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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. not to be a real pain in the ass, but if you put aside the attitude and denial, you will actualy notice that a lot of people base their facts on news and politics based tv programmings - which with all due respect is 3% information and 97% entertainment - people belive what government wants them to believe - the fact that u.s. owes a crap load of money to china is not known because it is not talked about - why would u.s. government want the rest of the nation to know that they are in huge debt .... would u share the same info of you were the government !? .....no, you would zip your mouth and try to cover it up with a different story u.s. government does not spend 5% of their well earned money on humanitarian purposes, they spend it to pay off their debts and make a quick buck did you know that the u.s. spent ~50 times more money on this terrorist situation since it started 10-15 years ago (....i might be wrong on the time frame) than they did in their lifetime on finding out cure for infectious disseases !? ......probably not - i call that a waste of money - there is a perfect example on money well spent ....not the debt might be two way - but china does not owe any money to u.s. - u tried to bring down my arugment that u.s. did not owe any money to china - basically by saying other countries owe money to u.s. - well yes, they do.....but that wasnt my thought to begin with
  2. where is proof for your statements !? i didnt see any !? - if your proof is that 80% of americans share the same opinion - u better start making that argument from scratch
  3. its almost impossibe to find those version nowdays - i visited so many stores and frys electronics is the only one that actually had a 3.1 version router - ....its hard, but if you look hard and ask them politely to check in the back, you might just find one
  4. Im sure ill be fine: amd 64bit @ 2.75ghz
  5. now those hardware configurations make a lot more sense than what we have seen previously hehehe
  6. there is also a theory that a ufo actually hit the building - and a video to show for it lolz
  7. want supporting articles So what is so disturbing about this is since 2001 the debt held by non-governmental agencies has increased by $1.4 trillion. Now, if that were not bad enough, you know how much of it we borrowed from foreigners? Almost 90 percent: $1.16 trillion has been borrowed from foreigners, primarily Asia, China and Japan, who together own over $1 trillion worth of IOUs from Mr. Matheson's little boy and others, me, everybody else in this country that is a citizen. Quoted from: http://www.house.gov/tanner/press109-062.htm http://conrad.senate.gov/~conrad/press/speeches/2004301B36.html will post more as soon as I find sources from my readings.
  8. okay....2 of you - please, research the topic before making any assumptions and actually trying to prove me wrong - as hard as it is to believe, U.S. does indeed owe a big sum of money to china - if you do not believe me, research it my friend....id hate to get into an argument with you guys and get appologies later regarding the misinformed posts that were written i spent 2 semesters now studying the economics of the u.s. and I have discussion groups every monday for 3 hours about potential world crisis (part of my upper division classes I have to take in my CSE program) - we talked about the way u.s. money is spent - and trust me on that fact, they did indeed borrow a crap load of money from china....if you do not believe me, again...research it
  9. all this money that u.s. is borrowing to us is borrowed from other countries - u.s. is in debt way over their head - and all that humanitarian stuff you are talking about...eh....did you know that u.s. is the only member of the ever corrupted UN that does not wanna sign a document ending the use of anti personnel mines !? - which is one of the biggest world crises ever....sad.... im not whining, just pointing out the truth that people overlook - u.s. has absolutely no money of their own - it is all borrowed, mostly from china - those debts are so huge they will never be paid back - talk about irony...borrowing borrowed money LOL
  10. ill buy that comp from you, without the monitor, for 50 bux
  11. man - there is nothing to the truth about 9/11 - u.s. lived thru a terror attack and thats it - i can bet that there are plenty of other countries who would like to do the same to u.s. considering how much bad they have done around the world
  12. i wouldnt be surprised if someone had this type of a conversion with customer service from linksys customer service: hi, how may i help you user: hi, i have a problem with my router - its giving me very bad pings lately customer service: could you please stare at your modem for few seconds user: wtf !?!111 customer service: now, how is your ping ? does it feel faster ? user: how is looking at my router gonna fix my modem....gawd ddajdflj !!! customer service: what do you mean ? customer service: hi, how may i help you user: what are you talking about customer service: thank you for using linksys premium support system user: AHHHHHHH !!! customer service: once again, my name is john (id: 1337), come again
  13. plz dont put any wd 40 on it LOL hahahahahah - bearings probably went out
  14. possibly a cached test - its 500% faster than the usual download speed for verizon.net - i dont know exactly what other plans verizon.net has, but its possible it is cached
  15. i believe all schools have firewall
  16. :::.. Upload Stats ..::: Connection is:: 3956 Kbps about 3.96 Mbps (tested with 5983 kB) Upload Speed is:: 483 kB/s Tested From:: https://testmy.net (Server 2) Test Time:: 2006/03/31 - 1:31pm Bottom Line:: 69X faster than 56K 1MB Upload in 2.12 sec Tested from a 5983 kB file and took 12.39072 seconds to complete Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 45.39 % faster than the average for host (asu.edu) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-9CH05SXAN :::.. Download Stats ..::: Connection is:: 13121 Kbps about 13.12 Mbps (tested with 7458 kB) Download Speed is:: 1602 kB/s Tested From:: http://demonlegion.net Test Time:: 2006/03/31 - 12:35pm Bottom Line:: 229X faster than 56K 1MB Download in 0.64 sec Tested from a 7458 kB file and took 4.656 seconds to complete Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1; SV1; .NET CLR 1.1.4322; InfoPath.1; .NET CLR 2.0.50727) Diagnosis: Awesome! 20% + : 114.99 % faster than the average for host (asu.edu) Validation Link:: https://testmy.net/stats/id-CXNDRIEMF
  17. so hughesnet is basically direcway under a new name ? heh
  18. lolz - its common
  19. most expensive cases are very simple but effective - lian li and antec are all about performance thats why the design might seem simple but the case is grade A
  20. the best place to look is a forum they often have guides and users asking the same questions as you
  21. for any motherboard u decide to get, you can probably find a build guide online which would answer all of your questions/concerns
  22. in a matter of fact, the dfi sli-dr motherboard (i have it) also requires a secondary 4 pin connector - i have a lot of pictures of the build i did couple of months back - if you are interested or need more info hit me up on aim: disturbed6dws
  23. that ocz powersupply you will be getting is awesome - i have the same one - decided to spend quite a bit of money on it since its worth that every penny !!! that powersupply has a 20 + 4 pin main connector - dfi motherboards require a 24pin connector for added stability - but others might not require it - either way you are set with that power supply - also, dfi motherboards are very picky about ram they work with and other components also - so if you are still geting a dfi motherboard, post any of ur concerns here before you buy the stuff
  24. my hitachi drive didnt make any 'soundable' clicks at all - its normal to hear some low noise from any hard drive, but it shouldnt be very loud - this change for me happend this morning - and it was never this loud - sounds like my old compaq computer, u know...when u click on C: drive and u hear very loud clicks and then it opens it heheheheh
  25. well - i started an rma for this hard drive - they will ship me back a new one first and then ill transfer the data over and then ill ship it back good customer service
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