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Everything posted by ghostmaster

  1. That depends. If you plan on advertising and such, you'll also need a busniess license, and pay your proper taxes. The business license will likely force you to have liability insurance, depending the local gov't.
  2. It was him ------->
  3. its the 2nd. The steering is too tight in general. I don't think they did any work on the steering though. I actually trust this body shop, and it won't cost the manager anything to fix it, but it will cost the insurance company. Other than that, it really looks great. I'll need to detail the interior, cause it is black, and they got a lot of dust in there.
  4. Well got my truck back. Still 5000 worth of damage, but its all fixed. They used all new factory parts. I ended up getting a new set of Ford chrome running boards since they only match OEM parts. They look just as good as the old ones. The bed isn't exactly straight, probably off my 1/2 inch. You have to really look for it to notice though. I have another problem though. The steering is really stiff. Body shop manager said that it probably has air in the line from being in the shop. I drove 35 miles home, and its still the same. He said if it wasn't normal by monday, that he'd take it over to the mechanical side (same shop) and get them to look at it.
  5. Its amazing how socialist we are when it comes to dealing with "undersireables".
  6. I don't there is a punishment per say, but I think you don't get a credit or something.....
  7. Looks like they have fixed it. I just did an update and it worked without the error. That was quick...
  8. Just to be clear, im not talking about teaching sex ed to young kids. I commenting on the general disdain towards sex in this country, and how we need to stop burying it as though its a bad thing.
  9. Not that I think we should be teaching kids that young about sex, but I think this raises an important question about sex education. Obviously we've been doing it wrong for a long time. I think it goes back to the fact that in this country, we treat sex as though its bad, and try to bury it and hide it. I think thats the reason teens are doing it. It's part of the teenage rebellion. We celebrate violence on TV, but God forbid a nude butt show up on the screen. Then you get 150 parents calling the local station to complain about seeing something that every human being has, and what 15% of our population is. An ASS.....
  10. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJaPPlzKDIo On a funnier note, here is a video of it. If I had to listen to someone butcher our anthem like that, I don't think I could salute either...
  11. What exactly is this bold statement he is making? "I hate America, I don't respect it at all. I'm running for President with the sole purpose of handing it over to terrorists." Did ya ever stop and think, maybe this guy is just kinda stupid. Not that he isn't intelligent, just no common sense. This raises another point. All this post 9/11 pseudo patriotism is getting annoying. I love this country as much as the next guy, but it's gotten to the point where you cant criticize our country at all without someone questioning your loyalty. Before 9/11, nobody would give a damn about this photo. Perfect example would be those damn swift boat veteran's for truth. How does someone who skipped Vietnam to do blow, have the balls to march those guys in front of him during the convention.....and over half of the country ate that BS up.....
  12. http://www.snopes.com/politics/obama/stance.asp Cmon dude. HE wouldn't even be stupid enough to say that...
  13. Well, its still in the shop, and they've got me in a rental. (giant dodge RAM lol) I'll know the total amount of damage and repairs when I get it back. Hopefully that will be early next week. After the final cost is in, I can make my diminished value claim. I think Nationwide is going to give me some hush money before that. If they screw with me, I think my arguement will go something like this: Sir your client was drunk, T-boned me and aggrevated my sciatica, left the scene, side-swipped 2 cars, hit 4 other parked cars, and hit a house. You have 2 choices, go to court and lose, and pay my attorney and court costs, or shut up and give me my god da** money....
  14. Don't worry, in 26 years, 5 million dollars will be worth a measly 100 bucks in today's money.
  15. If you do find one, it won't be good quality. There are some programs that use a p2p type of system to broadcast TV, but the quality isn't there. I was more interest in the Panthers vs Colts game. I think the Panthers have the potential to have a huge year, and they looked like it tonight. I was also looking forward to the Tennessee game, to see how our boy Chris Johnson was going to perform. He showed he can outrun any defender in the NFL. He certainly did it in college... He is going to prove a lot of big mouth analysts wrong.. Hooraaayy for football season...
  16. I think that students in public schools should be allowed to practice their religion or culture how they see fit. Whether that means carrying a bible, or wearing a headdress. As long as the schools, or teachers aren't forcing or teaching any religion, Im fine with the rest.
  17. MudMan was right on the money, $4700 worth of damage. I'm claiming diminished value on the truck as well. So i'll find out today what their offer will be for that.
  18. You'd have to see it to appreciate the damage, the pictures don't do it justice. The bed is twisted by at least 2 inches. I don't know. I hope they total it. If not, it'll reduce the value for sure...
  19. Im fine. Luckliy he actually had insurance, and a license. He won't now, since Hit and Run is a felony in NC. I don't know if he was drunk or what, but he was definately stupid. The bed is bent, I can tell because it is not even on other side. And it doesn't feel right when I drive it, so Im pretty sure the frame is at least slightly bent. I hope they total it out. At least now, I have an excuse to get something good on gas. I don't want to buy a 4cyl truck, so it looks like I'll get a decent car, and try to find a cheap truck soon. I'll find out tomorrow. I'll definately be in a rental though...ugh....I hope its something nice, like a Camry or Accord.
  20. So yeah I was a victim of a hit and run accident today. The guy ran a stop sign and T-Boned me. He proceeded to back up and flee the scene, only to hit a couple of other cars after he got away. Funny thing is, a cop was standing at the intersection when it happend, so he radioed it in. They caught him within 5 minutes. Im perfectly fine. So much for my truck. Anyone else ever been hit and run?
  21. 500 years? Slavery ended in the 19th century in the US. Thats less than 200 years ago. But other than that, I agree.
  22. You're right, I didn't catch that. Though i've been out of Sunday school for a long time lol.....I forgot all about the wrestling story.....
  23. I almost shot the first person that sent me that video. I have hated the name Charlie ever since.....then again, my loser step father was named Charlie, maybe thats why....
  24. If that is the case, then everything I was taught in school about the UK is completely wrong. I was taught that the royal family had no power, and that all power remained in Parliament. Figures....what does that say about our educational system? Mudman, I think that was his point. Im no expert either. THe only thing I can think of was the date he posted about when Islam was founded. And for the record, I didn't say I was pissed. Thats not to say im not annoyed, but it would take a lot more than this conversation to piss me off.
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