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Everything posted by ghostmaster

  1. What purposely wrong info did you post?
  2. I think Im going to leave this thread. It was fun for a while, but not we're just pissing eachother off....
  3. Christians can't even agree on the bible. If they did, there wouldn't be over 50 denominations. If the definition of a Christian is someone who believes and accepts Jesus as their personal savior, and that he died for the sins of mankind, then how can we accuse Obama of not being a Christian, just because he interprets the bible his own way. Rod Parsley tried to command the Holy Ghost on TV one time, does that make him less of a Christian? That video was hilarious. Its pretty clear to me, that all he was saying was that you shouldn't take everything in the bible so literally, and that the bible has no place in making policy decisions. Thats why we have seperation. I can just imagine Jesus on a hill top with a minigun blasting an army of terrorists.
  4. If you want to blame someone for the rise in juvenile criminal activities, blame the parents of those children for not giving them a core belief system. I don't want any religion taught to my children in school. If that's what you want, send them to a Christian school. Our government is supposed to represent everyone, not matter what religion. Thats why church and state are seperated.
  5. My comment was directed at those who continue to quote bible verses, and insinuate that Obama is a muslim...
  6. Look at it this way. I was raised as a pentecostal as a small impressionable child. Now I think they are completely insane..... Obama says he is a Christian. He swore on the bible when he took office. Lets just leave it at that.
  7. Ok I didn't think that arguement through. Im letting my feeling towards Iraq and Iran cloud my judgement.
  8. Sequoia, we may not agree on religion, but we do agree on this. We have been fighting pointless proxy wars since WW2, and its time to stop. It isn't our job, or right to enforce our beliefs on any other country. If they want freedom, let them do it the way we did, or wait until they ask for help, like we did with the French.
  9. Ok, I give up.. This is why I hate discussing religion. There are HUGE differences between Islam and Isreal. But the religions are based on the same God of Abraham. That is all im trying to say. Im not saying they are the same thing. The differences on how God is percieved from each side are why there is such hate between them. As for all the rest of this superstitious one world, apocolyptical nonsense......nevermind..... And how many times do I need to say, that Allah isn't a name. It is a word that means "the diety". The Meccans may have refered to their God as Allah, but that doesnt mean its the same god. For example. We are walking together on a trail, and you stump your toe and scream, "God dammit". You are a christian. 2 minutes later I trip over a stump and scream, "God dammit". I worship the spaghetti monster. We both screamed the same thing, but were referring to 2 different "Gods".
  10. I hate discussing religion, because it is a very personal and sensitive topic. I am no expert, but I do try to be completely unbiased when it comes down to it. This article also helps in understanding. According to this one, the concept that the God of Muhammad is different than that of the christian faith, or the jews developed in western culture. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/God_in_Islam What I've been trying to say, is that although they disagree many things, such as the trinity, they still are based on the same God of Abraham. I would have to reject that nomination Roco. Im not greedy or unethical enough to take that job lol...
  11. Let me break this down so you can see what im trying to say. I wasn't clear enough earlier. They are the same diety. Jews gave God a name, Yahweh. Muslims simply do not name him. They say Allah, meaning "the diety". Lets say for example, you name your dog charlie. Lets say I am your neighbor, and I tell you that your dog is digging in my yard, and I wish you to stop him. You reply with, "who, charlie?". And I say, "yes, your dog". We are talking about the same dog, but you say his name, when I don't. Ishmael didn't start any religion. Isaac didn't start a religion. Their decendants did. Muhammed is a decendant of Ishmael, and Isreal decended from Isaac. I didn't mean to say Ishmael started a religion. Even some Arab Christians refer to God as "Allah".
  12. Allah has nothing to do with Egyptian gods. Ishmael didn't start Islam. Muhammed did. Muhammed is supposed to be a direct decendant of Ishmael and therfore Abraham, and one of God's prophets. They worship the one god. Allah isn't his name, he is nameless. Allah means "the God". They also believe that Jesus was a great prophet of God, but reject the trinity. "According to Francis Edwards Peters, "The Qur'an insists, Muslims believe, and historians affirm that Muhammad and his followers worship the same God as the Jews (29:46). The Quran's Allah is the same Creator God who covenanted with Abraham". Peters states that the Qur'an portrays Allah as both more powerful and more remote than Yahweh, and as a universal deity, unlike Yahweh who closely follows Israelites.[7] According to the Encyclop
  13. To be honest, you can't really say we have a democratic congress. There isn't a 2/3 majority in either house, and the Senate is 50/50 I think. If the parties could work together to get stuff done, I wouldn't care which party had the most reps. For me, it comes down to this. I like a lot of Obamas "apparent" ideas on US/World relations (i.e. talking to Cuba), and I think he could mend a lot fences with our allies, but I detest of a lot of his economic, and domestic policies. And I don't want anymore federal expansion. Its too big now as it is. He is a really mixed bag. All in all, I don't think I could vote for him. McCain is the same way. I don't like most of his foreign policies, but I like a some of his domestic ideas, and his environmental ideas. I also don't like anything about the Patriot act, or our current business in Iraq. I think our government has lost touch with its people, and has set its own agenda. I think McCain is focused too much on Iraq. There is NO candidate for someone like me, and yes that includes Bob Barr.....
