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Everything posted by raptors892004

  1. hehe.. we crossed the line at about 8-9pm on dec.26 by my time i think.. what, is the forum GMT -25 hours
  2. this one's still faster
  3. or you can install show.me.the.money virus and get fixes for those already installed viruses such as Start.All.Over.1.1 and Skip.Jail.Because.You.Removed.Wife.1.0.and.Girlfriend.1.0.using.Illegal.Methods.
  4. It happened on Dec.26... I don't believe that is Christmas
  5. I personally think that this is about the dial-up's max speed, because 50.2/56kbps (theoritical max limit) is pretty darn good
  6. I use Firefox and sometimes IE when sites don't work with firefox
  7. Now what? "25000 Members, WOW !! we are almost there" ...?
  8. still more than what i got in over a year
  9. 19989 judging by latest member's profile number now
  10. Latest Member: gfinianos (profile # = 19980).. judging by that, 20 more to go
  11. I bet its going to be right on Christmas Eve.. Still a good day for this big milestone.. Congrats testmy.net
  12. post one for upload pls
  13. I'm going for the 27th just to be original
  14. Try PeerGuardian.. Its got abilities to block many already compiled IP lists such as ones against ads
  15. That's not realistic.. Unless they immediately downloaded an infected file via p2p or went to a scam/fake website which they already knew the address to then I could believe they could be infected within 5-10 mins.. No way they could be infected within that short interval of time with random attacks from hackers/spyware/botnets from random websites/IPs.. I bet they went to a scam site on purpose in order to get that infection.. And what were they infected by? Because spyware is so easy to get
  16. :haha: Like we didn't already know that
  17. Trojan scan test took me about 20 minutes (not 30 like the website said) and all ports were stealth
  18. http://www.kerio.com/kerio-pr-us-2005-2885.html There will still be a free version available plus paid one will cost less
  19. There should be an option that directly says DMZ.. Anything else without DMZ is not it
  20. You have those ports open that I disabled access to (1029, 1028, 1027).. You can see Kerio GUI is listening at them in your pic.. That is what my concern was (about those service ports).. Visit https://www.grc.com/x/ne.dll?bh0bkyd2 to test your service ports and see what you have open (click on the link, then proceed, then service ports to test)
  21. So if its discontinued, won't I still be able to use the installed one I have or will they make me uninstall it?
  22. That's smart.. I get about 30-40 attempts from dedicated servers and some other IPs a day trying to access my windows service ports.. Good luck with that choice you made
  23. This may be kind of a stupid question but seeing the comparison between the free and paid version of the firewall I noticed that you cannot use Kerio Free on Internet Gateways.. I don't think that this may be a problem, but since its better to ask first, would the firewall still protect me in free mode with my router (I don't think router is Internet gateway but just in case)
  24. I have Rogers too and I get around 2.8mbps on the 3mbps package constant with DMZ turned on.. Ping's are like 40-50ms but I can live with that (I don't gave that much)
  25. nice
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