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Everything posted by ghostmaster

  1. Obama isn't the only one who associates with a fanatical minister, lest we not forget that one of McCain's biggest supporters in Ohio is Rob Parsley, a man who has called on Christians to wage a holy war against that "false religion of Islam"....... McCain names him as a spiritual advisor.... Now I wonder who Clinton's closest spiritual advisor is.....
  2. Im not a liberal, so no need to preach any right wing fear rhetoric to me. When I look at our current situation, these questions come to mind: If your core belief is that government doesn't work, then how can one to be trusted to run government? Are we any better off with the free market (aka Big Business) running these same services? Does lowering taxes and increasing government spending help lower the national debt? When we give up our rights such as habeas corpus, is that not inviting a police state? Speaking of paying for those who do no work, why the fuck are we subsidizing oil companies? Especially when they are posting record profits? Don't get me wrong, I believe in limited, but effective government, and none of the current candidates will provide that. It's a sad state of affairs when one has to choose who will do the least amount of damage.
  3. Compared to the last 8 years, I'd rather have a demon than the devil....
  4. Here is the full text of the speech....(yeah, huffington post, I know) http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/03/18/obama-race-speech-read-t_n_92077.html
  5. USAToday is all over it actually.....
  6. Glad to help!
  7. I know exactly what your problem is....you are missing a file in C:Program FilesCommon FilesMicrosoft Sharedweb server extensions40bin called fp4autl.dll Do a google search for that file, and you should be able to download it and put it in that folder. Restart the install and it should work fine. This error seems to be a randon error with OEM versions of XP I couldn't find the official M$ support page about this problem.
  8. Actually, it doesn't matter, because Florida has no DEM delegates in this primary! The DNC stripped Florida of its primary delegates when Florida up and decided to move their primary to January. So don't you go and get excited just yet. and no matter what, I still don't believe you'll see a Clinton/Obama ticket, and you most definately won't see a McCain/Romney ticket..... Lets not also forget, that he whooped her butt in S.C. We'll pretty much know who will be nominated next Tuesday night. Also, I could be comfortable with Hilary, Obama, or McCain as president, so If either of the 3 win their respectful nominations, I would actually have a hard choice...
  9. all I know is, the wireless add-on for the 360 has gotten terrible reviews for now working half the time.
  10. Sounds to me like your trying to connect to someone else's router. Try asking the person your trying to steal internet access from. And if its your router, somebody had to set the thing up, unless you had a professional do it. Or should I say, "professional".
  11. No they won't. Clinton and Obama would not be an electable ticket.
  12. We already have that.............
  13. http://www.testmy.net/tools/mirrors.php
  14. I see you didn't try the mirrors that I suggested.
  15. http://www.testmy.net/tools/mirrors.php Try using a mirror site close to you. Could be a bottleneck between here and your computer, that wouldn't necessarily show up in a tracert.
  16. Allthough manhunt 2 is an overhyped POS game (and yes i've played it, it blows), it is up to the parent to decide what's appropriate for a child to view, not the government. If a violent video game should be banned, hardcore porn should suffer the same fate. I bet more people would be screaming about the porn lol.
  17. whats up bird, long time no see... im glad to be away from them too.. im on a 10/768 cable package now lol...
  18. Sceptre is great.... Dell makes decent monitors too... http://accessories.us.dell.com/sna/products/Monitors/productdetail.aspx?c=us&l=en&s=dhs&cs=19&sku=320-6095
  19. No, LG bought a large stake in Zenith.
  20. On second thought, at that price, its a pretty good deal...
  21. Not that great of a set, but if thats all you can get, why not....
  22. If it is hosted by Godaddy.com, chances are, thats why. I've read where people can't get to certain sites hosted by Godaddy. Using Wildblue that is...
  23. Naa, mine does the same thing in Vista. Matter of fact, it happens to me all the time in Vista no matter what system im on. The new wireless support in Vista blows. I hope they fix it in SP1...
  24. haha, I came from them too. Suddenlink isn't bad in my area, (greeville, nc). Almost everywhere else has one major issue or another.....
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