  14. I won't question McCain's patriotism, as I think he is a great man. Im just pointing out the fact that if you are going to judge Obama's patriotism by the lack of a flag on his plane, then you should judge McCain in the same way. I also won't argue your point about his lack of experience, because you're right. However, you can't always judge how a person will be as president based on military or gov't experience. Remember Ronald Reagan? Lets get off the flag thing. All he really did remove American Airlines Logos and put his own up there. You should tell all those A.Holes that got GWB elected in 2000 about the real McCain. Surely you remember what they did to him then? As for babel, it is supposedly Baghdad.
  15. Thanks for leaving out the other picture on that snopes page... I don't see anyone questioning McCain's partriotism. He doesn't even have all the colors on his plane... boo hoo hoo... Its the same BS from the right every election. Last time it was the swift boat veterans. Im not a democrat, I just wish republicans could come up with something other than immaterial bull shit like flag pins...
  16. Yeah this whole flag pin patriotism bull shit is really annoying. I don't have an american flag anything in my house, I guess im not a patriot, and hate my own county because of that..... All of that bs is just designed to be a distraction.... I'll say it a thousand times, if you want to attack him, attack his ridiculous beliefs and leftist record, not the fact that he doesn't wear american flag underwear. What kind of right wing nut came up with this BS?
  17. I didn't read the first post carefully enough I guess. You're contradicting yourself then. If you believe in "God" and "Jesus", then wouldnt that make you a christian? If you don't mind, expand on that. Im just curious. If you don't want to discuss it in the thread send me an IM.
  18. We're on the same page, though Im only 24. They've hated eachother for thousands of years because, guess what, they are the same. The are polar opposites, tied to the same monotheistic god. Techinically speaking, Jew and Muslims worship the same "God". It all started with Abraham, and the 2 religions split with Abraham's children, Isaac, and Ishmael.....most christians don't even know this. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Abraham Though I have to ask, if you don't suscribe to any religion, why even start this topic, unles you had other motives....
  19. Im not condoning a damn thing. What im talking about is the fact that throughout history, there have been extremist groups from every religion. To simplify it by saying its just a muslim thing is just simply wrong. The crusaders, KKK, and even Nazis all have ties to christianity. I do not condone any violence, especially against the innocent. But you also have to look at things from serveral points of view. Folks in other parts of the world, specifically the middle east don't just flat hate us for no reason ya know. But they use their religion as an excuse to inact violence against those that oppose them, which is really why we are having this discussion now. No, im not an athiest. Science can't disprove the exhistence of a god, so I have no reason to believe the're isnt one. I just don't believe in any religions. The reference to the spaghetti monster religion was just a joke.
  20. Oh really? Ever heard of the crusades? The KKK? But anyways, today's muslim extremists are yesterday's crusaders, and are tomorrow's spaghetti monster rapture terrorists. The idea of the antichrist, the rapture, killing non muslims, or the spaghetti monster god terrorists all come of the same narrow belief systems IMO.
  21. Yes, and thousands of devout christians will simply disappear and be called up to heaven, while the rest of us have 7 years of tribulation before the destruction of earth...... Such narrow interpretations of the Bible are the same types of things that drive many extremist Muslims to do what they do.
  22. Protestant christians used to think that the Pope was the antichrist. I thought we were at war with "terror", not muslims. If your father was a pedophile, does that make you a pedophile? If your father was a murderer, does that make you a murderer? If your father wasa communist, does that make you a communist? When Obama invades Isreal, rebuilds the temple, and claims himself king of the world, then I'll call him the AntiChrist. The these same idiots said the same thing about Reagan, Clinton, and Bush. I say that Bono is the AntiChrist...
  23. I live in Greenville, NC, and I work 3.5 miles away @ East Carolina University....
  24. After that, you should be thankful anyone is willing to help you. Im sure most of those views were from guests, and search engine robots. Try using an upload test with a larger file size. Anything less than 1MB isn't really accurate enough for broadband upload speeds.
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