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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. I recently sold my Iphone 3g to some guy who lives close to me, he checked it out and everything when i met up with him and he agreed to buy it. 4 hours later he emails me and says my phone has water damage and he wants a refund immediately. I'm sure my phone had no water damage upon selling it to him and I also know he buys many iphones, is there a possibility he's trying to get me to refund his money and give me a water damaged phone? Can I get into legal trouble if he claims it has damage?!
  2. haha I was never trying to be secretive about it, or hide it.
  3. Sure, suing some kid for 10,000 dollars or more is gonna make him crap himself and SURELY stop sharing files, but that's one kid. They can more effectively stop the illegal transfer of music by issuing warnings and working with the broadband companies to help stop pirating. It would be much easier and effective to send out notices through the broadband companies... If I got a letter from Comcast saying I was under suspicion of pirating id surely stop.. especially if i knew there was a risk of losing internet. Whats this? Can It be true? The RIAA making a step in the right direction?!
  4. I'm not sure if it would help this specific problem but putting your router ( if you have one) in a DMZ ( de-militarized zone) will allow ALL incoming connections. if this solves your problem you know the lag is due to ports in the game your playing not being forwarded and you can forward them manually. portforward.com will show you step by step how to forward ports.. just choose your router and the program or game you wish to forwArd and boom. it's worth a try if nothing else has worked for you. oh and to put your router in a dmz or forward ports you need to access your routers config page which is usually done by typing into mozilla or Internet explorer. I'll be here if you need any help.
  5. okay so I ended up buying a pretty nice one in bestbuy. http://www.bestbuy.com/site/olspage.jsp?skuId=8724339&st=Panasonic+SCPT760+DVD+Home+Theater+System&lp=1&type=product&cp=1&id=1200703057742 sounded amazing compared to the others in store. we'll see once its hooked up
  6. I tried a friends Blackberry Storm and I honestly did not like it. I personally own the Iphone 3g and it's a godsend for me. I've never found such use for another electronics device before in my life. I dislike the storm not because I'm an Iphone owner, because to me everyone is trying to compete with the iphone by trying to one up them. Apple has the upper hand and will for a long time in my oppinion. The click screen is kinda stupid it's like a noise maker under the screen. I don't really see a point in it.. if anything it would slow me down with typing in the long run.
  7. So we got a 56inch tv a couple months ago for our recently finished basement and we're looking to buy a surround sound system for christmas. I was looking at bestbuy and online at bestbuy and I'm not really sure what my best bet would be. anyone got any suggestions? Please provide a link if you do. also I'm trying to stay under 300.. any widespread store would do, bestbuy circuit city, pc richard, etc. thankss
  8. Yeah I feel a bit better today, but for the past few days I've just been devastated. Its something I strongly disbelieve in and if I, god forbid, got in trouble for it I don't know what I'd do with myself.
  9. yeah people have been telling me they tend to bother uploaders. thanks for the re assurance fgoku
  10. They have my IP logged if it was in fact a government file put in place to catch predators, yes. But I'm more concerned of the chances that's really what it is. and I mean would I really get in big trouble if i posses none of the files and its all deleted? yes, I understand where you're coming from with the legality of downloading copyrighted music. I'm hardly as afraid of getting caught doing that than I am with something as serious as illegal pornography. Though both are serious, illegal pornography is something I strongly do not believe in.
  11. That's the thing If I explain to them that a virus downloaded this stuff what are the chances of them believing some kid? I mean I deleted every trace I could find of all the stuff but still. They might just be out to make a conviction and I'll find my ass with a ton of fines and possibly jail time? ughh people who invented virus' are pathetic.
  12. Okay so most of you will find this a little weird but I'm worrying about it so I figure I'll post it and see what you all think. So I've been downloading music on limewire for quite some time now and have never had any problems with virus' or worms.. nothing. I've developed a comfort level and gotten sloppy with scanning all the files I download. Yesterday morning I downloaded a song and a minute after downloading it things started downloading automatically in my limewire downloads section. A wholeee bunch of stuff. Two of the files were named in such a way that it led me to believe it was illegal pornography. I'm sure you all know what I mean by illegal pornography so no need to go into further detail. I panicked and deleted all of the files, scanned my computer and removed the virus. I googled illegal pornography on limewire and I actually found a few posts where users said the same thing happened to them. To my shock I also found news stories where people were getting busted for illegal pornography on Limewire. So this is my question, what are the chances that my ip will be on one of those files and I'll get into legal trouble? Knowing authorities they wont be very understanding when I tell them it was a virus that downloaded the stuff. thanks in advance. Edit: I also changed my IP Address immediately after this incident, will that help me at all?
  13. Ryan314

    Iphone 3g

    lol phone's fine now, no more pop up either *knocks on wood* o.o
  14. Ryan314

    Iphone 3g

    I'm not too sure water even got in it tho.
  15. Ryan314

    Iphone 3g

    I was recently walking in the rain and my phone got a layer of water on it and now I'm receiving that dreadful airplane mode popup. I was just curious as to where the water censor was in the iphone? I heard it was at the bottom of the headphone jack but that looks white to me, what should I do?!
  16. WOOT! my phone finally shipped its gonna be here by monday :]]
  17. sweet, cant wait till i get mine...
  18. lol told me what??
  19. Still waiting for my Iphone
  20. lmao so its gonna be harder to get the iphone 3g than I thought. ughh.
  21. lmfao so im better off just going to at&t it would be cheaper than sprint and im getting a top of the line phone. Hows the availability of the iphone tho? hard to get?
  22. well what if i just went for the Iphone? how much would the price be if I signed up for at&t as a new customer?
  23. Alright I was also debating on switching to verizon. What do you guys think of those phones? The new Dare? or the Voyager? or is it not even worth switching... because I'm going to have to pay about 350 bucks for the instinct. I figure I'll just switch and get the introductory phone prices at verizon.
  24. Okay so I'm looking to buy a new phone from sprint and im not too sure what I want. http://nextelonline.nextel.com/NASApp/onlinestore/en/Action/DisplayPhones?filterString=Pictures_Best&id12=CHP_PhonesTab_Link_CameraPhones what do you guys think of the Samsung Instinct ?
  25. yeah his computer is totally fuxed it totally skips the screen where you can access bios and goes right to windows so idk. We found some link on the INTEL website and managed to get the onboard card working. problem solved lmao thanks for the help tho everyone
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