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Everything posted by ghostmaster

  1. ewww...ubuntu.... opensuse ftw.... Yellowdog 6 for the PS3 is interesting too.....although slow...
  2. 1 sat can't cover the entire world, you would need a series. 15gigabit might be the capacity, but everyone won't be getting those speeds...
  3. SmartBro is a wireless provider, Suddenlink is a small national cable provider...
  4. This site used be swarming with Hughesnet users, but now it seems that SmartBro is the new leader. I think a lot of people have left Hughes. The forum of DSLREPORTS has also faded a bit. I used to be one of you all, but now im on Suddenlink....
  5. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Upload Connection is:: 17720 Kbps about 17.7 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Upload Speed is:: 2163 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main) Test Time:: 2008/04/10 - 12:54pm Bottom Line:: 309X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 0.47 sec Tested from a 5983 kB file and took 2.766 seconds to complete Upload Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 359.07 % faster than the average for host (ecu.edu) U-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-E97MW6GS8 User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648) [!] Need a larger test file...
  6. With some more tweaking, I bet I could get it a little faster. But yeah, I do enjoy my connection at work lol...
  7. :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 82622 Kbps about 82.6 Mbps (tested with 102400 kB) Download Speed is:: 10086 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main) Test Time:: 2008/04/09 - 3:12pm Bottom Line:: 1441X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.1 sec Tested from a 102400 kB file and took 10.153 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 293.78 % faster than the average for host (ecu.edu) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-H3G810MSB User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.648) [!] Finally, I can get an accurate test...
  8. My only fear of that, is that the ISP's would pass the cost on to the consumer by raising the prices of each standard package. We need broadband expansion, especially for those in rural, or low pop areas that ISP's won't front the cost to expand to. Hopefully, the 700Mhz frequencies will be used to provide said services....
  9. Regardless of how you felt he handled the U.N., Colon Powell.....no condi for me though...
  10. I would say that there should be a some regulation here to get improvements, but I'd just get slammed for saying it.... Why do I say that? Look at what the City of Wilson, NC did when they got fed up with their private providers... http://wilsonfiber.wordpress.com/ Our City of Greenville did the samething with Utilities. They created a city run company called Greenville Utitilites Commission. Which is all about service, and not about making money...
  11. I haven't seen too much evidence of that. He does want to put a lot more money into college financial aid, with the requirement of civil service while in college in exchange. He talks a big game on social initiatives, but the realities of it happening are slim to none.
  12. I'm talking about government assistance here. Not public service work or anything like that. I mean when a legit single parent needs help with their children, give them assistance such as food stamps or housing as long as they have a job. Like a good faith welfare program. Im completely against funding someone who sits on their ass and has a kid every year to collect that extra check. It also helps stir the economy when they have a private sector job not a public service one.
  13. I'm not endorsing socialism by any means. There are way too many people abusing the social programs we have here in the USofA. But the government IS supposed to help protect those that can't, not those that won't. The difference is that the "rich" in the US aren't usually individuals with wealth, its more corporate wealth. The individually wealthy are usually the ones that are more generous. The originators of our welfare system (FDR) did have good intentions, however the system has evolved into more of a political tool that anything else. If there is ONE thing I can agree with GWBush, is that we need a work based national welfare system.
  14. It shouldn't. The problem is, only a select few take in the oil money, or all of the money for that matter. Thats what happens when you have no government social programs. If you expect the wealthy to take care of the poor you're shit out of luck. Glad it aint up to you then, cause we'd be in the middle of WW3 already. Not that I don't think its coming.
  15. I think you were reiterating what I just said, but in-case you weren't, that's what I just said lol.... Considering the amount of oil we buy from Muslims, I'd say we all have an equal tie to them....
