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Everything posted by ghostmaster

  1. Goodbye Hughes! Its been an adventure. On 5Mb cable now, and will soon be upgraded to 10Mb! :::.. Download Stats ..::: Download Connection is:: 4956 Kbps about 5 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Download Speed is:: 605 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net/ (Main) Test Time:: 2007/07/31 - 9:25am Bottom Line:: 86X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 1.69 sec Tested from a 5983 kB file and took 9.89 seconds to complete Download Diagnosis:: Awesome! 20% + : 43.57 % faster than the average for host (suddenlink.net) D-Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-YKGFQZ7VH User Agent:: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows NT 5.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.0.04506.30; InfoPath.2; .NET CLR 1.1.4322) [!]
  2. Allrighty then.... So I finally got to see the 42in version of this westinghouse in the store, and for the money, I thought the picture looked good. It will be a lot better once I calibrate it. I went ahead and ordered the 42in Westinghouse tonight, and will pick up in the store tomorrow and let anyone who cares know how this tv performs when ive had a couple of days to test it. One of the reasons I went ahead and got it, was that the prcie was good @ $1299, you get a free Sony 5.1 surround sound system with the order, and its in the warranty price sweet spot. I got 4 years for 199. AND, Another reason, is that I plan on getting a PS3 tomorrow so I can see some 1080p content on it. So, it came down to 2 options, get a "nicer" TV and no PS3, or get decent 42in 1080p tv AND a PS3. The choice seemed obvious to me.....
  3. 7 days from today I'll be on 10Mb cable!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They can have that too..... Friday I'll be on wireless, but I don't konw what the speeds will be....
  4. you can probably thank the new FAP policy for that....
  5. thank God in 9 days i'll be leaving ye olde satellite... for 10Mb cable.......
  6. I have to ask, are you sure you're not FAPed? THey have recently changed the way FAP works and I fear you may have fallen victim to that.
  7. Actually, when they first started, their fap limits where higher, and didn't roll over. It was just reset every month.
  8. I heard they did that. Now, TAKE IT EASY! lol try to stay below 1.5 gigs a week and you'll be fine...
  9. Call it what you want, its still not Aero.....
  10. yeah it was areally long story...that didn't make sense, and had plot holes......wait a minute...thats just like normal porn..... except this thing wasn't very hot lol.... The spam PM I got before that was from "Clintan" wanted he to know if i'd like to discuss the topic of "personal sex".
  11. looks like the plan has updated....
  12. well by august, the 9.7 gigs you used before will be off of your FAP limit.
  13. Canon is "ok" hardware wise, but for my money Epson makes the best scanners, and has versatile software thats easy to use in home mode, and has lots of options in professional mode. Epson makes great printers too, except for that whole using four tons of ink thing...............and they are picky on paper types, buts thats off topic anyways... Me likey epson scanner.... EDIT: On second thought, you'll be hard pressed to find an epson scanner for less than 100 so nevermind....
  14. Thats up to you....some like Wildblue, some dont....Im on Hughesnet, and its acceptable, but not good or great by any means...
  15. DSL is digital subscriber line. It is a network connection that uses your telephone line, preferably through fiber optic phone lines. Its a normal broadband connection, that has replaced most T1 lines in areas where it is available, and its much cheaper. Most areas can offer up to 5Mb/s, or more in cities with updated telco equipment. Satellite is NOTHING like DSL or cable. Its an entirely different entity altogether.
  16. Yeah so I visited BB today to look at this TV, and they only had the 47in version on display. I was not impressed, but then again, there was no remote to adjust anything, and it looked like it either had a bad signal, or it was setup wrong. More importantly though, Ive found that 42in is going to be too big for me. I looked at 32in, and it seems a bit too small but will work, but 37in is going to be the sweet spot. Now I'll be able to get a Samsung or pretty much whatever barnd I want for around the same price. Now for my next question. What about LG tv's. They are priced good, and with me playing around with three or four models today, they seem to have the best picture (for my eyes). Right now, im looking at this guy or its 37in counterpart, if I can find it for the right price. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8258912&type=product&productCategoryId=pcmcat95100050006&id=1169857827582 The 5ms response time was definately a plus, and when I was looking at them in the store, I noticed other models, including the Sharp and the Samsung on each side of it, presented some motion blur, but not the LG.
  17. By the time anyone starts really using HDMI1.3, a new version or a new connector will be out. There are a few local places (non-national) ive yet to check out, that probably offer better prices and service, but we'll see.
  18. Oh, and don't knock the Polaroid. I've been through a 20 inch Toshiba with dead pixels, a 23in Samsung that was so color banded (even the display model in the store) that it looked like it was running 256bit color, and now the 26in Polaroid. It has been perfect, and has a better picture than the last too, and has more adjustable options. My only gripe is the lower color gammut, and the 1 HDMI port. This cheap lil POS even has 3 audio outputs (optical, coaxial, and composite) and does full DTS. Though it has a problem with black crush too, but not so bad...
  19. Yeah one of my buds has a Samsung, a 3251 I think. Its really nice, but the only thing that sucks is his model can't turn off DNIE or the adjustable backlight. It makes gaming a pain the ass sometimes. All the Vizio's ive seen have had a darker picture than others, even after I adjusted it. The Westinghouses almost always have a bright vivid picture. 42in 1080P with 4 HDMI ports for $1250 is a steal.
  20. Actually DSL is usually great for gaming, it just depends on the type of DSL, and your location. Satellite connections and some wireless connections are the only ones who impose this strict of a limit.
  21. ewww....you said Vizio.....dark screens with and orangy tint.....ewww... No really, I have an HDTV, but im looking at a cheaper large panel for my new place. I currently have a 26inch polaroid that is surprisingly good. Oh I would definately go Samsung if I wanted to spend the money, but I don't. Now when the LED LCD panels come out, I'll be willing to spend the money.
  22. online gaming(assuming it actually works) will not use a lot of bandwidth so that will be fine...
  23. I would stay off of any streaming video until you get your usage down, or unless you upgrade your plan....which would reset(I think), and increase your FAP limit.
  24. Hello folks.....Im looking at this tv, and was wondering if any of you have it, and can give me advice on it... http://www.westinghousedigital.com/details.aspx?itemnum=125 I know Westinghouse is the top brand of the budget TV's and was wondering if any of you have it.... Dlewis help?
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