN DUN***
  22. if your talking about alot of money i would sue them and bring the email to court you would surely win for failure to provide paid services .... i had speakeasy DSL at one point because i wanted the higher upload to run an xbox live ghost recon island thunder server, they promised me it would be capable to run the server and it was not, i canceled my service and when they informed me of a cancellation fee i told them i would be suing for failure to provide paid services and they didn't attempt to charge me the fee.
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