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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. .........that sux
  2. my mom got it from her w3rk - its in teh fridge muahahaha
  3. ...but u wont get a piece of this hahaha
  4. if u change routers u will change the mac id - and that requires modem restart
  5. I am thinking of using one of my old computers as a test box - i will install various o/s on it and set it up as a server (php, mail, sql.....) - the purpose of this is so that I can for one learn more about how stuff works and so that I can learn more about protecting a network - once it is all up and running I will give out my IP address to a select group of people that will test its holes/weak spots - and perhaps help me manage it succesfuly (vnc and such)..... would anyone be interested ?
  6. earning $10 dollars a month for something that might take me 3 hours to do isnt worth it - nothing in this country is easy cash - its a fact - its either a scam or it plain doesnt work
  7. do any of you use one !? - i can't find a decent image because of the color restriction
  8. will u provide one ? Lol
  9. if you make them bigger they will exceed the width of a standard avatar - might mess up the layout of the page
  10. roflcopter ! LOL
  11. ......when was wrestling ever cool lol
  12. i plan to win - can i start ? what size banner ?
  13. im soooooooooo in on this man
  14. there isnt anything like that its not really possible - when computer is shut down, nothing is operating - nothing is processing data - so it cant do anything
  15. go ahead there really isnt any reason to ask
  16. true i like that combination
  17. this world is comming to an end anyway we are not concerned much will long term effects of everything thats why in few generations or so, it will all be over - thats my prediction
  18. you cant have only us stockpiling on weapons of mass destruction - it will never happend and its not smart for the rest of the world
  19. EDIT: my bad - i thought u were talking about windows 2000
  20. my upload poons all of you'Z (LOL) upload 4mb !!!
  21. if arfica offered better living standards and fast income you would see people migrating there same goes for iraq
  22. simple as that
  23. ppl are comming here since its a survival strategy - 80% of immigrants will work untill they have for a decent living and go back to their own country
  24. i will go into the shopping frenzy and buy few of them and ebay it lOl
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