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Blunted 2

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Everything posted by Blunted 2

  1. that sounds about right cause my isp is gonna offer 50/50 for $190 a month
  2. the connection doesnt drop at all unless you go through a few walls and your not gonna play through a few walls now are you. also the sound quality is better than the headset that comes with live in the first place plus its great having no wires at all bothering me
  3. this is the one i have http://www.gamestop.com/product.asp?product%5Fid=802336
  4. if they are the old ones there is a cylinder before the volume control and that is the problem and the newer ones dont have that piece anymore and my newer one is better. it still could be a bit better built and louder but its ok. i also have the microsoft wireless 360 headset and that works great for me
  5. i didnt track UT so i forgot how much it used but a 32 man used about 3.5 mb upload when it was full and that would add up to alot if it went a few hours :shock: i tried BF 1942 but it never got to 64 players cause i didnt leave it on long enough but if it did WOW it must use alot
  6. well most games that i play are 14 to 16 man and they all use more than a T-1 when i get host so it adds up quick. when i used to host 3 to 4 16 man servers i almost hit 1 TB per month sometimes :o :shock:
  7. that was with hosting from 12 to 16 man games and a few that i didnt host but if you host them all just add a few hundred MB's on to that. you also have to remember these games i host are pushing from 1 mb upload to about 1.8 mb upload so if your not doing that its gonna be less than what i showed and if your just playing and no hosting its gonna be less than 25% of what i showed.
  8. the network magic will do it if your router supports UPNP and if it doesnt you have to use windows ICS and have your computer track it ras stats and graph is 1 and network magic with the speedmeter pro add on is the other and i have both on my ftp www.eebobb.com/files
  9. this was last night - DL: 830.33 MB UL: 1.10 GB TOTAL: 1.91 GB
  10. a few hours but i get host alot and that is why it uses so much but if you play and dont get host its not that much. i'll post what i use tonight in here
  11. sometimes 1 16 player games uses from about 50 MB to 200 MB per game so do that all night and it adds up. i do about 2 gigs a night just on halo 2 so you kinda get the idea
  12. the processor is the biggest thing making his faster but he also has a newer and faster hard drive and his ram is definitely faster even though it is the same amount i bet it is. on some speed tests the graphics card will play a role and 4 mb is way too small so his comp seems like its faster in all area's
  13. i guess it could be worth it since its pretty cheap Maximum # of PCs 3 $29.99 $22.49 <Holiday Price 5 $39.99 $29.99 <Holiday Price 8 $49.99 $37.49 <Holiday Price
  14. thats weird man cause 3 of my routers worked the 1st time so maybe your doing something wrong or maybe something is broken. i dont know what it could be but as i said i tried 3 routers Linksys WRT-54G, D-Link DGL-4300 and an old Netgear that i forgot the model and they work fine.
  15. it is pretty cool and you dont have to share folders with windows just do it through the program and it tells you if someone tries to get on your network through wired or wireless so you'll know if some 1 is stealing the internet. it has a free version so why not try it there is more to it than i am saying but i just got it and have been messing with it and i like how i can see what my router is using along with everything else on the network.
  16. anytime man just let me know if you need anything else i forgot to post the link to the site for support if it is needed and here it is http://www.networkmagic.com/
  17. HD-DVD's are also in 1080P just so you know
  18. no but here that 1 is this is the link to the site if you need to read up on it this is the program download to the free version on my ftp http://eebobb.com/files/Network%20Magic/ and the add-on which is speedmeter pro http://eebobb.com/files/Network%20Magic/Add%20Ons/SpeedMeter%20Pro/
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