  16. Some of you might find this interesting too.. http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2008/03/huckabee-defend.html
  17. There isn't a problem with his middle name, and I don't recall Obama making a big deal out of it. The media, and far left did. I understand why as well. The far right, people such as this Bill Cunningham, Sean Hannitty, Rush Limbaugh...so on and so forth, are trying to play to the fears of ignorant people, because they will associate "Hussein", with Muslim, or Sadaam Hussein. Nobody mentions McCain's middle name, or refers to Bill Clinton, as (William) Bill Jefferson Clinton. George Bush wasn't George H. W. Bush until his son was elected. The only reason Hilary Clinton is referred to as Hilary Rodham Clinton, is because Rodham is her maiden name. Many professionals women, including lawyers use their maiden name, especially if they used it publically before marriage. The point is, nobody on either side should be making a big deal out of his name. Unless he has gone by his full name for his entire professional career, then we shouldn't start calling him Hussein now. I certainly don't want to be called my middle name thats for sure. (Hint: Michael J Fox movie in the 80s where he was an up-and-coming business guy, working in the mail room.) And really does anyone actually use the word Honky anymore? Sanford and Son went off the air decades ago lol....
  18. That is what is wrong with how debate is taught in this country, you don't have to be right as long as the other person is wrong. "Truth is subjective" Therefore are we get is a bunch of rhetorical babel. And although I don't agree with some things Obama says (whether or not he means them or even if are his own words), some of the points he makes are valid, we have to reach out to those who disagree with us as well as those who are our allies. I also agree with some of the things Clinton says, especially with having real discussions about issues, not just rhetoric. (although discussions involve listening, something she doesn't do well at all) I like many things about McCain as well. (he is a true moderate, whether you like it, or not) The problem, is that America has created a paradox, in that the people (at least the educated) do not trust the government, yet we are the ones who create it, and have the power to change it, but we don't.
  19. Agree with that entire statement.....all the nukes we have are nothing compared to what an large meteor impact would cause...
  20. Don't let the facts interfere with your spiel eh? 1st link is an opinion piece that I've read before, so...meh.... 2nd article is interesting, (although the examples it gives are weather abnormalities, NOT climate events) but there are many factors you have to consider, which are even covered in the article. Greenhouse gases aren't the only thing that effect the climate. Solar activity plays a major role, and when that declines, the Earth will cool. 1 year's worth of data proves NOTHING. (like I said earlier, you would need centuries of data to prove anything) It has been proven however that the greenhouse gases in our atmosphere have been increasing over the years, and they DO contribute to global warming. http://www.esrl.noaa.gov/gmd/aggi/ It is a fact that greenhouse gases are increasing, and if deforrestation continues, what is going to absorb all that carbon dioxide? Like I said, even if global warming doesn't exhist, is it really a bad thing for us to cut emissions and reduce the use of carbon fuels?
  21. link to info on global cooling please? AND no no no.....Im not on the liberal global warming bandwagon side.....im a pragmatist... We only have a small sample size of recorded temperatures over the years to go by, so we can't definatevly prove what is causing the earth to slowly warm...or that it isn't a natureal phenomenon... and as John McCain puts it, even if we cut emissions, burn cleaner fuels, and invest in alternative energy, have we really done a bad thing? Was it really a waste....I think not...
  22. PBS isn't that bad cmon.... it was supposed to be a joke anyways lol... ....its hard not to find liberal biased links...unless its on Fox News...but then its the other way around lol....
  23. Or for some less liberal links... http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/us_and_americas/article3548250.ece http://www.pbs.org/wnet/religionandethics/blog/2008/02/rod-parsley-culturally-incorre.html or for some humor...
  24. http://www.motherjones.com/washington_dispatch/2008/03/john-mccain-rod-parsley-spiritual-guide.html
  25. That wasn't defense, as I have no allegience to defend. This country will never improve unless we begin rebuilding the middle class. Sadly though, that won't happen with either party. The dems will just made the middle class pay for the poor, and the republicans will make the middle class pay for what tax breaks they give the rich. Neither side has a good economic plan. The only way to really stimulate and maintain a national economy, is to create jobs. It has been proven time and time again. (see industrial revolution, post depression, etc..) I believe the next big revolution will be an energy revolution, because the impending oil crisis and global warming will call for it. Goverment regulations, and trade agreements aren't going to help the economy. (dems) Money will never trickle down (reps) from Big B, or the rich, because the rich want to stay rich, or get richer. I don't blame them, because it's human nature......
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