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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. ......i cant belive it - ..........pffffffffffffff.........
  2. yeah....you are being a real help on these forums - at least i was nice enough to keep this argument off of tmn
  3. seriously man....i dont wanna argue with you any more, i honestly advise that you back off
  4. ....whats the point of running a mail server ? or a ftp server ? .....especially out of your house - take up something that you can actually use
  5. ahhhhh.........the socket 940 processors actually require ECC ram - bummer....
  6. they also have socket 940 opteron 146 for the similar price - .....hmmm
  7. well yeah....combo deals are always better
  8. well....without a doubt - the cheapest barebones i have ever seen are found on tigerdirect.com - they have barebons for as low as 99 dollars - motherboard/cpu/ram - .....amazing if you ask me building a computer with a celeron is downright cheap - you can pick up a pretty good celeron processor for about 50-60 dollars - maybe a 3.0 celery ? thats pretty much the only barebone i would ever get...id probably use it for a file server or something of that kind - maybe a machine to test things on ?
  9. The Microsoft .NET Framework is a component of the Microsoft Windows operating system. It provides a large body of pre-coded solutions to common program requirements, and manages the execution of programs written specifically for the framework. The .NET Framework is a key Microsoft offering, and is intended to be used by most new applications created for the Windows platform. per wikipedia ......i could have came up with that heh
  10. but....either way, lets continue talking about the topic of this thread b-a-r-e-b-o-n-e s-y-s-t-e-m-s !
  11. okay buddy - lets resolve this right now.......good overclock means having a system that runs efficiently - running a divider wont give you that - you can call me or others stupid, but an unefficient o/c isnt good
  12. yes, us people who know what we are talking about
  13. the only reason why you run divider on ram is if its a poor o/c - no one's goal is to run a 7/10 divider unless they absolutely have to
  14. so the entire theory about having your cpu running with your ram in 1:1 is useless you say ?
  15. there is 14 + 1 players on the server at pretty much any time of the day - its full...unless people connect/disconnect or something goes wrong - only i have access to the ftp and uploading/downloading files
  16. i still hope they get it goooooooooooo zidane !
  17. i want france to win.....definitely - im hoping they do
  18. disturbed

    cpu problem

    what kind of a cpu is it ? .....check it against your motherboard specs....if you booted up into windows with it, its compatible...
  19. well the way i figure is that its a boosted server - it has to transfer more data and more often then a regular server - thus using more bandwidth
  20. whats the point of overclocking your processor if you are going to run your ram on the worst divider possible - you might create a bottleneck in your system by doing this - so yes, to have a good o/c you do need good ram - if you cant afford it, then you are stuck with whatever you have - thats besides the point
  21. opteron is a way to go if interested in o/c - ....but read my post above ^
  22. hltv is always empty - we set it up so that only admins can join the hltv - noone is ever on it
  23. you type very wierd........your words are all spaced out and just misorganized...its very hard to read what you write - ....so its hard to understand what you are asking
  24. so many factors come in when you start overclocking.....you need good ram, good motherboard, good power supply - on top of that, you have different production weeks for processors = different steppings - there is absolutely no guarantee you will be able to o/c as good as the next person
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