If you have installed anything new such as hardware, try removing it. Also if you have an sd reader (memory card reader) make sure there isnt a memory card in it, because sometimes computers try to boot from that ... Mine does
How is this laptop overall? My sister is looking for a laptop and I saw this one. Comments would be appreciated.
Notice how there isnt many spammers compared to other forums, apparently were doing something right.. And if you Cant stand TESTMY why are you here then? Please relax.
I didnt mean something was supposed to happen, but im pretty sure you would see something opening and closing as you spin it no? I havent tried it yet due to a current lack of speaker wire.
I also thought it was a tightening mechanism, but when I looked closer there doesn't seem to be any thing that tightens. I turned it and nothing clamped down. Im figuring it may be some kid of cable that screws into there.
Not too sure how this amp/ or whatever it is works. I have some pics of the input area. Looks like it would take regular speaker wire but at the same time it doesnt. The hole in the input is large and theres like spinning things almost as if something screwed into there?