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Everything posted by ghostmaster

  1. Semi-True As an EDUCATED consumer, I DO care whats inside. Its not always about the quality of the picture, although it plays a big part. There are other things to take into effect when buying a new TV. Space: LCD takes up the least (usually) Power Consumption: (LCD uses the least I think) Sound: Typically, a rear projection TV has the best built in sound. Number of ports Burn-in Response time and lots of other things. But I do see your point, to the dumb consumer, its what has the best picture. Each technology has its strengths and weaknesses, so whether or not one is better than the other is subjective. On another note: G4 absolutely BLOWS compared to what TechTV used to be....
  2. Either way, its still just a GIANT, soft resolution projector. and they trip me out the way they advertise DLP as though it was something new. Its been around for over a decade....
  3. If you get a 720p plasma, make sure the resolution is 1366X768, NOT the 1024X768. The 1024 is just stretched and is not as clear or sharp as 1366X768. Plasma is also better for contrast ratio. LCD is catching up quickly though. Rear projection is garbage, and is a dieing breed. But, Rear projection IS better for standard definition signals. However, the cons overwhelm the pros. If you have a Sams Club membership, I would recommend buying from there, as you will pay a LOT less for the warranty, and its pretty much no questions asked. Westinghouse IS a good brand, IF you get the right one. The have very sharp bright screens, and are priced fantastically. Sams club had a 26" with 2HDMI and 1DVI + 1VGA + 2Component plugs. It also had a front slot loading up-converting DVD player built in, with HD tuner all for $526.00 bucks!
  4. Let me ask you this. Do you frequently see the "red X"'s on websites, or pages that half load? Does this problem go away if you restart the modem, and then come back shortly?
  5. On top of that, I was an old Pentium 2 running windows 98. He brought it from home. Everything about this day has been ridiculous. Thank God I get to leave in 8 minutes.
  6. Sorry for being a jerk. I guess I don't have a clue about tact. First, I planned all week on installing a Terabyte's worth of space on a data frame this morning, only to find out that the screws I used to mount the drives on the caddy's were rubbing against the tracks on the data frame, and wouldnt go in. So I had to scramble to find screws in a tub of screws. Then I just had to deal with a presenter who instead of putting his power point on a disk, or flash drive, hauled his entire desktop computer (the whole damn thing) to our building and wanted me to set it up for him to present on. Sorry, needed to vent.... I hate friday the 13th......
  7. The mere fact that 1)You don't know how much money your comp is worth, and 2) leads me to believe that you aint got a clue.....
  8. They aren't preventing it, the laws of physics are. VPN tunneling requires a lot of traffic, and with 600ms plus latency, you get a traffic jam effect. Some VPNs work better than others. SSH VPN connections work great. Almost as good a regular traffic. SSL VPNs are also successfull. However, if you are using an IPSEC VPN, you are pretty much screwed. The heavy traffic and latency just don't work well over satellite. This isn't to say that IPSEC won't work over sat, but you would need configuation adjustments on the server side. Probably increaing the TTL values and such. Hughes also sells a VPN accelerator that is supposed to help, but I've never heard of anyone using it.
  9. I bet it wasn't actually running and just started. The phishing filter checks every web site and therefore every add on a website against a database of known phishing sites. This will drastically slow down your browsing.
  10. The main difference is that your are on a SOHO plan, with a larger dish and transmitter. You would get the same speeds with a DW7000.
  11. If you are using IE7, TURN THE PHISHING FILTER OFF. That will fix your problem...
  12. or if you want instant gratfifcation...go to Sam's Club and get one...just as cheap there...
  13. You could also buy a 20 to 24pin converter. They usually work fine. Shouldnt cost more than 5 bucks, and its cheaper than a PS...
  14. Best thing about getting it as Sams is the 80 dollar no questions asked 3 year warranty.....
  15. They are supposed to be VERY strict, as in they will terminate your account, and possibly make you pay an early termination fee. If Sprint EVDO is available, I would go with them because they have a true "unlimited" service. But Sprint coverage is sporatic though.
  16. Read Verizon's TOS very carefully. Their "unlimited" plan is not exactly unlimited. You have a strict 5GB per month limit, and using P2P and BitTorrent violate the TOS. Other than that, is is worlds better than SAT...
  17. What are you remoting in to, Server 2000 or 2003? and what OS are you remoting from?
  18. I think what you are referring to is an E-signature using a digital certificate. This also allows the emails to be encrypted. E-sigs are protection against "non-repudiation", which basically means that you can't deny that you are who you say you are and such. This protects your liability in the event that someone "spoofs" your email and does something illegal or unethical, especially in the work environment. For example, Lets say you got an official looking email from the company you work for asking you to change your password via a web link. If the company you work for uses digital certificates to sign their emails, and this email that you get isn't signed, you know not to follow the link and that the email is a phishing attack. As far as legality is concerned, someone could always take control of your computer and send out the emails using your digital cert., so it still might not hold up in court.
  19. Has it always been this way? Did you try one of the mirrors? Do other speed tests give similar results. Does downloading a file from Microsoft download at the same speeds? Some of us have jobs you know and can't post all day like others can. If you want help, be more patient. If you doctor was performing brain surgery on you, would you be yelling at him to hurry up, or would you prefer he take his time?
  20. Only on rare occasions does a Satellite actually mess up. Usually, it's the gateway equipment at the NOC that messes up or has errors. Those types of things don't take too long to fix. The problem is you'll have some of those lowly tech support folks there that will just say "yes we have a problem on that satellite and engineering is working on it". If you don't want to hear that as an excuse, then don't ask them if there is a problem with the satellite. As far as control is concerned, I don't think Hughes has much control at all over the actual satellites, other than them being able to call and scream at the company that owns them to fix it. They don't lease the whole bird either, just a number of transponders on the bird. Also, they usually put a recorded message on the tech support line if there is a real problem on one of the satellites.
  21. We can help you as long as you provide us with the information we need. However, you might end up having to call Hughes if you need a transponder change. It's a pain in the ass, but you gotta do what you gotta do.
  22. Automatic cross polarization. I don't know exactly what it is, but it has to do with the how the transmitter is aligned with the bird. It's like the Satellite's RSL from your system, I think.
  23. I love their firewall......
  24. The evil greedy kid in me, tells me to lie to you and say that speeds are terrible on AMC9 1290, but the nice guy in me says that speeds havn't been going below 700Kbps during peak hours.....
  25. Im running Enterprise Edition it on a Dell Dimension 9200 with the Core 2 Duo E6600 with 4gigs of RAM (muahahahahahaha) and a Geforce 7900. I love VISTA! Although some things that used to be so simple are just anoying as hell though...one example being setting screen fonts to "large" or "extra large" now involves having to change the DPI setting, when it used to be in the darn "appearance" tab. It's smooth, ultra stable (so far), and although it eats more resources, everything runs really fast. What I love even more than vista is Office 2007. It's a huge step up!
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