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Everything posted by disturbed

  1. good stuff, good stuff
  2. Does anyone have any idea why this would appear to be a same color - it probably has something to do with shades but I am not sure - maybe someone who knows what they are talking about ? heh ... id like to know
  3. Would you believe that tiles A and B are the same exact color They are if you dont believe me copy paste them next to each other in any photo editing software i was like wtf the first time i saw this
  4. i dont know...i like photoshop
  5. glad you all like it i love how the color came out .... very smooth and realistic
  6. athlon xp 1200 ? u gotta be kidding me hehehe ... that is oooold
  7. ...eh...i was a little bored so i decided to bring this pic to life - or whatever you wanna call it - very little modification to the actual car (put nicer wheels....) - other than that - you can see what is different Original (top) and the modified (bottom) its sized in 1024 768 so that its a wallpaper
  8. what fallowearth said its all good
  9. we have done something like this back in high school and its all done in excell, no other programs are necessary - i jsut need to remember how lol
  10. this is a good place to start with...they have all the info you need and links for downloads also http://distrowatch.com/
  11. i havent found one yet - but my linux runs much faster than windows ... so its like i have cablenut by default lol
  12. hahahhah 279 dollars LOL
  13. wierd...thought qwest only had dsl lol
  14. quick explenation that i think is easy to understand: RAM - stands for Random Access Memory RAM is a type of memory used by computer to perform processes that it has to do - its a type of storage - something that holds instructions/data to be processed and the reason why it is called random access is because it can be accessed in any order (randomly) - without having to be accessed in sequence RAM is also sometimes called system memory/main memory - it has very low access time (to fetch the next instruction) - that is why having more of it boosts performance
  15. you mean what is it ? or ? if yes....socket 939 is the 64bit version amd processor lineup - and the opteron is the highest quality line of processors from amd you can buy - server grade...all the way - its like xeon line of processors from intel
  16. personal preference i prefer socket 939 opterons
  17. there are a lot of registry tweaks out there that will make your memory work more efficiently - for example....unloading dll's when they are not in use helps - you dont necessarily need a program for any of that
  18. the devil ! LOL
  19. i use limewire from time to time also, and my firewall has never given me an alarm over that particular program - maybe urs is just wack
  20. 2082 is a default port used for cpanel - your host would have to make sure it is working correctly...if anyone should open up a port, it should be the server computer
  21. if you can access the website, you should be able to access the cpanel if it was configured correctly....it really has nothing to do with you opening your port since you are connecting to a server computer
  22. you are exposing your computer any time you plug in the ethernet cord lol
  23. for me its working fine...
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