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Everything posted by Ryan314

  1. No I know mp4's dont work on it but it has to be mp4 or wmv for the program to recognize the file and convert it for me.
  2. Anyone wanna give me a simple tutorial on how to do it? or a good free program to convert my videos. The last program i had converted to mp4 and it showed in the zune app but it would just get stuck on converting when i tried to put it on the zune. thanks.
  3. Ryan314

    firefox problem

    nah it doesnt do it in IE and its not my mouse. Its not the WHOLE browser. Just the sites bounce.
  4. Ryan314

    firefox problem

    Screen bounces up and down inside the browser. Any ideas?
  5. Ryan314


    Update: My sister has the same problem on her computer. Both on the same network. No one else we ask has this problem. WTF could be wrong?!
  6. im considering buying a brown zune for 99 bucks but im not too sure if its worth it. anyone have one/ have an opinion on what I should do?
  7. Ryan314


    yeh i always have retarted problems haha. Its a 2 year old HP. A decent computer, but idk I guess i have bad luck.
  8. Ryan314


    hm problems fixed. I rebooted for the 7th time and it finally worked haha. Thanks for the help everyone!
  9. Ryan314


    nope mouse is working and desktop is not locked.
  10. Ryan314


    no see, this isnt just one file. I cant drag and drop ANYTHING on my computer =/
  11. Ryan314


    I cant drag icons around my desktop. Say theres a video on my desktop that I want in my videos folder, I click the icon thats on my desktop and try to drag it into videos... but it doesnt move, its almost as if its stuck there. It wont let me drag anything. Help plz :/
  12. hmm sounds good. But first comes my new stereo for my car!
  13. about how much did that Eclipse board cost ya?
  14. yea i think im gonna just buy a new keyboard when I get my next paycheck because im not comfortable on this one. The one in question is my original keyboard of like 2+ years and that makes me sad haha. Well I guess its time to move on a to a new one.
  15. Okay so recently my HP keyboard started acting screwy. Whenever I Z,X,C,V,B,N, or M any thing thats up closes. The keyboard is a PS/2 not usb. Right now im typing on a different PS/2 keyboard and it works fine. Any suggestions or is the keyboard shot? =/
  16. I work at shoprite in produce lmfao. shoprite = a supermarket for those who didnt know.
  17. haha all good ideas thank you very much. Still no idea what im gonna go with tho =/
  18. lol donno yet, they are coming tomorrow most likely.
  19. Ideas to name a pair of hamsters. Want them to be funny or cute. Its going to be same sex hamsters so nothing like "romeo and juliet" or anything. Thanks in advance. oh and if someone provides a good idea and I use the names ill force shug to give you some TMN bucks due to the fact that he stole all mine >_<
  20. I demonoid!!!! Cant wait for the return.
  21. I you all equally.. I cant pick and choose!
  22. is it invite only? also ive got a demonoid accnt, not sure if I have invites tho
  23. testmy wouldnt test because it was blocked Edit: took out link
  24. hmm sounds cool id like an invite.
  25. you got a chuckle, and im getting 400 bucks. Everyone wins =P
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