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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. i use microsoft visual studio 05 - but you might not have access to that
  2. conclusion ? nothing....i was jus amazed lol
  3. disturbed

    cpu problem

    the safest bet is to take the cpu out, put new one in and set all bios to defaults....and go from there it should work like that no prob.
  4. are you serious ?
  5. im kind of hoping that france will win today - just because that should be a very interesting match in the finals - and also because a lot of my favorite players play for that team
  6. its just a cs 1.6 server - nothing else on it
  7. i got contacted today by the owner of my server hosting company saying that i am costing them 70-80 dollars per month extra - for bandwidth mainly...... i did not, up untill today, realize how much bandwidth our server uses actually - i was shocked its a counter strike 1.6 server - 15 slots - top of the line server with everything added on (500+fps boost, location optimized/accelerated, etc.) it is pretty much full 24/7 - ....we use on average about 1000 - 1200 GB of bandwidth a month.....i could not believe it
  8. and the fact taht the true 3800+ is a dual core...and this isnt
  9. i could not believe what happend to germany........2 minutes till the end and they fd up....holy shit..........
  10. it was pretty boring...for me at least.... ps. dont mean to offend anyone or start anything
  11. you can navigate to C:Documents and Settings(user name)Start Menu and organize things as you like
  12. well....the german and u.s. troops just needed an excuse to come in and start creating a chaos....i guess its not the first or the last time it will happen - media is a powerful weapon - i can recall back in my first year of high school here in the u.s. and conversations with the people i hung out with.....those people who took some interest in these types of issues strictly believed that serbian people commited war crimes and well...they just believe what they saw/heard - cant blame them, buts it hard to explain certain things without valid proof which not a lot of people have....sure the lives people lead and the things they lived through is proof, but certainly not enough...
  13. ...now, this little documentary won't be interesting to everyone - its a little 30 minute film talking about how the media fooled people with fake images during war time in yugoslavia - to sort of support the 'need' of outside governments and bombings of yugoslavia - that is when the war started in 1992.....i was there...sadly, not a lot of people know the truth, or they just don't care the beginning of the video has some information on who, what and why...i find this video very interesting http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=12348048107498892 ...who says government and media don't work together to create conspiracies
  14. sell it to me ill buy it lol
  15. barebone system is pretty much a bundle of lets say a case/motherboard/cpu and maybe even ram - its supposed to save you some money by buying components in a bundle - barebone systems usually arent all that great, but they are good enough for surfing the web and simple tasks
  16. i could hear all of them i think
  17. you might wanna google that error message - i found a bunch links where people talk about it
  18. to get to the process manager just press ctrl + alt + delete and go to the processes tab - there you will find all your running processes
  19. well....germany so far is undefeated
  20. i have a pool in my backyard and i love it - its a saltwater pool so it does add a little to the maintenance - but mine is mostly automated - it adds the water by itself it the level is low, i already have a vacuum setup so that it starts cleaning every night - ....other than just picking up leaves from time to time its fun to have one
  21. its very easy to say what should and should not have been done - we can only speculate about made decisions
  22. engineered by general dymanics hehehe lolz - i had an internship with them lolz
  23. the name....freedom tower...blah - half of the talk is about it being harder to destroy in a case of a bombing....i guess they are already thinking ahead
  24. why do you say they play boring soccer ?
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