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Everything posted by ghostmaster

  1. I wouldn't stream a whole lot....a few minutes at the most until some usage clears up. Youtube doesn't use up too much usage. Definately don't try to download movies until you get a few gigs back.
  2. If you download 3 gigs today, that 3 gigs would be erased 30 days from today...
  3. Light web browsing and email for a few days. You are on a constant rolling 30 day limit, so every day, usage from 30 days ago is dropped from your record.
  4. Well lol with as much as you've downloaded, you came out of the gate full blast lol. Don't worry, you'll get used to the limitations soon. Im sure you'd find the upgrade worth it, just try not to go over you're limit. Give yourself at least a 30% buffer just in case you actually need to download something big.
  5. You are getting what you are supposed to get with the residential plan. There is NOTHING you can do about the FAP, and if you continue to go over your limit, they can cut off your service and charge you the early termination fee. Satellite is not true broadband, it is an alternative to dialup. If you expect anything more than that, you are setting yourself up for disappointment. If you want to speed things up, I recommend you upgrade to their highest package, which will give you 1.5Mbps down, and a higher FAP limit. Also, don't confuse kbps (kilobits) with kBps(kiloBYTES). You are supposed to 512kbps which is 64kB/s. If you upgrade to the highest plan, you'll get 1500kbps which is 187.5kB/s. and there is no retail modem, only the Wildblue modem...
  6. May rules July drules...... i mean literally....damn its hot outside....
  7. There is no way to bypass the FAP. Have you already gone over you're limit? Post a speed test for us.
  8. Im mostly Scottish does that count?
  9. Waahoooo....hughes.net rocks... Pinging www.google.com [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time=755ms TTL=238 Reply from bytes=32 time=735ms TTL=238 Reply from bytes=32 time=724ms TTL=238 Reply from bytes=32 time=684ms TTL=239 Ping statistics for Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss), Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds: Minimum = 684ms, Maximum = 755ms, Average = 724ms
  10. ghostmaster

    X BOX 360

  11. ghostmaster

    X BOX 360

    it will melt the solder and hopefully close the circuit again..
  12. I don't particularly care for it right now, but I see potential....
  13. Just to add more to the drama, Benoit's son had "fragile-X syndrome", a genetic disorder of the X chromosome. THis can cause mental retardation, autism, and other related problems. Aparently this is why they were giving the child HGH, so that he'd be bigger and look more "normal". Aparently he was having a lot of trouble dealing with this ever since he found Daniel had the disorder.
  14. ghostmaster

    X BOX 360

    The most common reason that you get the "red ring of death" on a 360 is due to the thing getting hot and bending the mainboard inside the box. This causes the solder to break, thus killing the mainboard. THis is due mainly to the hardware designers putting the GPU right under the DVD drive, thus restricting the air flo in the system.
  15. Is the thing just not seeing the network at all? When you look at the device manager, does it list the wireless device with no warnings? If so, I would suspect a configuration error, and not necessarily the driver. and I hate HPs recovery CDs. Why cant they just give you a driver CD, instead of burying the driver files within sub directories of subdirectories on recovery disks....
  16. ghostmaster

    X BOX 360

    depends on how long it takes for the board to bend and break the solder around the GPU again. It could take minutes, or days...
  17. ghostmaster

    X BOX 360

    yeah the towel trick. Its a temporary measure though. If you can live without it a couple of weeks, I would send to to M$.
  18. It doesn't matter if the its plugged in or not. If the battery was insecure, it could ground out the system. Either way, its likely something was grounding it out, and when you took the panel off, whatever it was moved.
  19. ghostmaster

    X BOX 360

    red ring of death. If you have a warranty, take it back to the store. Otherwise you'll have to send it back to MS.
  20. that was a few months ago lol. It's grown back... Don't mistake me for a wrestling fan either.....I used to watch in some time ago, but now I only catch bits and pieces when monday night football isn't on...
  21. They basically where trying to clean up from having the tribute show for Benoit Monday, before the facts about the murders came out. Vince openly dropped the "death" storyline Monday before the tribute began.
  22. Im feeling free to pass judgement now...(just look at foxnews.com, or a more balanced site if you like) He sent several text messages to coworkers telling them his physical address and where his dogs were... Although this murder wasn't aparently a roid rage incident,(too much deliberate action including laying bibles and premeditation) I just read that he and his wife were giving his son HGH because they thought his was undersized. I can't believe that mother F@#ker was doing that. WTH is wrong with these people. HGH should be banned....
  23. I will forego making any judgements for now. None of us know what happend, and we won't know much until the toxicology reports come back. Its just as possible that he came home to find that his wife killed the kid, then he in turn killed her and himself. Either way, he was not in the right state of mind. The real Benoit will be missed. BUT, If he just malicely killed his wife and child, may the MF burn in hell.......
  24. WTF...usatoday says they believe it to be a murder/suicide....... After watching the Benoit tribute special tonight...I highly doubt that... but you never know...
  25. I havn't watched wrestling too much in a long time...but Benoit was one of my favorites. I grew up watching him. To add, it wasnt just him, it was him, his wife, and his son who all died. One site was reporting that they were all thowing up blood the night before. But you know how the internet is...
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